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Love? Relationships? Boy girl stuff? Complaints and appraisals! Gifs be welcome.

Kurtle Squad

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You seem to have understood the 'game' the best. I'm sure many people have spent more than €50 trying to bed a girl they've met. Would you do it again in the UK?


Rummy/Flink; I have been in that situation when I was younger, and I was uncomfortable. I wasn't secure in myself or my relationship. You're both right in that it's not my problem - I'm not sending out any mixed signals. if he's receiving anxiety or jealousy vibes then he's reading it wrong. Cheers for the words - will bear it in mind in the future :)

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The first time she says, "I love you", I don't say anything which makes it more awkward, so I decide that next time she says something I'll say something back. A few minutes later she says, "I love you" again, to which I reply, "thank you". Feeling like an idiot, I think that I have to try better. The next time she says, "I love you" I mumble "you too".


You missed out on the perfect opportunity to Han Solo a girl with absolutely no repercussions.


Awesome story, though!

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Fuck me, my thanks count has gone through the roof. Apparently the best thing I ever did on this forum was spunk on a prostitute's face.



You missed out on the perfect opportunity to Han Solo a girl with absolutely no repercussions.


I don't even know what that means.


You seem to have understood the 'game' the best. I'm sure many people have spent more than €50 trying to bed a girl they've met. Would you do it again in the UK?


I wouldn't rule it out. I've had the experience now so it's not like I feel obliged to do it. But if the opportunity came up then I might.


Although in Amsterdam you can guarantee a reasonably high standard of safety and hygiene, elsewhere...

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Does it though? I don't want to end up derailing this thread into that discussion, but I don't think it does. Sure, some may approve/disapprove, but oldest profession blah blah blah. There's lots of other issues around it such as maltreatment etc, but it IS legal in Amsterdam and I presume somewhat more regulated and stuff(not saying it's 100% problem free) so why not? View it on the same line as masturbation, I'd say.


Your post seems loaded Emma, and tbh knowing Moogle from here and the couple meets we've both been at, PLUS the more recent posts in this very thread by him about the girl he likes(and wanting more than just a fling)...I think it's frankly unfair to make some assumption due to the prostitute story. Apologies if I misinterpreted that, of course.

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A person who has sex with a prostitute, it says a lot about what they think of women.


That they have nice bodies that they're willing to offer as service in exchange for money in a safe, legal environment. Yeah, that's what I think about prostitutes.


Have you ever actually met a prostitute? Or are you judging this based on all of the horror stories of human trafficking and the stereotype of seedy men searching for underage, drugged up girls down back alleys?


Additionally, not all prostitutes are women.

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Leia tells Han Solo she loves him and he replies "I know".


I say that to my gf all the time! She just tells me she loves me quite a lot so I get bored of saying it back :heh:


Back to the prostitute story (amazing by the way), I remember a group convo on the topic a while back and getting scrutinised by practically everybody by suggesting it was a profession women actively choose in some countries, which it totally is! If I was a lady with a rocking hot body, enjoyed meaningless sex and lived in a country where it was legal, safe and protected I would totally consider it. The money they can make is ridiculous. I guess how professional and safe it truly is is the question, but yeh, man and woman will probably never agree on the subject.

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it was a profession women actively choose in some countries, which it totally is!


That's precisely the point. People look at prostitution over here and see the evils. But those aren't evils of prostitution, only of human trafficking.


If you look at any study in countries where it is legal and regulated, the women are happy, not exploited, well paid professionals.


Personally I think it should be legalised here. Reduce human trafficking an cut a source of revenue for criminal gangs. Stop women being exploited, allow them to have a proper job where they're safe, clean, pay taxes and become a functioning member of society, rather than taken from their country, and forced drugs to keep them controlled.


I'm willing to move this to a separate thread if people wish to discuss it further.

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Well I still didn't talk to her. Was feeling pretty lousy yesterday since I hadn't slept very well the night before, then she was talking to that guy again today. I almost did talk to her after we got off the bus but I hesitated.


Thing is she walked past him this morning and didn't talk to him, he went up to her a bit later on. I'm not getting massive vibes she likes him that way but I'm probably wrong since I can't know for sure. I don't get the impression he's asked her out yet either so I can "one up" him if I do it first.


Gonna risk looking stupid (too late for that, I know) and ask some opinions on stuff.


She glanced over to me while I was getting on the bus, seemed odd to me if she was with that guy. She looked away when I looked up. She's done this before.


Most of the time she won't stand up to get off until I start moving. Yesterday I held off later than I normally do to walk to the front of the bus. She didn't get up until I did. She also did it this morning despite being with the guy. Probably reading too much into it but it seems odd and happens far to often to just be a coincidence?


Actually come to think of it, I stopped to let the guy move so the girl can get out and he didn't even say thanks or anything. What a jerk.


I hate all this self doubt/not knowing/pressure. It's a lot easier when you don't like someone, haha.

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Well I still didn't talk to her. Was feeling pretty lousy yesterday since I hadn't slept very well the night before, then she was talking to that guy again today. I almost did talk to her after we got off the bus but I hesitated.


Thing is she walked past him this morning and didn't talk to him, he went up to her a bit later on. I'm not getting massive vibes she likes him that way but I'm probably wrong since I can't know for sure. I don't get the impression he's asked her out yet either so I can "one up" him if I do it first.


Gonna risk looking stupid (too late for that, I know) and ask some opinions on stuff.


She glanced over to me while I was getting on the bus, seemed odd to me if she was with that guy. She looked away when I looked up. She's done this before.


Most of the time she won't stand up to get off until I start moving. Yesterday I held off later than I normally do to walk to the front of the bus. She didn't get up until I did. She also did it this morning despite being with the guy. Probably reading too much into it but it seems odd and happens far to often to just be a coincidence?


Actually come to think of it, I stopped to let the guy move so the girl can get out and he didn't even say thanks or anything. What a jerk.


I hate all this self doubt/not knowing/pressure. It's a lot easier when you don't like someone, haha.


Just ask her. It's daunting, and rejection will put a dampener on your day, but afterwards it will be like a weight has been lifted.


And there's always the opportunity of her saying yes, so it's win-win (or win-meh, which is still a net positive).


Besides if she rejects you then you can come back here and tell us your prostitute story.

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Probably reading too much into it


Not to dampen the mood, but you probably are. However, this doesn't mean that you should completely overlook all those little signs.


It's a lot easier when you don't like someone, haha.


I find the opposite to be true more often. But that's just me, I guess :p



Just follow Moogle's advice: Have sex with a prost Ask her out.



A little update from me: Somehow I'm not interested in a relationship right now. I'm also not interested in hooking up.

Went to a lot of parties in the past two weeks, and there will be a lot more soon, but currently I don't want anything more than dance with a lady.


Will wait for the weeks before Christmas. Then my romantic side will be in overdrive and a lot of women will be asked to go out with me - unless I fall madly in love with the first. :D

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Maybe she's waiting for you to go first so that she stays in control of the situation and can avoid you more easily.


I'm far more of a pessimist about this sort of stuff. The risk isn't worth it. Bus journeys forever being awkward vs just waiting for the next lust object.

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I honestly think that if you haven't done it by now, unless an event that comes up that makes it enormously easier, you won't ever do it. Knowing that emotional barriers can hold back even the most rational of actions, you will likely create excuses to explain why you're not doing such rational actions. This rationalising means that then your motivation is fighting both your rational and emotional drives at once making it very hard to win. Even if you do eventually pluck up enough courage and get turned down, your rational mind will tell you that you're better off knowing, but you subconscious has receive a powerful instal emotional deterrent to such actions and will make it even harder to do it the next time.


I think the secret would be to turn it into a series of small very accomplishable tasks which have to be thought of as separate entities. So you can create a plan of action at home when not confronted by your emotional blockage, and break it into a set of simple instructions. Next time you see her you should complete the instructions one at a time trying very hard not to think of the next step or the consequences they might entail. Thus you can keep the focus for a simple task without the looming emotional block.


An example would be:

Find girl

Move nearby girl

Say hi

Say you've seen her often

Ask where she goes

Ask if knows any good coffee places around

Ask her to accompany you


Taking each task on it's own is a lot easier than tackling the whole endeavour, and the completion of each task will motivate you to complete the next. Also as you get deeper and deeper into it, it will become harder to back out, further motivating you.


So yeah, instead of me saying you should talk to her. I think you should try that. If asking her is too hard, you could always try the easier note-giving method, but that will portray less confidence and make it less likely for her to accept.

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