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Love? Relationships? Boy girl stuff? Complaints and appraisals! Gifs be welcome.

Kurtle Squad

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Ah. Sorry to be all happy/lovey dovey in this thread. I'm just, at peace and very happy with the way my life is atm. About time too, actually.


Ah, come on man, that's awesome! : ) Maybe the overall tone of this thread would be different, if people did post more positive stuff like that. The presumption that this thread is supposed to be all sad and gloomy is just ridiculous...is that what people really want from their relationships? Well not me! I'd much rather have something totally awesome, i.e. find a great person to be with and kick some major ass together! : D So yes, a positive vibe is more than welcome, it gives hope and clarifies the goal a bit. Just a matter of figuring out how to get there... ; D

Edited by Ville
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I don't see why this massive hate for gossip and to those who gossip. Everyone talks about other people behind their back, sometimes positive and sometimes negative. Doesn't mean they have nothing going for themselves and that is the only reason they say it. Sometimes talking about other people is genuinely interesting, and when you're angry about someone, bitching about them to someone else can help you get some perspective on the situation.


I agree. How is it possible not to talk about people behind their backs? Should we never talk about people who aren't present? That makes no sense. Of course we're going to share our opinions on people, good and bad, with other people - that's perfectly normal, necessary and healthy in a social environment.


However, I don't view that as "gossip". Gossip is to me entirely different, its sole purpose being to sow unjustified negativity about someone. In this sense, the focus seems to me entirely removed from the subject of the gossip and onto the person gossipping; the gossipper is the central figure in that social game, garnering personal attention by belittling others.


I know definitions are up for debate and the individual cases somtimes blur, but that's my basic view on it.


Oh, and congrats to @Goron_3 for things working out! :D It's indeed nice with some positivity for a change, something we need more of in this thread. :)

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Well my "gossip" is juicy information on friends of mine. I clearly don't want made up information, and that's not gossip, that's a fabrication.



Casual or unconstrained conversation or reports about other people, typically involving details that are not confirmed as being true.


Humm, typically involving unconfirmed information. Well the first bit fits, I guess the information is unconfirmed because I have to just trust who told me, but if it's typically made up, then I would think people who do that are a bit troubled or spiteful.


Oh and just got back from a party in my college where I got with this hot girl who is friends with one of the people in my class. Good fun.

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One could argue that gossip's more about painting the subject in a certain light rather than relaying factual information. But I guess it depends on how simply you define "gossip". If you simply define it as talking about someone who's not present, then it's just that; but to most people I imagine "gossip" has more negative connotations, like actively trying to make someone look bad or spreading straight up untrue rumours. I stand by my personal definition of "gossip" being more about the gossipper than the gossippee.

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I just can't help but think that my mother is 49 :heh:


So I went on dates, thought it was going well and then today I got the "I think we're expecting different things" text (as expected, yay cynicism). Ex screwed them up etc etc.


So I've had a bottle of red wine because that's how mature people deal with their problems.

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Pretty much sums up my feelings on relationships at the moment.


I'm becoming almost too aware of how "single" I am as we enter more deeply into the winter months. Maybe it's just how I see things but it seems everyone around me is pairing up with someone. It's a little frustrating. I've no idea how to approach "fixing" this, however. So, I just adapt. Enjoy the apparent perks of being single. Like, not being bothered brushing my teeth today (?) :p


All Duh Single Lay-days!

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Having a shitty breath is considered a perk? : o Ewww.


It is when it can cook your food for you.





IT'S HAPPENED AGAIN! I've been talking to someone on POF and it turns out she's a friend of a friend and I've met her once or twice before. I really must stop messaging people who later turn out to be someone I have links to. At least it's not as bad as last time. A friend's sister is a little odd...

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Right, so I need a bit of advice. Basically, two of my flatmates had a discussion about why one of them doesn't come back every week with girls or has a girlfriend (which is a fair point considering he's a really nice guy, Hollister model looks e.t.c). So they got talking and he flagged up a girl on his course that he likes and is thinking of asking out for a few drinks. I know all this because I was talking with him this afternoon about the party on Friday night I went to, where I met the same girl.


So I was thinking the whole time whilst in labs this morning that I was going to ask her out, but now I have no idea what to do after we've both said we were going to ask her out.



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Well, I split up with my long term girlfriend about two months ago now. Was with her for over five years, she lived with me, we were engaged. She was perfect for me, smart, funny, really understood me.


And yet...I just didn't want her. No idea what's wrong with me, but I think it's because I've been in relationships pretty much non stop since I was 16. Was with a girl from 16-19, was with someone else about a month after we split up, that lasted for about 3 years, before we split up and then got back together about a year later. In that year, I was seeing someone for about 10 months. I eventually got married to the other girl and that lasted till I was about 28, and then I started seeing my girlfriend a few weeks after my marriage ended.


I've never really had any time to myself really. I'm really enjoying the single life. I'm not going out every weekend and sleeping with every girl I can to make up for lost time or anything. I'm just honestly not interested in relationships with women at all. If I didn't think my ex was worth being with, then I honestly don't see any other girl being able to convince me giving up my freedom at all.


Maybe when I'm 60 I'll find a nice rich widow to settle down with.

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Okay, some advice here...


So after a lot of thinking and reflecting on my life, I decided to not let the past drag me down and I would pursue everything I want in life. The only problem is that what I want is a girlfriend, I don't want one-nighters because I'm not that type of guy. However, the problem with this is that I really don't want to meet someone in a pub or a club considering they're not really my scene and I'm not a massive drinker and even if I don't drink, I'm not entirely into the atmosphere. I'm more country pubs than town pubs and there's not a lot in country pubs and I HATE clubbing.


So, except for online dating, where could I meet a girl? The only girls I've met are through friends and school and college but surely there's more ways than the ones I've mentioned above, right?

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So, except for online dating, where could I meet a girl? The only girls I've met are through friends and school and college but surely there's more ways than the ones I've mentioned above, right?


Talk to strangers (of the female persuasion, obviously). On the bus, in the park, on the street, in a shop. You have know when to back off and disappear though, or else you have the potential to ruin someone's day by being somewhat of a creeper. Concerts/events/sports are really good for meeting people too. Make new friends and indirectly meet girls though them. :)


The above does not work if you don't talk a lot/readily talk to strangers, I guess :(

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True but usually I don't exactly do the chasing since I don't know when I go in The Friend Zone. I've mostly been the chased so I wouldn't even know how to start the conversation off and the last thing I want is to be The Brother, which is the problem I'm kind of having since I think I overthink it. Because sometimes I just think 'what if she likes me and I don't have her number' or something like that. What would I do then? Would I ask for her number or what?


Sorry, late night musings and all that, haha.

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Well, the thing is Dazz, I think there are 2 types of people. People who feel there are certain places and certain times for courting other people, and those who believe all’s fair game. You need to be the latter. See a cute girl on the bus? Go sit next to her and make your move. In the supermarket? Do your thing. Basically say hi to every lone girl you see when doing every day things. If you really need a “proper” excuse, go do the usual group activity things. Follow a course.. A language course for example, or take up a sport.


Edit: took too long to post.

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