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Animal Crossing: New Leaf


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Pfft they acted like they were annoyed by all the questions they are getting from fans. I really wonder if the shortage issue with the non-standard game card they are using for this has anything to do with the late release?


It most likely has - but as @RedShell said, they should have just delayed for all regions it until they could meet the demand for the special cards!

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This is still going on, why don't Ninty just cancel the game. All these delays coming left right and centre. Whats to say they don't delay it one more time. I've just about lost interest in this now, i was getting hypped about it but now it's a simple "m'eh"

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This is still going on, why don't Ninty just cancel the game. All these delays coming left right and centre. Whats to say they don't delay it one more time. I've just about lost interest in this now, i was getting hypped about it but now it's a simple "m'eh"


As has been said, the delay is more likely down to a hardware supply issue than anything to do with localization issues.


They sold out the initial shipment in Japan and have been slow to restock. Until they can satistfy the Japanese market, where the game should already be freely available, it makes little sense to put it out elsewhere knowing they will be even more incapable of meeting the demand.


It's not so much them pushing it back as it being impossible for them to bring it any further forward.


The only thing they could do to resolve the problem would be to do an initial release on the eShop before the game is physically available in shops but it why bother when you know those same people, despite their moaning, will still pick up the game if delayed for a few months. Plus it wouldn't do their marketing team any favours as they would have to advertise it's digital release and then it's retail release.

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I agree, but by making fans really frustrated by pushing this game back even more, they aren't exactly doing their marketing team any favours as well. It's just really making people disappointed. It has completely killed the hype for me.


I really wish they went ahead and released it digitally as soon as possible. But that's not going to happen of course.

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Animal Crossing games occupy similar territory to the Mario games in that their appeal is wide spread thorugh various gaming demographics and a lot of them people won't even have a clue about said "delay" The people already following the game aren't really the target for Nintendo's marketing staff and there is a good argument to say they could do the digital release with an absolute barebones marketing campaign with just the announcment in a Nintendo Direct and a link on their website. But you don't want to be confusing the soccer moms who might be skeptical about downloading games rather than going to the shops if they happen to come across said advert.


I also don't quite get the concept of hype with a game like this. I can see why someone might look forward to it, but to be super hyped "OMG must have this now!!!" completely puzzles me. As a game that reveals itself, and rewards its players, over time, I fail to see where the sense of urgency, i.e. the hype, originates from and why a later than ideal release would threaten it.

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I wouldn't say I've ever really been "hyped" for this game. It's more the feeling that it should have been released earlier in the 3DS's lifespan rather than later on. It's not like a Zelda, which people really do get hyped for, but then you can usually finish those in a week and have done all the sidequests within two weeks. It's precisely because Animal Crossing takes a long time to play that I would have liked it earlier - when the 3DS was shiny and new, and StreetPass was full of potential. When it finally does arrive, it's going to feel like a long-brewed epic rather than the essential bit of software that could have become synonymous with the 3DS from the start.

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It's really hard to explain, but to me Animal Crossing always has been some of the most ultimate gaming experiences. It's so much more than collecting a load of shit and choosing how to display it. I love the atmosphere of the game so much. The art style is so nice and everything just feels alive! It's like a little pocket world in my DS. I also have friends in the USA, so Animal Crossing is a great place to meet and chat and do nice things.


It's not that important when it comes out. The annoying thing is that nintendo always makes it seem like there's hope it's coming out soon. And that's not the case. It's just not funny, but of course I'll wait and play the hell out of it when it comes out.

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I've never really played an Animal Crossing game before, only Wild World for a few minutes on DS years ago. If I did eventually decide to try to get into it, I'd probably be most interested in the digital version so that it would be with me on my 3DS all the time :hehe:


It's a shame it'll probably cost the earth to have it in that form.. :indeed:

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Yeah, we need retailers to be able to sell download codes. That way they can set the price they want, and in most cases it will mirror the prices of their retail titles.


A lot of people would like to go digital, but thanks to the eShop being the only means of purchase, gamers are put off by RRP prices.

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Well I got this during the survey for my digital download of Parper Mario




They must be planning on releasing them at some point, but I'm sure we all remember how long it took them to get the point cards out. Animal Crossing was the first game to have these cards in Japan so they might be doing the same over here.

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Yeah, we need retailers to be able to sell download codes.


They must be planning on releasing them at some point


Looks like it is coming soon...

From Nintendo website:


Using a Download Code purchased in a shop or online store

Coming soon!


Purchase a Download Code and enter it in Nintendo eShop to download the game. Download Codes can be purchased in many shops and online stores that sell Nintendo products.

Download method using a Download Code


1. Start "Nintendo eShop" from your HOME Menu



2. Tap the "Menu" tab on the top left of the lower screen



3. Tap "Settings/Other"



4. Tap "Redeem Download Code"



5. Enter the 16-figure Download Code in the screen that is displayed and tap "OK"


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Looks like it is coming soon...

From Nintendo website:


Using a Download Code purchased in a shop or online store

Coming soon!


Purchase a Download Code and enter it in Nintendo eShop to download the game. Download Codes can be purchased in many shops and online stores that sell Nintendo products.

Download method using a Download Code


1. Start "Nintendo eShop" from your HOME Menu



2. Tap the "Menu" tab on the top left of the lower screen



3. Tap "Settings/Other"



4. Tap "Redeem Download Code"



5. Enter the 16-figure Download Code in the screen that is displayed and tap "OK"



I do so hope it's coming soon, and not only for the 3DS, but also for the WiiU.

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