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Yesterday I watched Escape from, Conquest of and Battle for The Planet of the Apes.


Enjoyed them all...although Battle was certainly the weakest of the 5


Like Beneth the Planet of the Apes I had (oddly) not seen these 3 yet, dispite seeing the original film many many times...


Escape was really good I thought, nice change of setting and reversal of roles with the Apes now being the outsiders and Humans being the stuck up fearful race.


It was odd given how dark Beneth ended how the begining of Escape was so light hearted and almost like a comedy and then at the middle it begins to turn and becomes fairly dark again and the ending was shocking and a bit of a tear jerker too... while I saw the final twist coming a mile away it was still surprising/shocking seeing the baby ape get shot.


Conquest was odd at first, was kinda hard to believe Earth changed so much and that apes became domesticated to that extent in just 20 years. And the very notion of using Aps as both pets and servents seems so ridiculous.


But it was great to see Rodney McDowell return even if he was playing his original

characters son, was interesting to see him play a 2nd character. Loved seeing how Ceaser then changed through the film and begin to set in motion the ape revolution. The end of teh film was brutal and bloody (though the bright red paint used for bloody was laughable, haha). And so dark it was pure epic.


I watched the special "extended" version on the BluRay as I always do that when given a choice... found out after watching a behind the scenes featurette that the "Extended" version was actually the original cut of the film but after an intial test screening and realising how dark and sinister the end was it was altered to make it less dark (adding more to Ceasers final speech to not have it end so angry and dark, not showing the brutal killing of the Governor).


After seeing those two was really looking forward to Battle...maybe my expectations were set too high :heh: Was very disappointed in Battle given where Conquest ended I was expecting a lot more darkness, thought it might show the war that caused mankinds end allowing the Apes to take over... thought I might see a global battle of some kind... but alas twas not to be.


The setting seemed all wrong. It didn't say how many years had past since the previous film but it couldn't have been that many if Caeser was still alive... and he didn't appear that old either. Yet somehow now every Ape could talk and there were even apes older than Ceaser who were also more knowledgable than him and seemed to be highly educated in sceince. It would have made more sense had it been set a bit further into the future and if they wanted to have Rodney McDowell return just simply have him play a decendent of Ceaser.


You could really tell too that they were working on such a small budget, such a shame. I was kind of hoping the film would end basically completing the loop and setting up the world that would lead to the events of the first film. Sure it would have been dark and gloomy but that is what the Apes franchise has been in every film previous. Though apparently after watching the behind the scenes featurette that is what the studio wanted to move away from for the final film... though I guess you can't blame them, guess it is better to end on a message of hope and possible change rather than "there's nothing can be done to prevent the end" :heh:


Got to say too I loved the disc menus in the blurays. Each disc started up with a CGI "Lawgiver" giving you a little set up on what is on the disc and you can start each film with a small introduction from the Lawgiver setting up the film as if he were reading from the sacred scrolls.


And there a nice featurette on each disc, kind of a behind the scenes thing... but recently filmed, talking about a little of how the production of each film went and the cultural influences that both inspired the film/writers and the impact each film had in it own right.


At the moment watching the 2001 remake with Mark Wallberg... I was going to skip to Rise of the Planet of the Apes but either the completionist or OCD in me wouldn't let me do that without watching this first :heh:


Though seriously disappointed with the disc as it has no Special features...WTF :mad:

Was hoping it might have been given the nice Lawgiver intros that the original films had on their discs and also a nice featurette like they had too... was actually looking forward to that to see what the people I've been watching talking about the orginal 5 films would say about this one, but alas aside from audio comentary there is nothing :mad:




HAHAHA... never knew this before (as I had obviously not seen Beneth before) but Charlton Hestons cameo as Thades dying father in the 2001 remake, his last words as the same last words as Taylor in Beneth... HAHAH... so AWESOME

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“Hey, yeah, sorry, but I bought this packet of crisps yesterday, but I’ve decided I don’t like the flavour, and would like a refund..â€


Oh dear...


Fortunately when I went to see it the Cinema was packed and everyone applauded at the end. :D

I think it was the first time I applauded outside of a festival. I was also the one who initiated the applauding, as it wasn’t usual, so people hesitated, but I got 3 or 4 fans to clap with me :D (but my cinema wasn’t packed).


I saw Tésis yesterday, an old movie from Alejandro Amenábar. Generally exciting, and a few twists which keep you guessing, but abre los ojos is better. Still, a nice watch.

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They'll probably do the thing when they get round to showing it when it clears up at the awards. I'm surprised though, it's been promo-ed the hell out of where I live.


Seen the advert for Martha Marcy May or whatever about 4 times now, each time it intrigues me more...


Broadcast Yourself


The song the guy sings in the trailer. Amazing.




Again, this. I loved it. Occasionally felt a bit heavy handed in the bankers-are-shits message and I got slightly annoyed by the patronising way in which so many characters had to have things handily explained 'in plain english, as you'd speak to a labrador' or whatever (amusing line though). I guess it had to be done for the audience to have half a clue what was going on but y'know.


Anyway. Cast was brilliant - the progression from bottom of the chain banker / Sylar right to the top was dona really well. Paul Bettany my highlight. Wonderfully shot, some of the time lapse shots of the city were great. Thought being set over 24 hours worked really well. Even though it was anti-banker though it did make me strangely jealous of their lives / living in new york / stuff. And nice to see Dan from Gossip Girl put in a solid performance! Ha. /Unrelated string of thoughts. Anyway great, see it.


Ha, we are so wavelengthing. I too saw Marlen Maureen Michelle May and I was like "Need/my kind of film/up my alley/intruige win"


And I completely forgot to mention....Paul Bettany was INSANE. He was such a fucking cool guy. Effortlessly awesome with some razor sharp dialogue. Absolutely awesome.

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Just finished watching Rise of the Planet of the Apes, completing the 7 film boxset now :D


Thought it was BRILLAINT.


Definately felt like the film "Conquest of" and/or Battle for the Planet of the Apes could have been had not been made in the early 70's and had proper budgets.


Loved all the little throw backs to the original films from the mother Ape being nicknamed "Brighteyes" to the main apes own name for "Caesar", even "Buck" I'm pretty sure was also the name of a gorrila in either the first or Beneth.


And the few line reuses like "It's a madhouse a madhouse" to "get your paws off me you damn dirty ape"... though it would have been better had both not been said by the same character the 2nd one especially... it felt a little too forced.


Though I was waiting for "damn you, damn you all to hell" to reappear too but it didn't.


Loved how they handled the apes, especially Caesar and seeing him grow and change... not too dissimilar to how Caser in Conquest grew and changed.


The scene when Caesar first spoke and said No, my jaw dropped it was fantastic.

Especially as I had just seen the originals that was a great creation of the moment described by Cornelius in Escape from the Planet of the Apes when he told of how the first Ape slave said No to his master. That was a scene I was expecting to see in Conquest but it never quite happened (as described by Cornelius). So it was amazing to see that moment created in this film.


Also I found out that originaly "Battle for the Planet of the Apes" had the working title of "Rise of the Planet of the Apes", thought that was funny.


Apparently this is also meant to be like a reboot for the Apes franchise so sequels are likely though from what I can find out there isn't anything in production yet.


Though I could see a few things within this that could have been for setting up a sequel. The most obvious was the news story of a spaceship "Icarus" getting lost in space. That could easily make it possible to have another remake of the original film with the crew of that ship crash landing on a "Planet of the Apes" unaware they are on Earth.


But don't know if I would want to see that happen... or at least not too soon, maybe as a 2nd sequel?




Oh yeah also found it weird one of teh characters was named Franklin... my name... first time James Franco called the name I was giving my email a quick check and for a slit second I thought.... "Did he just call me?", haha

Edited by Mokong
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I've had to close my eyes and ears and Lalalalalalalal at your last post, Mokong. I haven't seen Rise yet. :o


The original films are pretty good, aren't they? I really like Beneath and Conquest, in particular. I guess because they're quite bleak and dark, maybe that has something to do with it.


I only found out about the original ending for Conquest a few years ago. It's quite a grim ending, but I really like it...

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Haha sorry Flinky, I guess I just assumed most people here had seen Rise and that I was the only one left behind.... but yeah go rent it if you get a chance it is really awesome and some nice throw nods to the original are put in it too.


Yeah Escape and Conquest were awesome (you did see my post bout those yesterday?) I cannot believe I had not seen them before, espeically given how often I had seen the orginal film.

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Haha sorry Flinky, I guess I just assumed most people here had seen Rise and that I was the only one left behind.... but yeah go rent it if you get a chance it is really awesome and some nice throw nods to the original are put in it too.


Yeah Escape and Conquest were awesome (you did see my post bout those yesterday?) I cannot believe I had not seen them before, espeically given how often I had seen the orginal film.


Yeah, I saw your other post. It reminded me of Conquest's awesomeness.


Battle is a bit shit, isn't it? I wish we could delete that out of existence, or maybe they could remake it or something. It just doesn't fit in with the rest of the films. It looks similar(ish) but it just doesn't feel the same.


Escape has to be given some credit for finding a way to continue the series. Although, it does have some holes. For example, how did they manage to get to the Forbidden Zone to fly the ship, in the same time that it took Zaius to reach the "human" city at the end of the second film? Also, although its not confirmed, the ship did look pretty battered to me when Brent crash lands on the planet.

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Yeah, I saw your other post. It reminded me of Conquest's awesomeness.


Battle is a bit shit, isn't it? I wish we could delete that out of existence, or maybe they could remake it or something. It just doesn't fit in with the rest of the films. It looks similar(ish) but it just doesn't feel the same.


Yeah Battle just didn't seem quite right. Especially given where Conquest ended. Watching some of the featurettes on the BluRay it was said in the first draft for a script by the same writer who wrote Escape and Conquest it was going to be a much darker film with Caesar becoming more of an evil dictator and keeping Humans under his thumb as slaves and performing scientific experiments. Including genetically altering the speech centre in the brain to make humans mute... thereby explaning why the humans in the first film were mute.


Unfortunately that writer fell ill and was unable to complete his script and after Conquest "scaring children" the studio (Fox) wanted a much less darker film with a more open and potentially happy ending rather than one that would just complete the circle.


Very unfortunate really as I would have loved to see the film the original write was planning.


Escape has to be given some credit for finding a way to continue the series. Although, it does have some holes. For example, how did they manage to get to the Forbidden Zone to fly the ship, in the same time that it took Zaius to reach the "human" city at the end of the second film? Also, although its not confirmed, the ship did look pretty battered to me when Brent crash lands on the planet.


Actually I thought the same about the ship, because yes Brents ship was half burned to a crisp, but then it was actually mentioned in the film (I think by Zira) that they used Taylors ship which they manged to take out of the lake.


It wasn't mentioned when or how they got it out of the lake, but aside from some water damage that ship was fully intact. So it could have been possible that it was fished out sometime between the 1st and 2nd film and was being restored by Milo. Though I do still wonder how given their level of tech did he manage to repair and learn to operate the ship in such a short time... I'd assume the water would have done some damage to electronics... and where did the space suits come from?


But I don't think a 2nd sequel was planned when Beneth was being made so given what they had to work with it is indeed very comendable that they did manage to produce such a great film out of pretty much nowhere.

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Just watched Nude Nuns with Big Guns on Lovefilm stream. Craziest movie I have seen in a long time if not ever. Naked Catholic women going around guns blazing killing bikers and cocain dealing priests with very big guns. It also features strippers, granny rape as well as a nude lesbian gun wielding make out featuring one nun. I guess the weirdest thing is that they set ending up for a sequel.

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Saw Shame last night. I haven't seen Hunger yet but McQueen but I know I should.



I thought it was good. Some truly stunning/shocking (not in a !!! more in a "whoA" way) bits of acting in there (when they fight on the sofa). Michael Fassbender and Carey Mulligan are such stunners. All the supporting actors were well done too though. I loved the woman he goes on a date with.


Quite intense - not in a Requiem for a Dream I Wish I Was Dead way, more like This Is Really Awkward And Uncomfortable, which was the point.


I recommend it. It's not revelatory, but a beautifully and meticulously crafted movie about sex addiction, but also like...unbreakable vicious circles/relationships.


Don't go thinking you wanna see tits/penis. Cause even though both are there, it's the least sexy film.

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Quite intense - not in a Requiem for a Dream I Wish I Was Dead way, more like This Is Really Awkward And Uncomfortable, which was the point.


I love movies which get that across in a realistic and engaging manner. I'm no filmmaker, but it seems like a difficult thing to achieve. I hadn't taken any notice of Shame before, but now I almost want to watch it.

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I thought the bit towards the end was a bit raunchy, where he eats out the chick, when she's faced on the bed and her arse is arched in the air, but yeah its not a porno.


I thought it was fantastic, and to be honest I am slightly insulted it didn't receive any Oscar nods. I mean.....Oldman for Tinker Tailor over Fassbender for Shame? That is just outright retarded. But meh. The Oscars always fucking piss me off.

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The Oscar noms just released are so DULL.


In a year of really interesting films, only a few even get a mention in the noms. Yawn.


No Drive, No Gosling, No Serkis, No Warrior




I've not seen Hugo, is it really 11 Oscars worthy?

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Keeping it short, need to go to bed / frustrating internet:




La piel que habito

The latest Pedro Almodóvar, with Antonio Banderas en a gorgeous Elena Anaya. A great but disturbing story about an unethical plastic surgeon and his patient. Loved this one.


Perfect sense

Ewan McGregor and Eva Green. Romantic drama with a sci-fi element. I loved it, it was good, though I guess not on the level of the above and below mentioned films. Love romantic apocalypses though!


We need to talk about Kevin

Finally saw this, and it’s been mentioned plenty already, but this film is great. Great performance by Tilda Swinton of course, and a great but sad story.


The artist

Yeah, again. This time with a friend. Won’t comment on it again.




Les géants

Festival preview, which has now officially started. I went because Q&A’s have a magnetic effect on me, though the little that I’ve seen from the film did interest me. The film was a lovely surprise though. It was a coming of age story about 3 kids who are all but abandoned by their family. Very funny and endearing. Amazing performances by the 3 teenage kids, and some extremely gorgeous shots of.. The Ardennes I believe? Part Belgium, and part Luxembourg I believe. Perhaps France as well. Anyway, plenty of eye candy.


Really looking forward to the festival, eventhough I won’t be able to see a lot of films like previous editions (30+ few years ago). Should be able to get a free ticket though! At the very least I’ll be seeing Phoenix Wright, and Miike Takashi will be present.

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Everyone I know who saw it thought it was meh. A good kid's film, but nothing special. And that the main boy wasn't even that good.


I saw it and thought it was great.


Also makes sense that film critics and the Academy Awards would love it because it deals with some of the origins of film so...


I wouldn't complain about how many nominations it got, I mean.., it got nominated for best sound editing and best sound mixing.




So I don't know why people count these things.

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Hugo was immense and had so much more to offer than just a children's film with deeper messages contained with in, it is a brilliant love letter to cinema as a whole and focuses on the importance of preserving film. :) (although for me something was missing.)


What have I been watching:


The Duellists - So many Duels! I enjoyed how it became less acceptable over time but the two main men were to stubborn to quit, the last shots are beautiful. (Recommend)


The House of Yes- An intoxicating performance from Parker Posey as a Bi-polar woman (jackie-o) who has a fascination with Jacqueline Kennedy and the Kennedy assassination and includes that sexually with her brother. It's dark humour quickly takes you through the story leading you through this family's odd nature and the with Jackie-o at the centre. It kept me hooked.(worth a look)


Legend- Tom Cruise looks silly with long hair, Unicorns are lame but the rest is good fun and well thought out. It all looks a bit 80s but it's an intriguing take on the fantasy genre and actually manages to mix things up a bit. (Worth A Look)


Someone To Watch Over Me- Interesting idea to begin with and it starts off exciting but then it becomes a bit limp as it goes on and never really recovers. (Approach With Caution)

Our Idiot Brother A "nice" film. Paul Rudd is always amusing to watch and the rest of the cast is good but the film misses the mark and it plods along in a familiar manner. (approach with caution)


CJ7 - THIS FILM IS SO CUTE and brutal. A weird squidgy alien thing comes to life and gets abused basically. Zany, wacky kids film that is a bit silly but a joy to watch. (Worth A Look)


The Holy Mountain- Trippin' Balls. 1 hour and 52 minutes of heavy handed symbolism, it definitely opened my mind and got me thinking and challenged me but it all felt a bit gratuitous rather than grand. Not sure if it's good but it's something people should definitely watch. (worth a look)


A Goofy Movie- Fun Disney movie that doesn't try and be anything better than it is. (worth a look)


This Is Spinal Tap- - Great Mockumentary, ridiculously funny. (recommend)

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