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Life after Wii


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This coming year Nintendo will be releasing the 3DS and after some recent dips in the Wii sales figures, many have started speculating about when the successor to the platform will be announced or released.


My feelings are that the Wii is not quite finished so there is at least another 2 years in the old gal yet. However the impact of the Kinect and Move, combined with the shrinking cost of the HD systems, means that Nintendo is looking less competitive especially as there seems to be a lack of software on its way for 2011.


So when will they take the next step? This coming E3 I would think would be too early for them as they will want to fully focus on the 3DS and push the final software titles on the Wii. So I would comfortably estimate that we will hear about it at E3 2012 with a release in 2013. I honestly think that Nintendo do well for around a year just be re-advertising their old games and dropping the price.


So what will come next? Will there even BE a next. Anyone care to throw out an idea or 2?

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Although the Wii sales are down on last year (most likely due to market saturation at the current price point) it's still outselling the other consoles:


Yearly figures so far:


DS - 19.21

Wii - 15.69

PS3 - 12.43

X360 - 11.35

PSP - 8.20


I would expect Microsoft to be the first to jump when it comes to new hardware. They showed how critical being the first on the market is, as the headstart certainly helped them and has allowed them to be in a dominant position over the PS3 from outset.


Also, with only Gears of War 3 being scheduled as the big 360 title next year, I would expect them to be internally focused on a successor to the 360 which could be set for a 2012 Christmas launch (but that's just a guess).


Kinect has sold well, and the 360 is still dominant over the PS3 in the Americas (the most lucrative market) which could extend the 360 lifespan somewhat. Still, I would put my money on Microsoft jumping first!




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Nintendo put all their efforts into the Wii this year with argubly it's strongest year in terms of software. Software sales haven't been great (apart from Just Dance 2, good god) and hardware sales are falling. Hell, Nintendo experienced a BIG drop on YoY sales despite Mario Galaxy 2, Goldeneye, DKC:R and Metroid, as well as Wii Party or whatever it is. Next year there is Zelda but that won't sell systems, it's a core game and most Nintendo fans already own the Wii. I can't see them investing much on Wii in 2011 when the 3DS makes more sense.


They should do what they are doing with the handhelds. Target the Wii (like the DS) as the low price entry for those casual gamers and bring out a new console which might be a bit costly at first but aimed at the core. Honestly it's surprised me they haven't done this already; it's clear where the Wii was going and they won't bring 360/PS3 gamers to the console. An E3 reveals with a Q4 '11/ Q1 '12 launch could easily happen, and they'd at least get upgraded ports of current-gen software. Hell, get Retro studios on a launch title. Bare in mind, the 360 is made up of 2004 technology and PS3 is 2005 technology, pretty much ancient when you think about it. They could released a Super Wii for the same price as the PS3 with significantly more power, ram etc, a solid internet intergration. At the same time they could drop the Wii price to $99 and it'd still sell to the casuals.


We are not going to see the PS4/next box released for a LONG time. I hope the wii successor comes out significantly before then because a slow few years for the Wii would just be dreadful.

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I dont care about ''when'' but im super curious about what Nintendo is doing with the ungodly amount of money they've made/printed since 2005.


With the 3DS it seems they have a renewed interest in powerful, competent tech (read: now that they can afford to).


Itll be so great to have a new Nintendo console that succeeds without all the 'innovative...blue ocean...other planets' doublespeak.


Im willing to wait another year or two for something spectacular. Hope they dont rush it!

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Ah, the intellect returns with a stellar thread. It's been too long my good Jamba.


I'd love to see a new box. Just the console. No new controllers, plastic wheels, balance boards etc and just call it Wii+ or something simple.


The new box would follow the 3DS template of a slicker chipset and online setup. Channels/VC games already owned could be swapped over via an account/connection of some kind (either wirelessly or via cable) from your previous Wii and then you'd be good to go. Of course, they could throw 1 controller in there to get you up and running.


Then everyone could get on with continuing to enjoy the Wii brand with the new horsepower, backwards compatibility and continued market momentum. It would be like the NES to SNES transition but done in a modern way. Brave? Certainly.


Of course, this seems too simple but, to me, it would make perfect sense due to the already established Wii market. Furthermore, new adopters could buy the console separately should they be a newcomer to the Nintendo fold.


Also, 3DS integration please. (Even just a shop), a 'channel' please. Yes Nintendo - I love your channel idea, just make it...better.


Also, software wise...it would have to be typical Nintendo and demonstrate use of their 'new' idea. This is where they could surprise us with something cool. My head tells me it would be via the controller but I love the Wii controller idea. Maybe they'd evolve it in some way afterall.

It would also HAVE to launch with a Wii Sports-like pack-in game.

Edited by tapedeck
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Still holding onto my Sphiire idea: The console is shaped like a sphere and you can insert the disc in the middle. Oh man, would that thing look sexy in my room:)


I just love it that we can still look forward to what the PS3/X-box 360 already have + royally poured NINTENDO sauce on top and something unheard of.


Thouh my hopes are that they do not put an emphasis on the Vitality Sensor at this year's E3; we all know only 2 or 3 games will come out and support it....


Actually, give me the 3DS and it's line-up and I'm happy for another year or two.


These are exciting times indeed: NINTENDO made a lot of the ol' moniez (like Pit-Jr said), so what on earth could they be spending it on?


Some thoughts:

- They claimed mars and are prepping to build NINTENDO-WORLD there, ready to reel in those more than casual gamers: extra-terrestrials.

- They bribed the Japanese parliament.

- They're secretly funding Apple to get people used to downloading apps, then withdrawing the money and creating apps of their own on the NINTENDO-pad.

- They used it to cure aids....South Park anyone?

- They gave it to North-Korea.


I know, all highly plausible, but the one that remains shrouded in mystery is the following:

Could they be investing in holographic graphics?

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Still holding onto my Sphiire idea: The console is shaped like a sphere and you can insert the disc in the middle. Oh man, would that thing look sexy in my room:)


Not really your idea...




Actually I wouldn't be surprised if the next console was released in 2012 and if its in Europe before the summer then Nintendo will pimp the hell out of it for/in association with the Olympics.

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Could they be investing in holographic graphics?


This is a rumour which has been doing the rounds for some considerable time and I do think there is some credence to it as I'm sure I remember reading something in a Nintendo specific gaming magazine that said Nintendo were definitely interested in holographic technology and that they were working with several companies at the time on making it possible (was in the run up to the DS being revealed). Definitely wouldn't put it passed Nintendo to make use of this kind of thing in the future, whether it be on the Wii's successor or further down the line.

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Ah, the intellect returns with a stellar thread. It's been too long my good Jamba.


I'd love to see a new box. Just the console. No new controllers, plastic wheels, balance boards etc and just call it Wii+ or something simple.


The new box would follow the 3DS template of a slicker chipset and online setup. Channels/VC games already owned could be swapped over via an account/connection of some kind (either wirelessly or via cable) from your previous Wii and then you'd be good to go. Of course, they could throw 1 controller in there to get you up and running.


Then everyone could get on with continuing to enjoy the Wii brand with the new horsepower, backwards compatibility and continued market momentum. It would be like the NES to SNES transition but done in a modern way. Brave? Certainly.


Of course, this seems too simple but, to me, it would make perfect sense due to the already established Wii market. Furthermore, new adopters could buy the console separately should they be a newcomer to the Nintendo fold.


Also, 3DS integration please. (Even just a shop), a 'channel' please. Yes Nintendo - I love your channel idea, just make it...better.


Also, software wise...it would have to be typical Nintendo and demonstrate use of their 'new' idea. This is where they could surprise us with something cool. My head tells me it would be via the controller but I love the Wii controller idea. Maybe they'd evolve it in some way afterall.

It would also HAVE to launch with a Wii Sports-like pack-in game.


Lots of interesting ideas there and I think that Nintendo developing an online system, ala-iTunes for Nintendo games that could be used on several different devices would be a very good idea. I think a lot of people would be happy to be able to take their VC games and DSi store games onto their new/other platforms. I hate it when there are enforced profile systems where you don't own the product, only the license to use it and then that whole system becomes obsolete, meaning you lose all of your money.


On a separate note, I wonder if Nintendo are ready to brave re-defining what a console is completely. When they started talking back in 2004 about what the Wii was, I thought that we could possibly be seeing a hybrid between a console and a handheld.


Image a base like the one that the Wii has now but that houses the muscle and brains of the console. But the memory and HDD is completely removable and this contains your game data, possible whole games, DLC, profiles, Miis, 3DS store data. You could take this and insert it into any "station" and access all of your gaming lifestyle. You could use it to play at your friends, on a public station or at home. Think of it as your Nintendo Passport :)


So imagine this Passport had it's own wireless functionality. That it would do things independently of the console. You could share data with people like on the 3DS or play basic games on it like a VMU (but better!).


Now I know this idea is far form perfect and hilariously flawed but I would like to see a company taking this step. A console does not have to be something that just plugs into your TV. It could be a personal, lifestyle experience that you could integrate into a more sociable side to gaming.



And to change tack again, I do not think that Nintendo will be showing a new system because of current sales as although they are lower, they are still very VERY good. I feel that they are no longer on the forefront of the gaming experience and they do not feel comfortable playing "catch up". They are trail blazers.

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Nintendo experienced a BIG drop on YoY sales despite Mario Galaxy 2, Goldeneye, DKC:R and Metroid, as well as Wii Party or whatever it is. Next year there is Zelda but that won't sell systems, it's a core game and most Nintendo fans already own the Wii. I can't see them investing much on Wii in 2011 when the 3DS makes more sense.


Only reason I think the YoY is so down is because of the huge amount of spending Nintendo have been using for the 3DS, I think every time a new system is about to come out Nintendo's YoY has always been in the negative, might be wrong though.


But yeah seriously,I think just wait until the sales for this month are in worldwide, this month will really show how strong or weak the Wii is.

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Unless i see some dramatic improvement with next gens console I don't think i'll be getting it. I've lost interest in console gaming somewhat.


Nintendo aren't up to scratch and I love my games to be unique and to be fair nobody does that quite like the nintendo systems. Added to the fact that I'll have very little money to blow. it could be a goodbye to console gaming for another while.


But I hope I have a few more years left. The 3ds I will most certainly be getting. I love handheld gaming still. It still innovates and improves gameplay... The wii just "innovates"

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Hmm, this is a tricky one. Personally, I think that Nintendo still has a lot to offer with the Wii. They've also got into this habit of announcing games and releasing them within a short space of time, which I am a fan of. Donkey Kong came out of nowhere...do this more often, Nintendo.


For me, I will always care about the games first and then the console second. Really, the system can have wings, wheels and a toilet paper dispenser if it wants: As long as it has the games, then I'm happy.


Saying that, what I'd like to see is some sort of evolution for the Wiimote. We've got it, we're used to it now, so Nintendo should refine it and look at ways to make the overall package a lot better. I've no doubt that if it does happen, then the M+Wiimote will be the standard one that we see (if Nintendo sticks with it).


As for the console, what I'd like to see is just to make the most of their ideas. What I mean by this is that Nintendo are very good at giving us an idea, but then maybe not exploring that avenue as far as they could. A case in point being WiiConnect24. Such a great idea at first, but how well have Nintendo utilised that idea. Animal Crossing for the Wii was such a wasted opportunity...it could have been a million times better. If only they put the same amount of care into that as they did Mario Galaxy.


I've enjoyed the system, probably my favourite Nintendo system overall. But, there are so many things for Nintendo to improve on. What I'd love them to do is just to go all out and explore "everything." Give us an idea and see how far they can go with it. They gave us the Wiimote and showed us excellent demos of games that could use the controller as a steering wheel, as a sword, or as a gun. Yet, how many games did they release themselves where they went with these ideas? We've only just received Red Steel 2, Goldeneye, The Conduit, etc (and none of these came from Nintendo themselves). The time between showing an idea and then seeing that idea realised was simply far too long. I also believe that this is where some people lost patience with the system and went off it a bit too quickly when they didn't see instant results.

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As I said yesterday, Microsoft have enjoyed a great generation this time because of their early lead - and I'll think they'll aim to do the same again.


Nintendo are still enjoying a sizeable lead over the opposition with the Wii - and without a price cut! So I'm sure they'll keep on going and eventually when they do cut the price you'll see another big spike in sales.


The Wii drop off is mainly due to market saturation - at over 80 million Wiis sold in just over 4 years the market for new buyers would enevitably shrink somewhat!


I think predicting what Microsoft and Sony will do is a lot easier than predicting what Nintendo will do, but here are my thoughts:


1) Whatever they do I believe it will have to be compatible with at least the old Virtual Console and they will have to have some way of transferring old VC purchases to the new console.

2) I think stuff like holographic technology sounds good, but seriously would ruin any chances of 3rd party multiplatform games ever reaching the platform. I'm pretty sure Nintendo won't take that gamble.

3) Nintendo seem to have finally balanced their focus between hardcore titles and party games. The Wii has had a great year for software and has managed to please both casual gamers and the hardcore. Plus the worldwide top 20 is usually around 50% Wii games, so they're not doing too badly. Thus I don't think they will release an underpowered console. They clearly want to appeal to both types of gamer. Also with Sony and Microsoft both being able to cater to core and casual gamers Nintendo won't want to be left behind.

4) When Nintendo released the Wii, they had to do something to turn around their falling share in the home console market - a radical approach was acceptable. However, now they are in the dominant position again I think they are more likely to play it safe in their approach.

5) I would very much doubt they will release any information about a successor until 2012 as 2011 will be the year of the 3DS.


If I was Nintendo, I would release a Wii+ or a WiiHD which would be inline technologically with what one would expect the next gen to be powered with. I would include full backwards compatibility and make the Wii Remote+ the standard controller. I would include a removable hard drive and allow that to sync with the Wii to swap over the VC history of the two. I would also include a much more robust online system. However, I would keep the simple and clean channel system from the Wii, as it is easy to use and simple to navigate.


If you look at Nintendo's history in the home console market, the NES innovated, the SNES took that innovation to a graphical and technological peak. The N64 innovated and the GC took that innovation to a peak. The Wii has innovated and changed the face of gaming, I would expect it's successor to be like the SNES was to the NES.

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If you look at Nintendo's history in the home console market, the NES innovated, the SNES took that innovation to a graphical and technological peak. The N64 innovated and the GC took that innovation to a peak. The Wii has innovated and changed the face of gaming, I would expect it's successor to be like the SNES was to the NES.

Very interesting point there. : peace:


I for one do think it will be sooner rather than later that we see a new release though. Historically, the soonest we've gotten a new console (based on US releases) is 5 years and 1 day (GameCube -> Wii). The latest we've gotten a new console is 5 years 10 months (NES -> SNES).


Another point I'd like to make is that Nintendo consoles usually seem to follow standards set by their handheld counterparts. For instance, the Wii followed the DS' footsteps with innovative methods of control.

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I think Nintendo shouldn't announce/release a successor before the others do because I (and I think many other people) would want to know what they can expect from the systems of all the big players before choosing one of them. Considering MS and Sony only just released new control interfaces it should take at least two years before they'll announce anything new.


I thought probably the most important innovation of the Wii was that half of the controller was in either hand. I found this to be extremely comfortable and reduced cramping a lot during extended gaming sessions. They can drop the motion-sensors though, I only saw a real use for it in swordfighting but the pointer was convenient.

I'd like to see sophisticated voice recognition instead, so that it can actually be implemented as a gameplay mechanic. Something like head-tracking would also be cool.


Graphics-wise I hope they are on par with the other consoles next time around so that we won't miss out on third party titles.

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To be honest, a slow year of releases on the Wii would suit me down to the ground. It would give me some time to catch up on already released games before moving onto the next generation. For this reason, I think Nintendo should hold off as long as possible before bringing out the next machine.

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To be honest, a slow year of releases on the Wii would suit me down to the ground. It would give me some time to catch up on already released games before moving onto the next generation. For this reason, I think Nintendo should hold off as long as possible before bringing out the next machine.


A genuine statement behind which I stand.

Not to mention all the DS games I still need buy and play; which makes me wonder waht the launch line-up of the 3DS will be.

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There are several things that will change. Technically I think Nintendo need to look in to the following:



1) Storage


Blu Ray

A basic upgrade to the current technology. Very conventional, huge storage capacity. Issue is however the price of physical distribution and ease of piracy.



An all DLC-console will have a few upsides. Firstly, games will be cheaper due to the removal of manufacturing a physical disc+case+manual and also all the different middle hands. You'll loose the cost of adding a disc drive to the system, although that will probably be more than outweighed by the cost of a larger hard drive. An undoubtable con in this case is that people with no or bad internet will be alienated.


Solid state cartridge

Nintendo were to my knowlege the last to produce a stationary cartrdige based console. The reason they quit was firstly price and secondly limited storage. However now there are now completely new possibilities for the technology. Solid state has become mainstream. I remember buying a USB stick in about 2001. I thought it was awesome: 128 MB for so little money. And well, yesteryear, I bought another USB stick. It was 2GB and cost about a third of what I payed for the old one. Now Solid state drives are being sold for the PC, usually used to make the OS run smoother.

With this drop in price and constant rise in storage capacity, it's a whole new ball game. Just like the electric car is coming back after being deemed obsolete nearly 100 years ago, we might get new cartridge based systems.

On the plus side, cartridges are more difficult to pirate than discs/DLC and the loading times are virtually non existant. Also, there's no limitation on how much you'll be able to store on a solid state cartridge as time goes on. Plus we'll be able to see different kinds of enhancements built in to the cartridges.



Cloud gaming is in my opinion the future of gaming. Piracy will be eliminated, as gamers never get their hands on the actual game. The console will be cheap and probably won't need to be replaced. EVER! The middle hands will yet again be gone, making games cheaper. Developers will be able to make better and better looking games without any regard beyond how powerful the servers are. With cloud gaming, Nintendo will be able to make the Wii produce graphics far superior of anything seen on the PS3 (although whether it'll be possible to display it in HD or not remains unanswered). Perhaps the Wii WILL be Nintendos last console ever after all!

The con is yet again: Nintendo will alienate people with bad or no internet connections. Not only that, such a machine will probably be paid on a subscriber basis. The con is that some people might not like that. The pro with this is that good games will be much more profitable than bad ones. Let me explain: let us say that you pay a certain amount for the service, giving you an unlimited ammount of playtime for the entire game library for the system. Then Nintendo divide your subscription fees between the consoles formats depending on how much time you have played each game. So games that suck so bad that people only play it for an hour won't be as profitable as a game that's so good that you spend hundreds of hours playing it (Call of Duty, WoW or in my case: Zelda and Shenmue). That'll mean that games that have a small, but avid user base will be able to be more profitable than cheap to develop crap which fool a million people into buying it.


2) Controllers

Improved Wiimote:

Let's face it. There are flaws in the motion sensing in the Wiimote and nunchuck, and also some more general flaws. Nintendo could improve the pointer (perhaps so the remote'll be able to track movement even when it can't see the wand), and the motion sensing. Maybe a pointer in the nunchuck to remove the probem with turning in FPS games for the Wii. Perhaps the Z and B triggers could be made analogue to better suit racing games and the d-pad enlarged.

Personally I'd like an adjustable pointer. Let me explain. In first person shooters you need to aim the controller at the screen. However, I find it straining to hold the controller in a horizontal fashion. I'd rather hold the controller vertically, like on let's say a real gun.


Wiimote + camera:

The Kinect idea is just stupid. The idea only works with a few casual games. But what if you mix that technology with the Wiimote. Then suddenly it'll be possible to adopt the tech into first person shooters (Imagine going prone for your character to go prone IRL or moving your right hand over your hand to throw a grenade).


Brain controlled:

The technology exists. Imagine getting rid of the interface alltogether. To be able to pick anything from the Zelda inventory without entering the pause menu. Or to be able to control your units in Starcraft as swiftly as those damn koreans.


3) Graphics


By the time the Wii2 will come out, the PS3 will be quite old. The raw horse power will be cheap to replicate. So Nintendo will be able to sell a cheap console capable of HD and whatnot. It'll be possible to cheaply port PS3 and XB360-games. The problem is however that the console will have the same issues as the Wii has now: a lack of ports of many popular games and a lacking quality on the ones that are ported. Also, Nintendo will have problems in expanding their demographics.



Nintendo could create a true next-gen system. A machine that can out brawn the PS3 by far. A machine that'll be on par with the other next gen systems, or in case Nintendo will be first, a machine that will set the standards (and undoubtedly be outrun by its competitors). I find this a bit unlikely, as Nintendo never sell a product at a loss, unlike Sony and MS.



Cloud gaming means that the graphical quality won't be decided by the consoles, but by the power of their server fleet. A console for 100 Euros will be able to produce cutting edge graphics perhaps half a century after release!


Proprietary viewing device

It's possible that Nintendo invent their own viewing device especially made for the format. Maybe some kind of direct brainwave input system (unlikely), goggles, floating holograms or whatever.

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I would actually quite like Nintendo to utilise solid state cartridges for their next home system, it's a good idea and considering the vast storage sizes now available space wouldn't be an issue.


What would be an issue however would be Nintendo using Blu-Ray... a format essentially 'owned' by Sony... I'm sure more than a few problems would arise from that.

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To be honest, a slow year of releases on the Wii would suit me down to the ground. It would give me some time to catch up on already released games before moving onto the next generation. For this reason, I think Nintendo should hold off as long as possible before bringing out the next machine.


I think alot of people could do with a slower release schedule. I know my backlog of Wii/DS games isn't shifting at all, partly due to me playing MH too much but mainly because there has been a wealth of quality titles this year.


Please explain.


I think he wants a headset for online gaming. :D


The only 2 things I would like to see Nintendo do for their next console is:-


1. Give the machine the graphical horse power it needs to stay on terms with it's rivals. This is easily one of the main reasons why so many 3rd parties have moved away from Nintendo. Every generation since the SNES Nintendo have made it difficult for 3rd parties to port games to their console.


The N64 had cartridges when the Playstation and Saturn used CDs. The Xbox and PS2 used DVDs, the Cube used mini disk thingys. This generation the hardware used for the Wii is underpowered when compared to the 360 and PS3 which means developers can't easily put a title of multiple formats, thus the Wii missed out on many 3rd party titles.


Sure developers could take the risk and make an exclusive or slimmed down version of a game but given the cost/time/manpower it would be easier for them to just make 1 game and stick it on all formats.


2. My second point is one that I really wish Nintendo would embrace and that is online gaming. This covers alot of things so bear with me.


It has got a little bit better what with the likes of Monster Hunter, Goldeneye and Call of Duty but they still have a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG way to go to catch up with Sony and Microsoft in this area.


Things like a friendslist, chat and headsets should be common place in gaming. I mean imagine turning on your Wii and having a Friends Channel where you could see what all your friends are playing and then jumping into a game of say Mario Kart with them and being able to chat while playing.


Along with the gaming side of things you have to look at how the other consoles have evolved since launching with various updates. These updates keep the systems feeling fresh with new features.


DLC for various games is another welcome addition to online gaming, when done right of course. It would have been great to get a few new tracks for Mario Kart or new fighters and stages for Brawl.


Nintendo doesn't have to use these features but they have to realize that 3rd parties do and there is a huge market for these kind of things. Microsoft have proved that many people are willing to spend their cash on clothes for their avatars ( im one of them ) and many are willing to buy DLC. There is money to be had in these areas.


The last point I have about online gaming is the VC/Wiiware store. Not to sound like a cheap skate but where are the offers, Nintendo? Every year both PSN and XBL have sales for Arcade games, DLC and other goodies. What do Nintendo give us? Sod all.


I really can't see Nintendo going all out with online gaming for the next console as they just don't seem interested in it, but I do think that their next console will be graphically at the same level as the competition.

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