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So any of you guys ever fallen for a scam?


Ive never fallen for one myself but every now and again I do get a PC one where you get a phonecall from someone claiming to be from Microsoft or Windows and they get you to allow remote access to your PC.


This one has happened to a few times but thankfully the first time it happened I know enough about computers to realise a scam when I hear it. I then looked it up online and theyve taken in quite a few people, usually the elderly.


I always mean to say something smart or lead them on instead in some fashion but I got another one of these phonecalls just now and it just ended in me swearing and calling them scum.


Well i wish i had the knowledge to have a pc that is riddled with viruses. As soon as they take it over their PC then gets infected. That would teach those silly bastards!!


I get that phone call quite regularly. Unfortunately for them I was well aware Microsoft wouldn't be phoning me at all, let alone to tell me "your computer has sent our computer electrical signals". Every time they call now they get a different story, some times it's "that's strange we don't have a computer" other times it's "Microsoft? I've got a Mac".


Never been scammed myself however I often get emails with people offering to give me massive amount of money. I also occasionally win millions in lotteries I've never entered.


Here's a good site for a laugh though: http://www.419eater.com/


We've had the PC ones twice. Unfortunately I haven't been home to mess around with them.


One of my workmates got a message on Xbox Live telling them they could get free FIFA points if they log into their gamertag at a website. He only went and did it.


Luckily for him, he bragged about it. I informed him about how it was a scam and made him change his Xbox Live password straight away.


Wasn't there another thread like this a few months ago?


Anyway, I got the "Are you on Windows? If so, there is a problem with it and you need to download something/pay for it P.S. My name is John Smith I am not in a call centre in India" throughout the year. My housemate mostly answered, and it got so annoying that she yelled at them and told them never to call again. Meanwhile I made up a list of things to say:


- No, I am using (made-up OS name).

- What's Windows?

- What's a computer?

- Did you know that I do Computer Science and am therefore unlikely to fall for a scam like this?


Don't think I've ever fallen for/encountered any other scams before.

Posted (edited)

Almost got into a pyramid scheme once. Dodged a bullet that time.


Also with regards to the Open University course I'm doing now, before I signed up to Home Learning College after a very pressuring home visit. After a few online checks found it wasn't all it seemed, the textbooks they were giving out were old editions etc. bit of info here:


And cancelled the course and told them to take their textbooks back when they arrived (opening the package constituted acceptance of the course apparently) which I informed the postman to do.


Cocky fuckers tried sending them again a week later.



At least the pen and pad they left me was good. I've been doing my OU course with the pen.


[Note: there are good reviews for Home Learning College around.]

  EddieColeslaw said:
Wasn't there another thread like this a few months ago?


I think so. I seem to remember replying about the phone call one.


I think my response was something like tell them that you're just going to turn the computer on, but might be a while since the computer is old and slow. Then just leave them on the line until they get bored. If they're waiting for you, they're not scamming anyone else. Plus their phone bill gets bigger.


If you can mention that you only use the computer for internet banking and buying things from ebay, even better. Should keep them waiting longer.


I get the computer call quite often, in fact I get so many phone calls from "Steve, no I'm not Indian, honest" that I've given up answering the phone during the day. If it's someone trying to contact me then they call my mobile, otherwise... fuck off and try and pedal your shit elsewhere!


Isn't there anything you can do about those phonecalls though? I assume their numbers are withheld, still, your phone provider should be able to trace them down. File a report to the police? Maybe too much trouble for the average person to go through with, but I personally would take pleasure in taking them down, I think.


I've never heard of such scams here, but we do often have cases of skimming (people copying your ATM card). It happened to my mother some time ago.

Almost got into a pyramid scheme once. Dodged a bullet that time.


Also with regards to the Open University course I'm doing now, before I signed up to Home Learning College after a very pressuring home visit. After a few online checks found it wasn't all it seemed, the textbooks they were giving out were old editions etc. bit of info here:


And cancelled the course and told them to take their textbooks back when they arrived (opening the package constituted acceptance of the course apparently) which I informed the postman to do.


Cocky fuckers tried sending them again a week later.



At least the pen and pad they left me was good. I've been doing my OU course with the pen.


[Note: there are good reviews for Home Learning College around.]


I have had encounters with HLC but I managed to get the materials sent back really easily and cancelling was straight forward too, to my surprise.


Don't think I have ever received one of the phonecalls, I just get the standard lottery win/bank account transfer emails.

  Eddage said:
I get the computer call quite often, in fact I get so many phone calls from "Steve, no I'm not Indian, honest" that I've given up answering the phone during the day. If it's someone trying to contact me then they call my mobile, otherwise... fuck off and try and pedal your shit elsewhere!


You get Steve, our friendly caller is Michael.

  Sméagol said:
Isn't there anything you can do about those phonecalls though? I assume their numbers are withheld, still, your phone provider should be able to trace them down. File a report to the police? Maybe too much trouble for the average person to go through with, but I personally would take pleasure in taking them down, I think.


I've never heard of such scams here, but we do often have cases of skimming (people copying your ATM card). It happened to my mother some time ago.


My housemate called eircom (our service provider) about it, apparently the best thing to do is not answer those calls, and your number will be taken off their list. I assume they're working on it, since I remember Microsoft addressing a scam a while back.


Skimming got popular here during the winter...then a few different groups around my county used diggers to dig out ATMs at night instead of bothering with skimming. Haha.


Your number will only be removed if it proves to be inactive over a period of at least 6 months, with 3 attempts made. No hard-and-fast rule. Plus once a company has bought your information from someone who claims your info matches their target audience, they are free to attempt to sell it on to other companies. Not answering the witheld is generally the best thing to do (you just gotta hope your info isn't passed around too much) for sure, but there's no guarantee it'll be the end of it.


... Yeah I work in a call centre. B2B! Previous customers only! ... So our number comes through as witheld. I'm amazed how many people answer the phone then whisper "i'm in a meeting!" -- just don't answer! Then again... my mum has her number 'witheld', so I can't tell if it's her calling or 3 mobile trying to convince me to get my friends and family to sign up too.


I hate my job.


You'll be surprised how many people attempt to get personal information when calling up the office. Probably why we are trained to spot them when they call.


I've had calls and emails trying to get my personal information, even had "debt collectors" calling to try and get me to hand over card details to pay a "debt" off which i didn't have. Emails offering jobs which don't exist, and people trying to get me to hand over account information for my PC to "repair" it.

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