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I still think you should just be like "Look, not sure if it came across when we met up last time, but i seriously fancy you. I was just too pussy to make a move. Give me another chance?"


Direct, ballsy, complementary! She'll luuuuv it!


The worst that could happen is that she doesn't reply. Messaging ftw for this type of stuff!


Great text but take out the 'give me another chance' because the chances are she wasn't even thinking about finishing things until you put the thought in her mind!

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Things going well with the guy I've been dating. Think it could move quite quickly.


Seeing him this weekend.


He told me last night he's booked us a weekend stay for valentines at a spa I love going to (yes, I love spas, gay right? :heh: )

I was like woaaahhh. I almost feel like it might be too much too soon but then when I discussed it with a mate, she just said go for it. Its a massively generous thing for him to do.


Looking forward to it. :)

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Will be having a nice dinner tomorrow evening with my friends-with-benefits. Followed by the movie Shutter Island. :)

Really looking forward to it. So is she. It's gonna be very relaxing after studying for 8-10 hours per day for the last week. Especially for her, since she's quite stressed. I will definitely lay my massage-skills on her and hopefully she can just let go of all the stress. : peace:

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Things going well with the guy I've been dating. Think it could move quite quickly.


Seeing him this weekend.


He told me last night he's booked us a weekend stay for valentines at a spa I love going to (yes, I love spas, gay right? :heh: )

I was like woaaahhh. I almost feel like it might be too much too soon but then when I discussed it with a mate, she just said go for it. Its a massively generous thing for him to do.


Looking forward to it. :)


Don't be daft, if it feels right it's never too soon. Enjoy yourself.

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I have a date tonight, but am a bit worried cos i've had an old man cough all week. And phlegm - not sexy. :nono: Should i postpone??


How bad is it? Can you swig some cough syrup to get you through it?


If you do feel unwell enough to postpone, I'd suggest another date. When a girl just says "I can't make that date, maybe another time" that's usually code for "No, but I don't have the balls to just say it". Make sure you say something along the lines of "Sorry but I can't make it tonight because I'm really ill. Can we move it to another day? I'm free on Sunday?".

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Someone did that to me twice (with different excuses). On the second time, I sent a message to check it was still on and she responded with an excuse as to why she couldn't make it. She may not have even mentioned it if I didn't let her know. I gave up after that.


The odd thing is that she was the one who asked me out in the first place.


Anyway @Pancake, as @MoogleViper said, definitely suggest a different date.

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It's pretty bad, it sounds like i smoke 100 a day! But i can see me having it for at least another week, and i didn't wanna postpone that long, so i've just agreed to the date tonight. Yikes. Am worried about having a mortifying coughing fit in the middle of the restaurant!


Oh well, as soon as i see him i'm gonna be like "hey, i have an old man cough btw, and it ain't pretty" just so at least he knows! He knows i've been ill anyway, so he should be expecting me to be a bit ropey. It'll probably all be fine.

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Well maybe if he'll take you at your worst then he'll love you at your best? I'm presuming this isn't the poor guy who apparently had no money to do things, right?


Things going well with the guy I've been dating. Think it could move quite quickly.


Seeing him this weekend.


He told me last night he's booked us a weekend stay for valentines at a spa I love going to (yes, I love spas, gay right? :heh: )

I was like woaaahhh. I almost feel like it might be too much too soon but then when I discussed it with a mate, she just said go for it. Its a massively generous thing for him to do.


Looking forward to it. :)


Why does it have to be 'too soon'? Or even matter? It's valentine's - what else are you gonna be doing?? Totes high five btw!

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Why does it have to be 'too soon'? Or even matter? It's valentine's - what else are you gonna be doing?? Totes high five btw!


It's just alien for me to be going to spa's with a guy I've been dating as normally there isn't more than 2 dates before it fizzles out... :heh:


So this is all neeeeew. But it's definitely good! Can't wait tbh!

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People do relationship stuff at different paces.


For me and my SO we're still living apart a year on, he's in London and I'm in Cambridge, his brother has been with his girlfriend about half the time we have and they live together. They seem happy enough.


It doesn't matter, besides FREE SPA DAY. YIPEE. :D

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For me and my SO we're still living apart a year on


So, I don't hear from you in like months and then this. :blank:




Nah just kidding. One year already? :) Geez, time flies.



Wish I was in a relationship. Can do with some romance and all that stuff (yeah, sounds really romantic when I say it like that, doesn't it?). I'm much better in a serious commitment than being single.


Saying that, I'm getting laid tonight.




It's just alien for me to be going to spa's with a guy I've been dating as normally there isn't more than 2 dates before it fizzles out... :heh:


So this is all neeeeew. But it's definitely good! Can't wait tbh!


God, I envy you. Need to find a woman who invites me to a spa after a couple of dates.

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Woah, woah, woah. Gimme a second to take that all in.


That's what she said.






Well, maybe if you put your dick away






drahkon is a lesbian?!
I've seen no conclusive proof to refute that claim.


Well, I do like women. I'm a man, though. Do you need conclusive proof for that?



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