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Pandora's Tower


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Destructoid -


Nintendo's announced a new game for Wii in Japan, and it's called (roughly translated) Pandora's Tower: Until I'm By Your Side Again.


Prepare yourselves for the flood of Pandora's Tower info I'm about to dump on you. Ready? It's out this Spring in Japan, it's rated CERO C, and it's published by Nintendo. We don't know who the developer is, and we don't know what kind of game it is. Great.


From the art style, I want to say it's a JRPG, but who knows. I'm bracing myself for a few Dtoid staffers to be really excited about this game and for me to not understand what they're squealing about. It's going to be fabulous.


For absolutely no more info than I've given you, but set to calming piano, check out the game's website.






This is a quote from the bible ie Job 30:30.

Edited by Dante
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Whoa, slow down Nintendo! Don't show us too much of the game! You don't want to spoil it for us...


It's probably going to play out like The Last Story, whereby the website will update slowly every day/week with new bits of info.


Looks like it's Monolith Soft's new game which would suggest another JRPG, though it would be nice if they did something more adventure wise given the subtitle of the game. We'll see though. It'll most likely be another game that doesn't leave Japan, or if it does it'll be one which Nintendo will sit on for months and then suddenly remember it and release it to no hype and eventual poor sales.

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  • 2 months later...

Looks interesting. Certainly not what I was expecting the game to be, although I was hoping for something that wasn't a JRPG so looks like I've got it.


I was more shocked to find that it wasn't being developed by Monolith Soft, but instead GANBARION (who usually make One Piece and Jump Superstar games). Still, sounds like it's going to try and be a mature action-adventure like God of War, and seems there's going to be some gore in it, so it could be good.


Some other details from Andriasang:


- game is centered on two characters, Ende and his friend Ceres

- takes place on the Graecia continent

- this is where, in the kingdom of Elysium, the harvest festival has begun

- Ceres has been chosen to sing at this event, but as she takes the podium, a beast appears

- Ende finds Ceres after the beast appears, but she's unconscious

- Ceres is about to be taken into the army's custody as a witness to the beast, but thanks to the help of a merchant named Graiai, the two manage to escape to an isolated tower

- we come to find out that Ceres has been cursed by the beast

- to break the curse, Ende must collect the flesh of beasts that live within the tower

- Ceres: 15 year old girl chosen from many to sing at the harvest event, firm believer in the Eos religion

- Ende: 22 year old former soldier of Athens during a war with Elysium, quiet type

- Graiai: member of the dwarf race, gives you the Orichalcum Chain which lets its possessor know Ceres' state

- the Chain allows you to see a timer that indicates how far along Ceres is in the curse

- use the chain to restrain the servant beasts you encounter in the towers and tear their flesh off for delivery to Ceres

- chain is also used on other items/objects in the tower

- 12 towers with different themes, all different sizes

- tower example: Red Flame Tower, which blocks your progress with fire

- get to the tower's deepest point to fight a boss for his flesh

- must get the flesh of all 12 bosses to stop the curse, as flesh from only one boss will simply slow the curse

- simple control scheme

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Yeah it seems like Nintendo are wanting to get in on some God of War style action for the Wii... only that trailer didn't exactly say 'action packed'... it was like one enemy at a time, building up to two for the final scene!


Yeah, that was one thing I noticed. A lack of enemies on screen or around isn't going to make for a very action packed game. Either they're holding that back for another trailer or they're pinning their hopes on the story carrying the game.


Truth be told, I was expecting something a little more.... epic shall we say. I had hoped it would be an action-adventure but I was thinking from the teaser site that it'd be very heavily story based and perhaps play out like say Ico or something and kind of be a personal game where you get out of the story what you invest.


Who knows, it could still sort of be like that but you hope they've done their homework on getting the gameplay right for this. A waggle fest isn't going to please many people and a button masher won't come off well if not done as elegantly as DMC/GoW/Bayonetta. It did give me flashbacks of playing Rygar on the Wii, slightly, watching the action, which isn't a good thing. Time will tell I guess.

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Pandora's Tower Supports Classic Controller and Motion Controls


Retailers have shared a few additional details on Nintendo's new Wii action RPG Pandora's Tower.


The game's control scheme was previously somewhat of a mystery as many assumed the game's chain mechanics meant motion controls. This actually is the case, but only optionally.


Main character Ende wields a chain as his primary means of attack. This special chain is capable of tearing the flesh of the beasts that he encounters, something he must do because Ceres, the game's heroine, requires beast flesh to survive a curse which is slowly turning her a beast, both physically and mentally.


As you make your way to the boss that awaits on the top floor of each of the game's thirteen towers, you can use the chain in the following ways:

Grab and pull flesh and items from beasts.

Restrain the beasts with the chain and then go in for the kill with another weapon.

Restrain one beast with the chain, then swing it around to strike other enemies.

Use the chain to latch on to walls and swing from location to location.

Use the chain to manipulate switches.


You can control the action either with the Wiimote and Nunchuck or with the Classic Controller. When using the Wiimote and Nunchuck combo, the Wiimote directly controls the chain, allowing you to feel like you're swinging a real chain apparently. The Classic Controller option allows for pure button-based play.


For those wondering about progression, the retail listing describes the game as an "exploration-style action RPG." This is causing some speculation that progression could be along the lines of Metroid or Castlevania rather than a linear romp through the towers. We'll have to wait for more details from Nintendo.


Pandora's Tower is due for Wii release on May 26. The game has a C rating from CERO.

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Which would be a major disappointment as well as the black box is actually orange..


Must.. Say.. Something on-topic.


The trailer didn't excite me. It screamed "meh" (how it can scream "meh" is beyond the scope of this conversation). Perhaps if I saw more gameplay, but so far it looks a bit boring to me. It probably won't matter, it's not likely to be released here. A black box is cool though ;).

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New gameplay footage:



Looks... sedate ::shrug: Don't know what else to say. Lots of IR implementation which is cool but it all looks rather easy and a bit slow. Very much like Rygar, only I hope it doesn't play anything like the Wii port.


Watching it, I do get the feeling this probably won't get localised. Maybe NoE will throw it out to cushion the Wii release schedule early next year to keep people interested before the next console. Who knows. It's not looking like the epic the teaser site made me wish it would turn out to be.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Bump. Once again, sorry for double post.


Anyway, this game is also crawling at us, little by little. It currently stands on Q2 release, but I personally think it will be released in May. June just doesn't sound like a good month to release games.


Anyway, both Xenoblade Chronicles and The Last Story have had Limited Edition, but does anyone else think that Pandora's Tower might be left out on that. What I mean is, the game was really a niche title even in Japan, it barely sold 70k in Japan (as of now) and I just can't see it being very successfull in Europe. I really think it won't sell anywhere near XC or TLS numbers. I could be wrong, though.


Whatever is the case, I really hope that NoE will keep the black box from Japan.

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