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ScribblerToo - You can draw too!


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So today on RedBubble they linked to something called ScribblerToo. At first I thought this would be some silly online drawing thing. Well actually that's what it is... but it's addictive!


Basically you can scribble in an online applet, but the brush creates some wonderful lines for you. You can fiddle with the brush, canvas size and colour and create some wonderful things. I've been wasting a bit of time on it tonight with my touchpad and am enjoying it lots! =D


Started out with a random scribble in the middle and turned it into this:



Again starting from a random scribble and playing with the fuzzyness of the brush:



And then just now I started with an eye and I decided to turn it into some kind of dragon thing:




Show me what stuff you can come up with! I would love to see some other creations. =)

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It's at times like this that I wish I had a tablet.

With just my mouse, I can only do a "deformed" style, thus, the only decent thing to I did with it was a creepy, decrepit, wooden cabin by a river.


That is an awesome program, indeed.


You don't need a tablet for thissss. I did it with the crappy touchpad on my laptop haha. You can try changing the style of the brush, maybe give it more of a curve? I'd still like to see your effort. =)

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I hate when you don't know how something works. I spent half an hour trying to draw something I liked, but always forgot how to get the line texture I liked cause it's realy hard to work out everything. Left the only thing I liked intact on the right.



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How come every time Coolness posts something that isn't flowers, rainbows or unicorn farts everyone automatically goes "OHMAGAWD i DIDUNT EXPECT KEWLNESS TO POST DAT!!!"?


The same reason everyone goes "OHMAGAWD i DIDUNT EXPECT MUUGEL TO POST DAT!!!" when you post something that isn't a sardonic remark or inappropriate joke: OOC-ness. :kiss:

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