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Love? Relationships? Boy girl stuff? Complaints and appraisals! Gifs be welcome.

Kurtle Squad

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She's properly gorgeous dude, like...fook me.


That said, you're the hottest asian guy I know and if she added you and you've chatted since, I would defo suggest maybe asking her if she wants to grab a coffee/catch a film/have sex.


Ok, maybe not that last one. But apparently 60% of the time it works everytime.

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My friend's 18 (three years younger than her), and although probably more attractive than me, is also an unscrupulous whore, so it shouldn't take much convincing to get him to avert his gaze :heh:.


@Goron_3, thanks man, but not as hot as that, clearly =p.

Edited by The Bard
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It depends how long the wait is. At the end of the day....time moves unbelievably quickly. If its a case of "can't be together for a whole year", a whole year is fucking nothing, in the case that Goron describes....they sound unbelievably in love and it would be moronic to throw that away for such a stupid reason (I know its hard, but it is a stupid reason if when you weigh the love). Weigh the love.



The difference in my case is that the period of time is entirely undefined. Could be 6 months, or it could be a year, or it could be 4 years...theres no way to know. She doesn't know where she's going to be and when, and she didn't want to have my life resting on decisions that she had to make about her own life / career. I'm basically tied to the same place for the next 3 years at least doing my degree and have no flexibility there at all, so it would all be on her. And I can't have her sacrificing things for my sake (for example, she was recently offered a job in San Francisco...)


We might find that in 3 years time we end up being in a circumstance that it will be workable but right now it's just not. And believe me, if there was any way to make it workable, it would be.

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Thanks guys, that's sweet :heh:.


I think I'll see how it goes next time I meet up with her. I've never really asked a girl out so it should be a learning experience, and since I don't really know her that well, things won't be too awkward if she looks at me like I'm a total grunion :p.

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I have some great girl friends I've known a lot longer than my girlfriend who I've been with for two and a half years. My girlfriend has accepted she's quite insecure but now essentially wants me to stop seeing them. Every time I go somewhere with my friends that includes more girls than guys she gets annoyed and find some way to cause an argument.


She now says she can't change and that its a choice over what's more important...her or my friends I said she can't control me to tell me who I can or cannot see and who I can or cannot see. I care about my friends a lot but only platonically and I've given her no reason to be insecure about me and those friends.


What should I say/ do? Its becoming a reoccurring argument.

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Well...It sounds like you don't exactly need us to tell you how fucked up that is, yeah? Because it's really fucked up. Regardless of how insecure she is, she's still basically disregarding the idea of mutual trust in your relationship and openly trying to manipulate you and fuck with your friendships other than with her. It's really not on at all and you shouldn't stand for it.

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She now says she can't change and that its a choice over what's more important...her or my friends


Except your friends aren't telling you to choose.


So really it's a choice over what's more important... being controlled or freedom.


P.S. I wouldn't put it quite so bluntly to her.

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I have some great girl friends I've known a lot longer than my girlfriend who I've been with for two and a half years. My girlfriend has accepted she's quite insecure but now essentially wants me to stop seeing them. Every time I go somewhere with my friends that includes more girls than guys she gets annoyed and find some way to cause an argument.


She now says she can't change and that its a choice over what's more important...her or my friends I said she can't control me to tell me who I can or cannot see and who I can or cannot see. I care about my friends a lot but only platonically and I've given her no reason to be insecure about me and those friends.


What should I say/ do? Its becoming a reoccurring argument.




Do you act in a way that threatens her trust in you, when you're with female friends? Or does she just lack trust completely? She needs to change and trust you more :( No one should be allowed to make people choose relationships like that.


(P.S. The picture isn't serious, you should have a discussion with your girlfriend instead of running :))

Edited by EddieColeslaw
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To offer an actual solution: You need to talk to her and deal with her insecurities. Make it so she doesn't worry somehow. What she's suggesting is that you indulge them, and permanently damage or destroy your friendships in the process. Clearly, that's profoundly unhealthy for her, and your relationship.


If that doesn't work, then you have to choose.

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I agree with @Cube. Put it like that to her and see what she says about it. :)


Although I doubt it would go down too well...


She's being really insecure for absolutely no reason. Is there any reason she can't come out with you and your friends? What happens when she goes off with her friends? Does she expect you to sit in and not do anything?

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