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Luigi's Mansion 2


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Just noticed that the case looks a bit different. If you look carefully enough you can notice that the "Luigi's Mansion 2" Logo and the ghosts have an extra layer to them. I'm guessing those are the only areas that glow in the dark.

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This AND Lego City Undercover arrived for me today... but Bioshock only arrived for me yesterday plus I'm still very much into Monster Hunter so I will most likely be playing this later on, but god damn!


Luigi's Mansion 2 get!! :D


So hyped. :)

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Luigi's Mansion 2 arrived this morning :grin: I'll hopefully get a chance to play it tonight :yay:


I know what you mean, they dont give a damn about spoilers, i went on a walking dead article which showed a video and it told you who dies in the last episode, no spoiler tags or anything!!!!


Got mine in the post aswell, but wont touch it until the weekend due to monster hunter

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Did Shopto orders get the Boo stress ball as well then?


Like welsh said, only those who got it from GAME.


I started playing a bit earlier and I'm already loving this game. So far I've explored EVERYTHING along the way. I don't want to leave anything behind, doesn't feel like a chore either it's just so great to watch Luigi slowly progressing through these haunted mansions and his reactions feel so real.


Not a spoiler but just in case

I like the way Luigi enters a room and is immediately more cautious as he investigates the area, he's hunching and keeping hid body to himself. I find it works wonders with eerie atmosphere. Then when he knows a room is clear, he's walking straight, not frowning nor is he shaking and that's when he starts humming!



It's these little touches of ninty genius that you won't find elsewhere.


Oh and Professor E. Gadd's ringtone... :laughing:

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Like welsh said, only those who got it from GAME.


I started playing a bit earlier and I'm already loving this game. So far I've explored EVERYTHING along the way. I don't want to leave anything behind, doesn't feel like a chore either it's just so great to watch Luigi slowly progressing through these haunted mansions and his reactions feel so real.


Not a spoiler but just in case

I like the way Luigi enters a room and is immediately more cautious as he investigates the area, he's hunching and keeping hid body to himself. I find it works wonders with eerie atmosphere. Then when he knows a room is clear, he's walking straight, not frowning nor is he shaking and that's when he starts humming!



It's these little touches of ninty genius that you won't find elsewhere.


Oh and Professor E. Gadd's ringtone... :laughing:


Yep I cited this earlier and it's now my ringtone :D

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Started this earlier as soon as I got in from work. Completed the first 'mansion' I suppose you could call it but its more a training mission to get you into it.


One word. Wow.


What an amazing looking game! And the atmosphere is absolutely spot on.

I absolutely love Luigi's reactions to all the goings on around him, how he jumps at the littlest thing, how he runs around - its just all brilliant.

This is taking me right back to my school days where I received Luigi's mansion and a shiny new black GameCube for my birthday :D

You can tell how much attention has gone into the game so early in. I'm truly enjoying every minute and like Dem0 said, wanting to explore everything to make sure I don't miss anything!!


So good!

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Glad you're all enjoying it! Mine, unfortunately didn't arrive today, but I suppose hearing what you guys think of it is still part of the actual experience of enjoying the game however small it is for when I do actually play (tomorrow I hope). :D

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I really really wish this game had dual analogue controls, but I understand why it can't have them. After the sublime way the first one controlled, this feels slightly awkward and a step back. Why the insistence on using a button to run? What's wrong with moving the control stick? It's the same issue I had with Super Mario 3D Land. Looking up and down with the X and B buttons feels weird.


Fantastic game though, am having a blast with it.

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Yep I cited this earlier and it's now my ringtone :D


Share the mp3?


Graphics and animation are fantastic, had me laughing for certain scenes.


They also kept my favourite feature from the first game!


You can make Luigi call out by press the d-pad. Pointless but fun.



Year of Luigi is off to a great start!

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