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N-E Awards 2010 Results!


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I believe it might be another ReZ in disguise.




really guys c'mon - this is getting really boring


theres no wonder so few people actually stay when they get nothing but finger pointing


Yeah but...Magnus really is someone......







.......The 3rd Children Three! :p

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Been awaiting this collection of posts to appear. You guys are so predictable sometimes.


Rather than raise issue with stuff like this, why not just embrace the fact someone else is putting quality food on a fairly empty table? It really is no wonder that people don't stick around and contribute to this community.

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If the dude can't handle a gentle ribbing, he's not going to like it round these parts...


This is actually true, but there's a difference between gently ribbing him as some did and accusing him of being a banned member because he showed up and demonstrated a hint of personality.

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Demonstrating personality and demonstrating intimate knowledge of events that indicate a sense of accomodation with forum personalities (beyond the pleasantries expected of a stranger) that predate your supposed join date, are two different things. Nothing wrong with a bit of healthy scepticism, and its not like anyone was being hostile ;).


You're definitely right, but we have to ask ourselves if things should be that way.


Danman, lets not go and attempt to sterilize this place of its personality by expecting everyone to be unnecessarily cordial towards people with whom they've been familiar for years.

Edited by The Bard
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Danman, lets not go and attempt to sterilize this place of its personality by expecting everyone to be unnecessarily cordial towards people with whom they've been familiar for years.


I never suggested such a thing. But sometimes, what some people view as friendly banter, other people view as not-so-friendly banter. While a joke may be meant entirely in good humour, it might not be taken that way by whomever the joke is referring to. And to be honest, the tone in here can be quite sardonic. I certainly had to get used to it.

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I think what Danny is trying to say, we're a bunch of twats at times. The people that stick around are use to it, but new members won't necessarily stick around long enough to get use to it.


Well, almost. I wouldn't actually call people twats since I sincerely believe it's all in good humour. It's just that the general banter is very sardonic, harsh, etc. People really have to get used to it, and not everyone will ever get entirely accustomed to it.

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At least let her post a little before you scare her off.



Yeah but...Magnus really is someone......


.......The 3rd Children Three! :p

I did briefly consider picking The 5th Children as a nickname, but I figured that was a surefire way to get banned.

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It seems I won an award also... Best Return. I was only gone 8 days, even though it felt like much longer, but thank you anyway. I didn't think I'd beat out Scoop (the person who should have won) but it seems the gaming community folks came out in force to support me.


So I'd like to thank all those who did vote for me during the nominations... well all bar one person - they can go do something painful to themselves whilst I watch in amusement.

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