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Nintendo's Conference - Tuesday 7th 5pm/6pm


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For those people worried about the controller not being hardcore enough, what about the classic controller? You will still be able to use that, as Wiimote support is still there.


The 3DS stuff was good, I thought. Luigi's Mansion killed me. Also, loved what I saw on Super Mario on 3DS. I want one now...


Wii-u stuff: Not sure what I think yet. Need time to digest. I know I'll get it, probably love it and forget why I was worried in the first place. Fucking Nintendo. :heh:


Also, Aliens: Colonial Marines on Wii u pretty much means that any desire I ever had to buy a 360 is gone. So, pretty chuffed to see that on a system I'll likely be getting.


Finally, I can't believe people made the mistake of thinking that the tablet controller was the actual console. Nintendo said themselves during the conference that its not a true handheld and that you need the home console there, as well. Gah, people.

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Not really, even vita isn't HD. HD on a 6 inch screen is a bit overkill. There are limits to the detail your eye can make out.


I pretty much use my iPhone as a standard. If it's anything like that then I've no problem.

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come on Daft, do you really expect an HD screen in a controller? This should not be much higher priced than a remote if they want this to succeed.


Good point. I forgot about the need to keep the cost down.

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I'm underwhelmed totally from the conference. I don't have an interest in handheld gaming and so it was then extremely lacklustre in regards to actual software that is to be released for either Wii or WiiU.


The 3rd Party games that were shown, were shown running on 360/PS3 and so couldn't highlight what the WiiU could bring specifically to them and there were also no exclusives for it shown.


This was a poor showing for me, not as bad as E3 '08 and not as bad as Microsoft's conference this year (or last year for that matter) but it left a bit of a bitter taste in my mouth.

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The controller has a microphone right?... so we could get the voice recognition seen in Mass Effect 3 with Kinect.


You shouldn't need Kinect for the voice recognition in ME3, the 360 comes standard with a headset. Although I'm sure Microsoft conveniently ignored that fact.


Also, major props to Daft about the info he provided about this all months ago.


I think you got it spot on?


I heard the tablet would dock with the base unit to act as as sensor bar but that wasn't the case. I'm sure there were other inaccuracies. And then I added a load of speculation on top. :heh:

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You shouldn't need Kinect for the voice recognition in ME3, the 360 comes standard with a headset. Although I'm sure Microsoft conveniently ignored that fact.




I heard the tablet would dock with the base unit to act as as sensor bar but that wasn't the case. I'm sure there were other inaccuracies. And then I added a load of speculation on top. :heh:


You were mostly right, though. About the fact it was a tablet. And, touchscreen. And a few other things.


Well done, Mr Inside Man.

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Pretty good conference I thought - let's not forget that the conference is only 40 or 50% of what E3 is about - there's still a lot of hands on reports to read and more announcements to come which is when we get a better flavour of what to expect.


Surprisingly I was more hyped for the 3DS stuff than Wii U. Which means I need to buy a 3DS soon. :heh:

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You were mostly right, though. About the fact it was a tablet. And, touchscreen. And a few other things.


Well done, Mr Inside Man.


I've violated so many NDAs in my time it's unfunny. Would have been a real problem at Square Enix but talking about their games bores me to tears. :hehe:


Until next time!!

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To b ehonest, if the wii owenrs who don't have a HD console buy Wii u and all these games then it'll be an incredible launch. It's a start, nintendo haven't had these so it's a very good thing. But there does need to be new stuff too. It's a really really weird position... If it does EVERYTHING the PS3/360 does and has nintendos first part stuff and the controller is incredible, surely that's enough fora lot of people to move over... no?


I don't think the market operates how it it does in your head. You can't defeat branding and stigmas. You won't get people switching, even if Nintendo managed to launch a graphically and equally supported machine alongside its competitors.


You're shifting the focus away from the console and how now it might be satisfying more of your needs and instead placing emphasis on other people's expectations and spending habits.

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I am so impressed, the idea behind this is genius. But freaking hell some of the responses on the internet I just dont get. None stop complaining on some sites, Nintendo are doing it right by providing experiences for all kinds of gamers with top notch third party support, you'd think Nintendo had just personally kicked all the haters in the nuts.


I cant wait to see more and some third party stuff.

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Anyone been wondering about this issue...


Exactly what games are going to be playable on JUST the controller screen...when HALF THE APPEAL OF THE CONSOLE IS THE GAMEPLAY FROM CONTROLLER + TV?


This is a big issue to me.


It's another annoying Nintendo contradiction, where they tout one feature, but it actually detracts from something else about the system. Like the 3D effect on 3DS hogging most of the system's power, stuff like that.


Basically it's like only the core traditional games will be playable on just the controller, but that means that Nintendo first party ones will have to make a choice between utilising the controller fully, or just using it as a screen and nothing else.

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Wii had no HD. Nintendo gave you HD

Wii had little hardcore games. Nintendo gave you more hardcore games

Wiimote didn't have enough buttons. Nintendo gave you more buttons

Wiimote didn't have dual analogue. Nintendo gave you dual analogue.


And people still complain. :indeed:

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I don't get all the complaining and hating etc. The only thing I can agree on is that the name is a bit crap, but I don't care.


I'm very excited about this new controller and what we may be able to do with it. I'm very much looking forward to all the possibilities developers come up with!


Also good about the third party support. I don't own an Xbox360 or a PS3, so if they start releasing some of those games on the WiiU I may finally be able to get the ones that sound interesting to me. =)

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Wii had no HD. Nintendo gave you HD

Wii had little hardcore games. Nintendo gave you more hardcore games

Wiimote didn't have enough buttons. Nintendo gave you more buttons

Wiimote didn't have dual analogue. Nintendo gave you dual analogue.


And people still complain. :indeed:


Of course some wiseass had to complain about the complainers. I like them more than you.

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Also, major props to Daft about the info he provided about this all months ago.


I think you got it spot on?


Hang on... it being a tablet was already out! All Daft added was the the controller itself was the console...and it wasn't.


I'm sorry if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure this is the case!

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Wii had no HD. Nintendo gave you HD

Wii had little hardcore games. Nintendo gave you more hardcore games

Wiimote didn't have enough buttons. Nintendo gave you more buttons

Wiimote didn't have dual analogue. Nintendo gave you dual analogue.


And people still complain. :indeed:


i know, what did they want? swap the wii for the WiiU?


the name is the only thing to possibly complain about

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Of course some wiseass had to complain about the complainers. I like them more than you.


And of course, some even wiser ass had to complain about the complaining about the complainers and as such I like you less than I like the complainers that complain about the...where was I again?

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