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It was SO well acted, especially Christian Bale, Jennifer Lawrence and Amy Adams!.


Poor Bradley...



I saw The Wolf on Wall Street last night. It was pretty good. About 30 mins too long though. A film has to be pretty darn engrossing to reach the 3 hour mark, but this could have been cut down a bit I think.


Loved the drug scenes, especially the bit at the country club. Hilarious!

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I thought he was better than Bale, personally. It's a shame that he only gets nominated for 'supporting actor' when he's on screen for almost as much time as Bale or Adams.
True, but Bale and Adams relationship was the heart of the story really.


I thought Bale's transformation for the character was impressive too.

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  • 2 weeks later...

12 Years A Slave


Late to the party but wow, can't remember a film that looked so beautiful. Hyperreal colours, powerful contrast of stunning scenery and abhorrent violence. Moving performances too, especially from Lupita Nyong'o.


My only minor criticisms would be that Zimmer's score was a bit too catalogue in the sad moments, there were one or two too many 'stars', and for a film with the title of '12 years' you don't really get a true sense of time passing.


Everyone should watch it, though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Watched Knights of Badassdom tonight. It was cheesy but a lot of fun. Summer Glau was awesome in it and the music was brilliant.


Also, a film based on Nintendo and Sega called Console Wars, based on the book by Blake Harris, has just been announced. Scott Ruddin (The Social Network) is producing it and Seth Rogan and Evan Goldberg (Knocked Up, Superbad) are writing and directing it. Sony Pictures are producing it.


They're also doing a documentary on the same subject.

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Also, a film based on Nintendo and Sega called Console Wars, based on the book by Blake Harris, has just been announced. Scott Ruddin (The Social Network) is producing it and Seth Rogan and Evan Goldberg (Knocked Up, Superbad) are writing and directing it. Sony Pictures are producing it.


They're also doing a documentary on the same subject.


That sounds like my worst/nightmare combination. Loathe Superbad and hated The Social Network. :heh:


I saw 12 Years A Slave (no separate thread for it?) and thought it was great. It's Oscar bait, but it's very good at what it intends to do. Michael Fassbender is one hell of an actor.

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Also, a film based on Nintendo and Sega called Console Wars, based on the book by Blake Harris, has just been announced. Scott Ruddin (The Social Network) is producing it and Seth Rogan and Evan Goldberg (Knocked Up, Superbad) are writing and directing it. Sony Pictures are producing it.


They're also doing a documentary on the same subject.


Is that not a conflict of interests :heh:

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To start off with, I have this - admittedly stupid - phobia (dislike using that word here, but it's the only one that comes to my mind) of being in space (or the ocean) without being able to control my movements, slowly drifting away without any possibility of stopping (you can probably see where this is headed).


It's stupid because I highly doubt I'll ever get into a situation like that - obviously -, but even thinking about it makes me feel anxious.


So I watched Gravity just now.





It was intense. And for me it was incredibly horrifying.


Edit: Steven Price deserved that Oscar. Brilliant and perfect score.

Edited by drahkon
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I saw Dead Poet's Society for the first time since I was fourteen (I was on a bus in Berlin listening to Guns N' Roses and insisting someone swap this sissy shit for Terminator 2) about a week ago and it's pretty much me all over. Boarding school life as imagined from the perspective of an overly sentimental literature graduate, loved it so much.


Particularly loved the way it portrayed the aphasia that catches even the most outspoken and eloquent person when their childhood dreams are faced with parental pragmatism.

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Just two weeks to go!




Just about to watch this now. I now it's not an ordinary movie, but I'm surprised to see it's available for pay-to-stream on the same day as the cinema release. Since there is no option for me to watch it in the cinema(in the entire country I assume) I will be watching it now on pay-to-stream. I hope it doesn't let me down :p

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