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I think I've re-centered just the once in 12 and a half hours, which was when I dropped my remote while flying which messed up the orientation. Apart from that, it has stayed fully calibrated the whole time.


Who knows why some of you are having problems.


I think it was a design choice to have the aiming/item selection/dialogue selection not as loose as it would have been with IR like in Twilight Princess.

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How comes when the little bastards are crawling on the floor I can't catch them then?.. Useless bloody net.


Sneak up on them, place the net's opening directly next to the bug and swing? Does work for me.


Furthermore, I never would have thought that a Zelda-game would get inspired by Luigi's Mansion, but here I am, mistaken. That opposite vaccuum cleaner is most definitely of Prof. E. Gadd.



Luigi's Mansion never came to mind for me - Minish Cap did.



Just done the fifth dungeon.


If anyone is having trouble with the sword, move your sword before you swing. So if you want to swing left-right, then aim left then swing right. I found it help a lot. I loved the mini-boss in the fourth dungeon.


General Grievous!



The bosses have been a bit hit-and miss, some are great and some were poor, but so far I'm loving the majority of the game. I had a really frustrating 30 minutes where I was on low health and couldn't find a single heart - the noise drove me insane.


Ok, I'm gonna stop playing the game for now. Not really in the mood for it, just played OoT 3D in August, pretty much forcing myself to play this as I preordered it, but I'm just not feeling it at all, for now. I don't crave playing it, and when I'm playing it, I feel like I'm just playing it for the sake of playing it. Not enjoying it at all, right now... so I'll come back to this one when I feel like it, don't want to ruin it by forcing myself to play through it. I'll play it when I feel like it.




Righty beat the first dungeon, the boss took me two goes... though I guess having lost my shield eariler didn't help much either :heh:


One thing I realised I didn't like after the dungeon was...


I spotted a Goddess Cube behind the spring during the cut scene but the game auto warped me out of the temple when the cut scene ended. I had to go all the way back through the dungeon got the goddess cube and then realised there was no "circle of light" warp there to get me out so I still had to go back a few rooms to get to the nearest bird statue :mad:



So, the mini map...why is it not on the HUD?


Yeah that is annoying me too a litte. I figure the reason it's not there is cause they made that unnesscarilly GIANT Wiimote HUD and didn't want to add a map just in case people kept that hideous thing turned on. Adding a map would have too much clutter on screen :heh:


Can't see why they couldn't have maybe made a mini map you could toggle on and off like the stupid HUD though.


Other than those small annoyances I am loving the game. When I got back to Skyloft I found a few side quests to do which I enjoyed doing and getting to explore a bit more. Tried flying round the sky a bit too to see what was on some islands before going down the next coloum of light. Went down for a quick look around, saved and quit at the 2nd statue I came across.

One thing I realised I didn't like after the dungeon was...


I spotted a Goddess Cube behind the spring during the cut scene but the game auto warped me out of the temple when the cut scene ended. I had to go all the way back through the dungeon got the goddess cube and then realised there was no "circle of light" warp there to get me out so I still had to go back a few rooms to get to the nearest bird statue :mad:


You could've saved yourself the trouble.


You'll be coming back anyway.


What I don't like about this game (after third dungeon):


Fi, the sword spirit, is Captain Obvious! Almost every time she says something, it's just like: "Well, duuh!?" She constantly reminds me of things I already know. It's irritating.




I find the motion controls working most of the time and enjoy them. I haven't experienced any soreness in my arm due to this. Are you people swinging much away? I actually only swing my lower arm and sometimes even just my wrist. It works too. Try it.


Agree with this! Also not sure how the controls are making people sore/tired, I haven't experienced any and spent most of the weekend playing. Are people overenthusiastic or is it how you sit/stand when you play?


I was under the impression the first boss was designed to be tough, not that the controls were off?


Only control problems I've had are


with the bloody bug catcher net thing.. just doesn't work properly at all.


I actually just posted in the spoiler thread about this, but I'll totally agree with it. I often find myself having to re-calibrate if I want to use it, just to be on the safe side.


Found something rather interesting this morning: The game uses the sensor bar somehow. The IR-sensor of the Wiimote was directly exposed to sunlight and the pointer in the map- and collection-screen started to jump around inexplicably. When I covered the IR-sensor with the hand, I could use the pointer again as usual.


I can only speculate, but maybe they're using it to automatically recalibrate Motion+, when the Wiimote can "see" the sensor bar.


This is interesting. I wondered why they make you point/press A in the center of the screen whenever it calibrates, I thought it was just so it 'knew' where the TV was for reference. I think how/where I am at the moment mine can't see the sensor bar most of the time and I have no problems(well except recalibrating from time to time, actually!), so it's certainly interesting.

How comes when the little bastards are crawling on the floor I can't catch them then?.. Useless bloody net.


The net doesn't control very well, I have to point really far down to get the net down. Maybe I just expected it to control like the sword.


The upgrade helps alot. Managed to catch a Sky Beetle a lot easier.



Luigi's Mansion never came to mind for me - Minish Cap did.


Reminded me of both ;) Great item btw. Very fun.


Do all dungeons have Heart Pieces? Found the one in the first dungeon, but think I missed the second dungeon one if it has one.



This is interesting. I wondered why they make you point/press A in the center of the screen whenever it calibrates, I thought it was just so it 'knew' where the TV was for reference.


That's probably an initial calibration of the Wiimote's "center position" for Motion+ pointing or close to it. Did you notice how the pointer behaves completely different from the usual in-game pointer? It seems to use the IR-pointing, albeit at a far lower "refresh rate", a bit like what you have in Epic Mickey.


The Motion+ usually has a certain "drift". Like in Wii Sports Resort, when you swing around wildly in table tennis, sometimes the bat's orientation will be off compared to the Wimote's orientation afterwards and you need to completely recalibrate by lying the Wiimote on a flat surface. That's definitely not necessary in Skyward Sword after you've done it once when starting the game, so there must be something at work in the background.


It's a lovely game, the draw distance blur annoyed me at first and the Motion controls take some getting used to. Some things still bug me like when I want to hold the sword "skyward", it doesn't really work, instead I sort of have to keep it in the same area and point it up. And pointing it directly down for things like

flying and bowling the bombs

is so unnatural, the wrist doesn't even bend that way! It's like it's been designed to play perfectly in a standing position.


Also, I had to adjust the sensitivity on my Wii. For some reason, whenever I pointed to the right hand side, the cursor went mad and jumped around. In the Wii settings it says to adjust sensitivity until you see two dots, and I was seeing about 15. That made a difference. It caused me big problems on the parts where you had to rotate the controller a lot, and made right-to-left slashes difficult. If anyone else is having trouble and has maybe changed their TV since they got a Wii and not played it much since, take a look at that setting.


It's easy to get by these little hangups and see an amazing game though. I'm not far through it (only at the second dungeon after about 7-10 hours) and so I probably won't come back in this thread until it's finished. It looks amazing for a Wii game, has oodles of charm, updates the game in all the right ways. Loving the more typical RPG-esque elements like repairing things and multiple responses to questions, although I don't know if they actually make any difference :heh: Also they knew that everybody forward-rolled everywhere using A on previous games so they found a solution to that.

Posted (edited)
Indeed. But I was actually really blown away by...
...the attention to detail on the NPC's, especially in the Skyloft bazaar. The animation on them is just superb.
icon14.gif There's a shopkeeper in there that follows you all around the counter, looks so happy until you cancel a sale on him (his expression is classic! :D) and then he sulks when you walk away. :heh:

Love how Link fills up his empty bottle at the potion shop too. :smile:


Yes! This guy has become one of my favourite Zelda NPCs of all time. :grin:


Have you met him


At night? Bwah ha ha! :D


Edited by Dog-amoto

I don't know about anyone else but... since this is the spoiler-free thread I'm never going to click on that :heh: because maybe I haven't! Only way to know for sure is if you've finished the game, and maybe not even then.


How about an indication of how far through the game it is? Otherwise go to the Spoiler thread.

I've done the first dungeon.....

I was really struggling at first, but I think I figured it out towards the end. I think what I did was point the sword one way and then swing the same way. For instance I would point the sword to the right and then swing even further right to make Link swing from the left. Or something. The second part was fine except that I hate how there's a delay in your on screen sword swing.


I was just going to post that after reading the thread, i only worked out how to do that after that point in the game, but i now think it will make it easier on replays. That all said that point is meant to be intentionally hard because

He is meant to be one of if not the big bad guy and you can't have him as the first boss, then have him insanely hard later



How comes when the little bastards are crawling on the floor I can't catch them then?.. Useless bloody net.


you do realise that you can rotate the net and catch upwards/sidewards? for birds i sit it on its side and move slowly untill the shadow is roughly in line with them and swing. with Ants etc i tilt it so the opening is facing upwards then cheat a little and move it so it clips into the ground slightly then swing. The only problem i'm having is grasshoppers they are too freakin fast, i've just done dungeon 3 and have only caught one



It's a lovely game, the draw distance blur annoyed me at first and the Motion controls take some getting used to. Some things still bug me like when I want to hold the sword "skyward", it doesn't really work, instead I sort of have to keep it in the same area and point it up. And pointing it directly down for things like
flying and bowling the bombs


:weep: I forgot you could calibrate the wii, i've changed tv's twice since getting it and i'm sure i've not calibrated it at all since day 1! that might help some odd issues i had with

The pumpkin bar side quest, on the final job where you have to play the harp, you are meant to swing in time, but i found you'd swing all the way to one side and link would strum halfway back, like there was some sway in the wiimote.


is so unnatural, the wrist doesn't even bend that way! It's like it's been designed to play perfectly in a standing position.


Also, I had to adjust the sensitivity on my Wii. For some reason, whenever I pointed to the right hand side, the cursor went mad and jumped around. In the Wii settings it says to adjust sensitivity until you see two dots, and I was seeing about 15. That made a difference. It caused me big problems on the parts where you had to rotate the controller a lot, and made right-to-left slashes difficult. If anyone else is having trouble and has maybe changed their TV since they got a Wii and not played it much since, take a look at that setting.


It's easy to get by these little hangups and see an amazing game though. I'm not far through it (only at the second dungeon after about 7-10 hours) and so I probably won't come back in this thread until it's finished. It looks amazing for a Wii game, has oodles of charm, updates the game in all the right ways. Loving the more typical RPG-esque elements like repairing things and multiple responses to questions, although I don't know if they actually make any difference :heh: Also they knew that everybody forward-rolled everywhere using A on previous games so they found a solution to that.

Posted (edited)

The pumpkin bar side quest, on the final job where you have to play the harp, you are meant to swing in time, but i found you'd swing all the way to one side and link would strum halfway back, like there was some sway in the wiimote.


I had that problem too! It took so many tries for me to get it right and when I did it, they just said: "Well, it was... OK..." Damn critics!

Edited by Shorty
broken spoiler tag

Loving it so far, taking it very slowly, just been told to head for the first temple. Not having much of a problem with the controls, they take a little getting used to but on the whole enjoying the added challenge. Big throwback to Zelda II, the last time Zelda had such strategic combat, which is great IMO :)


Art style is lovely. Loved the visuals and especially the mood when you reach the first 'area' after Skyloft, very eerie especially as you make your way down.


The forest part is fantastic I thought, recently Zelda games have been so linear and easy to navigate, but you can get lost very easily in this one and really need to pay attention as you explore, a bit like the very first Zelda.


Also a very small trivial thing, I loved how they included the 25th anniversary logo at the beginning between the two cutscenes. Nice touch.


My only slight concern is how quickly the world map seems to be filling up, doesn't seem to be much more to the game!


The woman who tells you about Faron Woods and how she's been waiting for you etc, she said something about a treasure chest being in that room that will help Link, am I going crazy because I couldn't find any chest at all in that room!?



LOVE dowsing. Nice touch that the background music cuts out when you're searching



Anyone discovered the nice Skulltula clone quest yet?


No but I guess there is one eh!

Anyone discovered the nice Skulltula clone quest yet?


Do you mean?


The Bat guy? He's one of my new favourite characters.




The woman who tells you about Faron Woods and how she's been waiting for you etc, she said something about a treasure chest being in that room that will help Link, am I going crazy because I couldn't find any chest at all in that room!?


I couldn't find it either. Started to think I made it up.


Yeah, I was ready to ruin his shit.


After the cutscene I really didn't want to hit him. So I stood there for a few minutes before I realised it was the only way to progress in the game.





Does anyone else feel incredibly guilty when they have to hit the cats at night?



Mine arrived today and I might get some time to play it tonight.


After reading the N-Europe review and seeing that even they had problems with the controls, I am a little worried though. I thought Gamespot were just being crap when they had problems with it, but I trust N-Europe.

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