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Love? Relationships? Boy girl stuff? Complaints and appraisals! Gifs be welcome.

Kurtle Squad

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Had to.


Anyway, I'm sure if you do spend more time with him you'll get over the crush and appreciate the friendship. I'm friends with people I used to think I wanted to date. Plus, friendship is better than relationships. Ovaries before brovaries.

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Yeah I hope that's what will happen. I would really like to gain a decent mate out of it all and as you say Ashley, most of the time the crush will fade as a good friendship forms. For the short term though I will continue fancying him so damn much. Just until I really need to stop those thoughts. :heh:

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Not really a relationship question as such, but do many guys really rate girls on a scale of 1-10? As there's a guy in work who I guess I've sort of started liking and we were on the same lunch break today. We're sat in the canteen with a guy from a different department and the guy I work with started talking about this girl who had picked up an application form earlier that day and that he hoped she'd get the job because she was pretty fit. He then went on to rate her a 7 while this other guy just laughed and was all like nice, I hope so too. It made me feel so insecure as I couldn't stop thinking that maybe this guy had done this about me at some point.


Reading this back it feels a bit petty but as there are a lot of guys on here I thought I could get some opinions if any of you actually do this.

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I've known one guy who did it and I stopped it by threatening to shame him by repeating it as loudly as possible whenever he did it. I don't think many guys do it but anyone who does is probably an arsehole for reasons obvious in your post.

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I'm going to be in the minority here and say that I know people who do it and I've done it a few times but everybody does, really. Let's face it, when you look at a guy/girl and you think they're pretty hot or you think they're not for you, isn't that rating them and wouldn't it make you feel the same way whether it's commenting on them or scoring? Personally, I'd rather have scoring because it's just a number but comments would last longer (but I have a way of dealing with those ;))


I mean, if someone told me I was a 6/10 or someone said I was average-looking, I'd feel pretty much the same way and I'd say "Bitch, have you seen my face or do you need your eyes testing, they do free eye tests in Tesco!". Same goes for a high score or a great comment or a low score or a negative comment. Everybody judges everybody. I've had girls who say that my body is horribly deformed because I'm overweight and I've had girls rate me a 4 before now but either way, it hurts. I've also had girls who think I'm good-looking and funny and I've had them rate me a 7 or 8 and I feel good. Either way, scores or comments are pretty much the same thing to me, both can hurt and both can make you feel good.


I wouldn't feel down in the dumps about people who use scores and even if he does, fuck him! You wave your middle finger in the air and own your shit, bitch! *fierceness!* haha. The girl who made me feel bad about my body got told when I replied "Well, my weight can be shifted but no amounts of plastic surgery or make-up could ever hide the fact you is ugly inside and out!" BOOM! As I said, own your shit and remember that you are amazing! ;)


Never feel insecure because of people who comment or score on you though! Some people will give you negative comments (I'm not going to lie) but there are people out there who will give you positive scores and comments because they see your awesomeness! The funniest and weirdest thing you could do to make yourself feel a little better? Rate him back...in your head...But honestly @Kaytee, you've nothing to worry about! :)




So I found that Harrietta Potter (girl who's a massive fan and had loads in common with) is a complete letdown. We were talking and stuff and getting along awesomely. Got on Skype, she was brilliant but then one day, I found that her profile no longer existed. Weird. So I checked OKCupid. Profile no longer existed. She just fucking up and left! :(


So a few days later, I'm just scanning through my matches when I find a girl who seems pretty cool. She actually messages me, which is awesome but can I ask a question to people in here? WHY DO WOMEN MESSAGE YOU AND NOT TALK PROPERLY? She says hello to me so I say hello back, as you do. I hear nothing from her so I decided to get the ball rolling. I find that she writes books, which is awesome so I tell her this and ask her what kind of books she writes. "Fantasies and mysteries". Literally, that's all I got. So I typed that that was awesome and that I'm writing a book too. I then went on to ask if she writes short stories or novels. "Novels".


...seriously, I feel like giving up! lmao.

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Why do women don't talk/message back?


Here's another update from me: As you all know, I went straight ahead and asked the cute girl out.

That was last Sunday.




Still no response. :blank:

I don't care anymore. For all I know, she's missing out.

But you could at least say "no". :rolleyes:

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Not really a relationship question as such, but do many guys really rate girls on a scale of 1-10? As there's a guy in work who I guess I've sort of started liking and we were on the same lunch break today. We're sat in the canteen with a guy from a different department and the guy I work with started talking about this girl who had picked up an application form earlier that day and that he hoped she'd get the job because she was pretty fit. He then went on to rate her a 7 while this other guy just laughed and was all like nice, I hope so too. It made me feel so insecure as I couldn't stop thinking that maybe this guy had done this about me at some point.


Reading this back it feels a bit petty but as there are a lot of guys on here I thought I could get some opinions if any of you actually do this.


I only use it for dudes.


Really I think it's more jokey than anything, I definitely don't and I don't think any of the guys I know do either. Then again that's probably because I wouldn't take the time to bother with people like that. Actually I'd side more with Flink and say I know girls who'd do it a bit more than guys do, but even then it's still jokey.


You do make face-value judgements(no pun alololo) with everybody and people you're attracted to but even then it's not some basic 1-10 scale - how can you put anybody on something so basic?!


Why do women don't talk/message back?


Here's another update from me: As you all know, I went straight ahead and asked the cute girl out.

That was last Sunday.




Still no response. :blank:

I don't care anymore. For all I know, she's missing out.

But you could at least say "no". :rolleyes:


Ah man, I was just coming here to see how things were with that! It's annoying, but sometimes that's just how it is. You've got the right attitude, though.

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You do make face-value judgements(no pun alololo) with everybody and people you're attracted to but even then it's not some basic 1-10 scale - how can you put anybody on something so basic?!

This is why I rate everyone on the video game review scale.


Only with the mighty decimal point can you accurately rate people, plus no one's feelings gets hurt when the lowest you ever rate anyone is a 7.

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The only person I know that uses the rating system on women is a guy I know who also watches How I Met Your Mother. And he uses it solely to describe someone he found particularly hot, so I'm pretty sure he's not too serious about that.

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Well I have officially given up. Nobody ever responds to me on dating sites, my social anxiety goes crazy in real life. I'm just destined to create Skynet


Try FreeDating. Also, don't give up! When I joined, I either had nobody messaging me or I got one-worded replies (which is worse than not replying in my book) but there are some people out there who are genuinely waiting to have a conversation with you. You just need to find the right person is all.


What do you say when you first send messages?

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Well I have officially given up. Nobody ever responds to me on dating sites, my social anxiety goes crazy in real life. I'm just destined to create Skynet


Do you actually send many messages? Most people say nobody responds and they've only sent out a few messages.

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