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Grand Theft Auto 5


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I didn't mind romance or friendships as such as a concept, but their execution was just terrible, constant calls, rejecting penalised you (ie in missions when you can't), they could have retained them with some way of specifying times perhaps?


but i don't mind too much if they are gone either


No celebrity actors? really thats been a staple of the series for ages, how very sad

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The only fun thing about dating in Grand Theft Auto was dropping your date off after a date and repeatedly running her over with your car.


Sleeping Dogs attempted to make dating more fun by giving your dates a personality, cutscenes and a unique mission, but unfortunately you never heard from them again after your first date.


Except for that one girl who accused me of cheating on her. I ran her over with my car too.

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Dan Houser about using three playable characters in GTAV:

Link: http://www.insidegamer.nl/artikel/10...rockstar-games


IG: I can imagine the meeting you have, the discussions about where you're going to take the game. And then...

Dan Houser: We don’t really have those. It’s all a few emails, it’s quite weird.


IG: But the moment someone says, 'Let's do multiple characters'?

Dan doubtfully glances at his colleague

DH: Was that an email? Someone discussed it and send around a couple of emails – that was probably my brother [sam Houser, -ed], myself, Aron and Leslie: ‘What do you think? We have to do something different. What about this?’ And someone just went: ‘Yeah, why not.’ And no one went: ‘No, let’s not.’ Everyone was like: ‘Alright, let’s go for it.’ We’ve always worked… We don’t have a lot of meetings, partially because some of us are in New York and most of us are in Schotland.


Then the designers were originally doing missions for characters as in: he would do a mission, then another character would do a mission. You know, three for him, two for him, five for him…etc. It seemed like it might be interesting and the designers were beginning to do that, and they suddenly came up with this idea: why don’t we just have more than one character on a mission. In the begin it was like this: we just want to go on a mission together. So I’m the star of the mission and when it’s my mission, you’re just the NPC. Then someone said: yeah, but why can’t I be him in this bit?


Because he could be doing something more fun, while you’re doing boring stuff. That was when the switching on-mission came on. And then we had this feature suddenly, we felt was good a storytelling device, good as an off-mission device and good as an on-mission device. We thought it was brilliant, like it was a really great feature. That was sort of up and running. But only very recently we got it working, that was the concept, and it sort of worked really janky. And now it looks good in the game.


Dan Houser about GTA in a city outside of the USA:


IG: Would a GTA in, let's say Europe or Amsterdam, would it work?

Dan Houser: I don’t know. I thought about it. A lot. Argued it every which way. I think, my own sense, speaking for myself and not for the company, is that it’s as much a product Americana… That’s such a big part of the game. You know, you could make a great game set in Amsterdam. Would it be GTA? I don’t know. We haven’t done it, so I can’t really offer a comment or an opinion on it. We’ve avoided it because we think that part of the experience of GTA is its engagement with America, or American media, American movies, American culture or whatever. Some kind of Americana is such a part of the games, that in removing that, it would bizarrely make them lose their universality.


Finally, Houser told Gamer.nl how Rockstar keeps GTA relevant. The studio doesn't think of GTA as a series, more as seperate games that happen to share similar mechanics. Link: http://www.gamer.nl/interview/403013...rockstar-games


Source - Copied and pasted from GAF

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How is it that 343i (Halo 4) and Rockstar managed to get so much better visuals out of the xbox (and PS3) than everyone else? Did they get a special unlock code or something?


Are my Halo4/GTAV screenshots/videos different to everyone else's?

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From what I can see, it's not an amazing technical achievement. Instead, I see really, really good use of stuff like blur, bloom and level of display to hide the flaws for all the distance stuff, making it look great.


Because of how well they've applied the filters and stuff, the distance stuff actually looks miles better than the close-up stuff, due to low-resolution textures and low poly models (which is more than understandable for an open-world game).


I'm in no way saying it looks bad (well, some elements do, but that's fine), but that it's more of an artistic achievement than technological one.

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