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Love? Relationships? Boy girl stuff? Complaints and appraisals! Gifs be welcome.

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I messaged her the night after the ten drunk videos and no reply , then once when in Rome four days later , then on Sunday after that . So three messages with four day space between each one


Don't text her again. If she wants to get in touch she will.

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Need to get this off my chest:


How on earth can my best mate still be in a relationship with his girlfriend. A couple of months ago I already posted how she manipulates him at every turn. Pretty sure I mentioned her jealousy, too...and it keeps getting worse. Case in point:


My best mate had a cruciate ligament rupture and after the operation he obviously had to go to a physiotherapist. It turns out: it's a woman. Maybe you can guess where this is headed?


Before and after every single appointment his girlfriend went on about how he would "flirt with the physiotherapist" and "enjoy when she has to touch him".

I was at his place the evening after one of his appointments and I had to sit there by myself for 1 1/2 hours because she kept texting him this shit and he had to calm her down via a phone call.


I mean, a little jealousy is fine...but this? This is borderline pathological.


The thing is...this isn't a one-off event. It happens every other time when he does something without her (i.e. meet friends, work out, play online CoD with me; just to give some examples). And it bums him out, of course.


Maybe I put too much into these situations, but I can't help it...

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Need to get this off my chest:


How on earth can my best mate still be in a relationship with his girlfriend. A couple of months ago I already posted how she manipulates him at every turn. Pretty sure I mentioned her jealousy, too...and it keeps getting worse. Case in point:


My best mate had a cruciate ligament rupture and after the operation he obviously had to go to a physiotherapist. It turns out: it's a woman. Maybe you can guess where this is headed?


Before and after every single appointment his girlfriend went on about how he would "flirt with the physiotherapist" and "enjoy when she has to touch him".

I was at his place the evening after one of his appointments and I had to sit there by myself for 1 1/2 hours because she kept texting him this shit and he had to calm her down via a phone call.


I mean, a little jealousy is fine...but this? This is borderline pathological.


The thing is...this isn't a one-off event. It happens every other time when he does something without her (i.e. meet friends, work out, play online CoD with me; just to give some examples). And it bums him out, of course.


Maybe I put too much into these situations, but I can't help it...


Your concern for him especially at this point seems perfectly normal to me, that amount of jealousy seems completely uncalled for.


Looking back, I was once in a relationship like this a few years back but I couldn't completely see it then and even now I don't entirely blame the other person even if the situations did reach ridiculous levels to the point where it had an effect on my quality of life as well as theirs. :(


So I can see it from both sides but I'd tend to sympathise with your friend, possibly because I'm partially biased from my own experiences.


I understand relationships can be difficult, I hope things work out for your friend and his GF but I'm not hopeful from what you've told us, from his perspective though even though I'm sure he can see that you're trying to help him, there's a chance he might feel either trapped or blinded by the whole situation.


Again this might not be the case, there could be more to the story which we don't know but I just thought I'd try and add some perspective, though I'm unsure if it's of any use but I'm glad if it does help at all. ::shrug:

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Looking back, I was once in a relationship like this a few years back but I couldn't completely see it then and even now I don't entirely blame the other person even if the situations did reach ridiculous levels to the point where it had an effect on my quality of life as well as theirs. :(


My first relationship was dominated by my ex's jealousy for 4 months (we had been together for 3 months before it started). It was harmless at first but turned into something similar my best mate experiences.

However, I realized it (still too late, if I think about it now) and broke up with her after she accused me of meeting another woman when I was actually having a poker night with friends.


I guess it's just a matter of how you deal with the situation.


from his perspective though even though I'm sure he can see that you're trying to help him


I tried to help him months ago. First by talking to him about it carefully and later by being blunt about it. Now I just hold myself back whenever he complains.


They've been together for almost two years now and 80% of that time there have been constant fights initiated by her jealousy.

Sure, there are times when everything's great, of course. But the way I (and some other close friends) see it, the bad things outweigh the good times.


Maybe it's just "first relationship blindness", but I fear this will end in "first marriage blindness". :woops:

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Does anyone else have a problem with the hidden criteria they set for potential partners? I've been speaking to a girl for a few weeks and she's attractive, ambitious (doing a Masters in psychology, considering a career in humanitarian work) and all the other good stuff, but there's a big bee under my bonnet at the moment. The crux of it is: while she professes to be a sceptical person who values science/reason etc, she also says that science/the scientific community is arrogant in what it claims to hold certain, and that she's open to alternative explanations of the universe like astrology.


In principle that's not a wildly dumb position; science doesn't offer answers to everything, theories are constantly debunked, and it's perfectly healthy to acknowledge that there are limits to human understanding about nature and the cosmos. At the same time, astrology is patently a load of bullshit; it controverts our ever-dependable laws of physics, there's not a shred of evidence for it, and it smacks of the worst kind of exploitative moneymaking scheme going. It's really nothing more than man-made wishful thinking. I could propose the idea that all human souls past and present originally emanated from my arsehole, but there's no sense in being open to that idea just because it can't be totally disproved. Also, science is in fact a humble enterprise - researchers and theorists show deference to new evidence and willingly admit to the limits of their powers. [All of which I've tried to argue.]


So I'm in a position where I feel like I should overlook this belief because, hell, we all have stupid beliefs and personal delusions, most of them kind of harmless. To be this strict on relationship criteria would be to ignore my actual feelings towards this person, and overemphasize the importance of intellect. And yet why can't I shake the feeling that it's quite important to share the same universe as your partner? [melodramatic close]


Classic Scorpio.


You're overthinking it.


You're such a pisces.


Oh you absolute prick. At least I went to the trouble of getting the right star sign.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So instead of giving up, just keep doing that? Sounds pretty good anyway and maybe the right girl will appear unexpectedly.


If we call the things you described A, B and C, have you tried staying at B for a while and not bringing up C at all? It may not be the healthiest suggestion but it worked for me, and if all else is failing you....


Other possibility, look at or even ask the girls why you weren't C material. If a lot say (even after coaxing an honest answer at the expense of your feelings) that they're just not looking for anything serious, then maybe you're going for the wrong girls. Or maybe like job interview feedback there's something there for you to learn and improve on.

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I completely surprised my girlfriend last weekend by proposing to her.


Last Friday we went down to London for my Solicitor Admissions Ceremony at The Law Society at Chancery Lane in London. We booked a hotel to stay in overnight.


On the way to Sheffield train station on Friday Morning I surprised her by explaining that I had bought tickets for The View at The Shard in the evening.


I proposed on the outside viewing platform at the top of The Shard and she sais yes! :D


I had also booked us into The Oblix restaurant at The Shard. Probably one of the best restaurants I have ever been to and the views were spectacular.


During our meal I gave her an itinerary showing everything I had secretly planned and prepared for the weekend. We ended up doing:


Three course lunch River Thames cruise

A visit to the Tower of London

Afternoon tea at Harrods

Lunch with my girlfriend's sister and husband at a pub in the peak district

Dinner with our parents at a hotel in the peak district. We spent the night there too.

A visit to Chatsworth House

Fish and Chips at Matlock Bath.


A very good weekend.

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Just a quick one...


Got engaged yesterday.


Congratulations! When is the big day for you and @Blade? :D


...I proposed on the outside viewing platform at the top of The Shard and she sais yes! :D


It should've been us Blade, it should've been us...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wasn't sure if I should post this in the Funny Stuff Thread or here. Anyway:


My girlfriend and I went to a party on Wednesday. At one point, while I was talking with her, a guy we didn't know chimed in and started to talk to her. So I said: "Excuse me, but I'm in a conversation".


"Dude, can't you see she's not interested?" was his response.







I looked at my girlfriend and she had to restrain laughter.


I went with it, though and said: "Oh, ok. Well, I'm going to get a drink."


30 seconds later I came back and the guy was talking to the lady, of course.




I stepped inbetween and passionately kissed my girlfriend.


The look on that guy's face. Wish I took a photo. :laughing:

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I completely surprised my girlfriend last weekend by proposing to her.


Last Friday we went down to London for my Solicitor Admissions Ceremony at The Law Society at Chancery Lane in London. We booked a hotel to stay in overnight.


On the way to Sheffield train station on Friday Morning I surprised her by explaining that I had bought tickets for The View at The Shard in the evening.


I proposed on the outside viewing platform at the top of The Shard and she sais yes! :D


I had also booked us into The Oblix restaurant at The Shard. Probably one of the best restaurants I have ever been to and the views were spectacular.


During our meal I gave her an itinerary showing everything I had secretly planned and prepared for the weekend. We ended up doing:


Three course lunch River Thames cruise

A visit to the Tower of London

Afternoon tea at Harrods

Lunch with my girlfriend's sister and husband at a pub in the peak district

Dinner with our parents at a hotel in the peak district. We spent the night there too.

A visit to Chatsworth House

Fish and Chips at Matlock Bath.


A very good weekend.

Congratulations buddy! I'm happy for you! You deserve some happiness! :)


Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk


Wasn't sure if I should post this in the Funny Stuff Thread or here. Anyway:


My girlfriend and I went to a party on Wednesday. At one point, while I was talking with her, a guy we didn't know chimed in and started to talk to her. So I said: "Excuse me, but I'm in a conversation".


"Dude, can't you see she's not interested?" was his response.







I looked at my girlfriend and she had to restrain laughter.


I went with it, though and said: "Oh, ok. Well, I'm going to get a drink."


30 seconds later I came back and the guy was talking to the lady, of course.




I stepped inbetween and passionately kissed my girlfriend.


The look on that guy's face. Wish I took a photo. :laughing:

Laughed so much at this!


Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk

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After that story I posted this is a big surprise...


My girflriend just broke up with me.


We had some problems recently. She's become distant to me on an emotional level, she couldn't reciprocate my feelings anymore. She feels like she needs to find herself, figure out what she wants out of life. We've gotten together when she was 19 and it appears that even though I made her very happy this problem of "not knowing what exactly I want" was always there.


I'm broken now.


But I guess time heals all wounds, doesn't it?

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After that story I posted this is a big surprise...


My girflriend just broke up with me.


We had some problems recently. She's become distant to me on an emotional level, she couldn't reciprocate my feelings anymore. She feels like she needs to find herself, figure out what she wants out of life. We've gotten together when she was 19 and it appears that even though I made her very happy this problem of "not knowing what exactly I want" was always there.


I'm broken now.


But I guess time heals all wounds, doesn't it?


That sucks. How long had you been together?


Did you feel similarly, or was it completely one way?

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That sucks. How long had you been together?


Did you feel similarly, or was it completely one way?


Two years and three months.


Completely one way. And that's what's pulling me down right now.

I've kind of accepted why she did it and I understand that she had to do it but it hurts so much.

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Break-ups are never good initially, even if they happen for "reasons" or whatever.


It does get easier as time goes on in a way but I know that's not much of a consolation in the moment it happens.


While I'm sorry to hear about your break-up @drahkon I wish you the best for the future and if you want to talk about it then just give us a shout. :smile:


In the meantime, I'd just suggest doing whatever makes you happy, use your time to play some more videogames maybe? Yeah, I'm not the best at advice probably... :heh:


It's worth a try though. : peace:

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It does get easier as time goes on in a way but I know that's not much of a consolation in the moment it happens.


Yeah, it's not my first relationship that ended. Twice now after a longer than 2 year run.

I know it'll get better, but as everybody knows it's tough now.


In the meantime, I'd just suggest doing whatever makes you happy, use your time to play some more videogames maybe?


Well, I've played Call of Duty for the better part of the weekend :D It helps a little.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry to hear about that @drahkon. Obviously it's gonna take time(as I'm sure you know from previous) but that's annoyingly just how it is. My advice is try to think back to who/what you were prior to the relationship and aim to get back to that for now rather than chase something else(not saying you necessarily would, plus if that's who you were before then double bonus!).


I also think a more obvious solution is to get Overwatch on your PS4 and come be a cool kid like the rest of us so you don't have to think of relationships anymore B)

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