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I liked the iron sights for the scar, didn't really need anything better with that gun. My death streak was last stand and my killstreaks are pred missile, harrier strike and emergency airdrop.


I liked the airdrop coz sometimes you got some great goodies... although there is other times you are killed before claiming them!


Back onto MW3 i wonder what they will try and do with the multiplayer this time, coz as much as i love the others there going to have to try something different to make it a bit unique while keeping the CoD feel of recent online titles to want me to pour hours into this one online!!

  • 3 months later...

I'm guessing everybody's already read the Kotaku news though right?




I cba to quote everything but here's 3 articles






The battles are being brought to New York, London, Paris etc.


Dude if you're referring to Uncharted 3 again, you better start eating your hat now. Even if Unch 3 is significantly better, it hasn't got a chance in hell of being bigger. Doesn't matter how you feel about the series, it is an unstoppable tour de force which will outsell all its predecessors and every other game in the first day, guaranteed.

Dude if you're referring to Uncharted 3 again, you better start eating your hat now. Even if Unch 3 is significantly better, it hasn't got a chance in hell of being bigger. Doesn't matter how you feel about the series, it is an unstoppable tour de force which will outsell all its predecessors and every other game in the first day, guaranteed.


It's a shame really but it's true. Uncharted 3 will probably be the better of the games (at least from a single player perspective. It'll take steps forward for multiplayer and be incredibly enjoyable in that region but it'll not touch this in terms of numbers or options being provided) but Call of Duty just pulls in ridiculously large crowds of gamers, from the hardcore to the more casual gamers who'll pick it up because their friends play it. On the potential sales prospects, it's not even fair to compare the two as this'll probably break sales records again.


I do hope Battlefield 3 will take some money out of the pot and away from MW3, as it does look fantastic, but I think we can see Battlefield doesn't quite hold the same grasp on the FPS market now. I'll be opting for Battlefield anyway.


I will add that there are some ridiculously big games coming at the end of the year Rez (Rage, Skyrim, Arkham City) so I don't think it'll be quite as clear cut for Uncharted 3 to be the GOTY.

Dude if you're referring to Uncharted 3 again, you better start eating your hat now. Even if Unch 3 is significantly better, it hasn't got a chance in hell of being bigger. Doesn't matter how you feel about the series, it is an unstoppable tour de force which will outsell all its predecessors and every other game in the first day, guaranteed.


yeah its true sadly...Brink developers recently came out and said that 1% of the games make 99% of the money and COD is a massive part of this.

Uncharted 3 R BIGGER than this game tbh. lol


If by bigger, you mean quality (which wouldn't make sense) then I would agree with you. The production values and effort gone into Uncharted 3 is certainly much bigger.


But here is the thing. Sales is how games are judged in terms of size.


Uncharted 2 sold one million in a week. This was the same year as MW2.


CoD Black ops sold 5 million... In a day.


I guess it depends how you judge "bigger". Obviously they ARE talking about (sales) indirectly, I will confess that when I watched this my head was not thinking clearly and I had assumed they were talking about content.
















Activision responds to leak


"Friday was a really interesting, a really kind of cool day," said Activision Publishing CEO Eric Hirshberg, as he reflected on last week's massive Modern War 3 leak and the company's response. "Cool" was a word I was not expecting out of the man in charge of shepherding an enormous marketing campaign that had just been knocked off of its horse.


"No one wakes up and thinks, 'I hope there's been a leak and our timing gets all messed up,'" Hirshberg mused as he and I discussed the incident this week at a meeting at Activision HQ, but "if members of the government and the military aren't safe from this stuff, it's a part of our world now."


"And while it's definitely not cool to steal other people's intellectual property, and while it's definitely not cool to leak stuff that's not yours, there are ways that you can respond that actually turn the lemons into lemonade," he added. "And that's what we tried to do on Friday."




I literally could not read any more after that.


All right, I've been thinking. When life gives you lemons? Don't make lemonade. Make life take the lemons back! Get Mad! "I don't want your damn lemons! What am I supposed to do with these?" Demand to see life's manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons! Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's going to burn your house down! With the lemons! I'm get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!




I'm in the minority who disliked COD4. I didn't like the Single Player campaign at all and I thought the Multiplayer mode was glitchy as hell. My cousin showed me how to walk in the air and walk out of the maps and kill people by jumping on them, it sucked.


COD:WAW I really liked. Veteran mode is actually a bastard to complete, which is what I was looking for. It's a challenge. Also, the Multiplayer mode is good as well. Nazi Zombies is totally awesome.


COD: MW2 was decent but Veteran mode was WAY too easy. I did it in about three hours. The Multiplayer feels too arcade-y for my liking but I did like the Spec Ops missions, even though a few are a bitch to complete. (By the way, I still need help on that, I have about three missions to go and I've done them all).


COD: BO is the best out of the recent series and the Nazi Zombies mode on it is great. The Single Player mode was enjoyable and the Veteran mode was actually harder and the Multiplayer mode is good as well, although it is laggy as Hell! I have the same problem as Ryuk when it comes to the hit marker so they need to improve on that.


Will I be buying Modern Warfare 3? Not on it's release date or in it's first week, I'm definitely not getting it unless I'm given it for nothing, I play it with someone who has bought the game or I can borrow it from a friend or a relative.


The locals look nice, but all of that was cut scenes, in-game scenes and FMV, none of that was actual gameplay, how many cod players care about the story? not many

I do, and i'm sure some if not all of us here do, but the average COD player i've met only goes on about multiplayer. theres one guy i know who has never played the single player on MW2 or BO.


I'm not gonna be impressed until is see game play, and even then i will probably only buy this when its dropped in price by 50%, the game is a multiplayer with a half arsed story mode attached.

The problem with that is the multiplayer was broken 3/4 games ago and its never been fixed, that and its completely unrealistic run and gun. Its too easy i get bored after five min, nobody plays in teams or squads it might as well be every man for himself on every mode.


I still play Rainbow six vegas and Battlefield multi players due to the more realistic and squad based multiplayer


the sad thing is, even though i've really gone off COD, I'll still probably buy this at some point because i've enjoyed the story modes and Zombies. :sad:


But that's what CoD games are like, they integrate those scenes with the gameplay. The actual running and shooting part of the game will barely have changed, ain't broke etc.. A trailer made up of firing, reloading, running, grenading, ducking wouldn't look anywhere near as exciting as that, or show us much we hadn't already seen.


Also this probably won't have Zombies, that's one of Treyarch's features. It will more likely have a special-ops type mode.


I'll buy this game for what it will be: a glorified, cinematic but short-lived single-player campaign which challenges you on the harder difficulties - and a multiplayer which is guaranteed to be great fun and last a long time.



I'll buy this game for what it will be: a glorified, cinematic but short-lived single-player campaign which challenges you on the harder difficulties - and a multiplayer which is guaranteed to be great fun and last a long time.


If it's Veteran difficulty is the same standards as Modern Warfare 2, then it won't prove that much more challenging on harder difficulties.



however Black Op's on Veteran I gave up on :hmm:

and a multiplayer which is guaranteed to be great fun and last exactly one year until the next one is out.


I corrected that for you.

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