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Pah screw that, why on earth would you not be allowed?


Today is difficult, I'm having to look for a short stay apartment that I can afford and now I have to sort out the flat I'm moving out of, instead of my flatmate helping me - he's given me more to do, he wants his girlfriend to move into my room in June and I just pay no bills, which instead of him asking my landlord, I have to, aswell as sort out the bills and everything else, moving out.


I'm incredibly pissed off today and even my parents have buggered off out and won't help me. Fine fuck you all :(

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But ... would that mean you're not allowed to go by the name Emasher on here anymore or what? :confused:


From what I understand, yes. Not that I'm actually going to change it. If the RC"SS"MP come after me I'll just argue my case on constitutional grounds.

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So I ended up going into hospital for a day or so because I had meningitisy symptoms which turned out to be a bad case of glandular fever. Thankfully, they accepted my pleas to be discharged, but I'm still too knocked out to do much work, and need to be getting on with my dissertation... Maybe I can apply for an extension...

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Yeah I've just finished Uni... and I'm like riiiiiiiiiiiiight!


I should get more hours at my part time job I suppose for the time being, but I hate it! [/understatement] :p


I'm not sure if I want to do a 4th year next year or not.



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I share in the feeling lostness!


No clue what to do next year. Should I stay in Belgium? Should I move out? Should I try to find a job here? Do I start looking for a job somewhere else?


What sort of job do I even want?




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I share in the feeling lostness!


No clue what to do next year. Should I stay in Belgium? Should I move out? Should I try to find a job here? Do I start looking for a job somewhere else?


What sort of job do I even want?




Yep... same, same, same, same, same! [apart from the Belgium part] :p


I'm not sure I want to carry on my degree as a career.

Ideally I think I might like a career in photography... but I have no photography qualifications/actual working experience... and right now I so don't want to do any more Uni!


Life's a bitch!

Edited by Retro_Link
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Ya tis a bollocks. Find it very hard to laze about doing nothing. I can't even do that right to be honest. 4 years of hard work, I have it in my head that I should be doing something productive.


I've just finished too, and I keep trying to think ahead to see whether I have any deadlines coming up! Madness!

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Yep... same, same, same, same, same! [apart from the Belgium part] :p


I'm not sure I want to carry on my degree as a career.

Ideally I think I might like a career in photography... but I have no photography qualifications/actual working experience... and right now I so don't want to do any more Uni!


Life's a bitch!

Yes I had a choice to do a masters degree, but I'm like no way.. I can't really afford it and don't want to ask the parents for the fees.


Right now i'm emailing around begging for experience (I do a multimedia course, so it's anything from web design to graphic design to recording studio work).. My course was designed to teach us everything but I'm not experienced enough in one single area... sigh...


In one positive area anyway, I'm finally fucking moving out. I could never justify it to myself while I was at Uni because I live like literally 20 minutes of a walk away, but I feel like I missed the true college life.

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Yes I had a choice to do a masters degree, but I'm like no way.. I can't really afford it and don't want to ask the parents for the fees.


Right now i'm emailing around begging for experience (I do a multimedia course, so it's anything from web design to graphic design to recording studio work).. My course was designed to teach us everything but I'm not experienced enough in one single area... sigh...


In one positive area anyway, I'm finally fucking moving out. I could never justify it to myself while I was at Uni because I live like literally 20 minutes of a walk away, but I feel like I missed the true college life.


Want to design some flyers for me? I'll give you a good reference too. :)

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Got up earlyish, washed Jidder (for the first time in about 8 months according to the previous owner) ready for the photo shoot with a rather pretty model, only to find out that she has to work today to cover someone who's ill.


FML. At least until next week when we're trying again.


On the up side, Jidder looks fucking awesome when clean.

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The IRA have issued a bomb threat against central london.


One of the few days I have to go into Central London. If I had to get any tubes I think I would steer clear altogether, but I don't, so yeah. Will continue my business as usual I think...


I just hate terrorists.

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Yeah, heard that earlier too. Weirdly I'm going in to London today too (I rarely go. Maybe twice a year?) to see a friend so.. let's hope they're just scaremongering. It's Waterloo then Shoreditch for me.


On an unrelated note, if I don't post at all after today, can someone tell Brian Mcoy to hold a party in my honour?

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The IRA have issued a bomb threat against central london.


One of the few days I have to go into Central London. If I had to get any tubes I think I would steer clear altogether, but I don't, so yeah. Will continue my business as usual I think...


I just hate terrorists.


I thought we were passed the days of IRA bomb attacks, fucking cunts.

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I thought you were going to ask us to tell Mcoy that you loved him. :heh:


Well duh. It's gonna be a sexy party. :heh:




Having a little bit of a crisis right now. For the past few weeks my mind has not stopped firing off about several things going on right now and I don't seem to have the willpower to do anything about it. I feel like I'm repeating myself but it's as if all the little things have changed and it's an entirely different situation.


I very nearly went to see a girl I've been friends with in London last night. She lives in a flat by herself, I was going to stay over. At the very last minute I knocked some sense in to myself and stopped myself from getting the train, and went home. It was late at night, the last train. I just don't want to be that guy, the guy that goes and sees someone when he's hit a spot of bother. But I very nearly went today, for the day. Again, I stopped myself. Telling myself I need to sort myself out before doing anything.


The problem is of course the situation with my current girlfriend, though I'm not entirely sure why I still call her that. After she stayed over the night on the day we broke up (facepalm; I know..) it's as if nothing has changed. We're still together, we're still seeing each other regularly and we're still telling each other we love them. Things feel like they're working, but I still have those niggling doubts at the back of my head, telling me it's not going to work, and the more I see her the more I'm convinced it's the case. But then again when we're together, I am happy, I love her personality and her person but there's no.. substance. Like we're in a relationship because we can be. There's no deep levels of compatibility, but together we have a good time.


It's the second time we've broken up and got back together. The first time we met at a bar to smooth things over and leave things on a good note. We decided to go for dinner afterwards and take things slowly, see if we could rebuild our relationship. That morphed back in to normality. Last time we broke up she stayed over and then.. nothing. We've just been together since.


It's all a bit messy mentally and I don't know what way to turn. On one hand, I'm worried that if I split with my girlfriend, I'll regret it in the long run. Won't find anyone who is as understanding and puts up with me like her. But then again, if I stay, I could and probably will regret not leaving.



So that's the relationship side of things. Then of course there's my friendship with my best friend, or so I thought. I went down to visit him in Portsmouth a month ago or so with another friend of ours. He blew us off at the last minute, claiming he was hungover and tired and wouldn't be able to see us. At this point, we were already in Portsmouth having spent our money on the tickets and staying with another friend temporarily. It was frustrating to say the least, and the fact that this was planned was even more annoying. He has since refused to get in contact with me. There's a lot more to this story (allegedly, it was his girlfriend that asked him not to see us..) that I just cannot be bothered to go through right now. It's tiresome. I've been trying to deal with it for weeks to no avail. For no real reason, I've lost my best mate. That guy I can talk to about anything.



And of course work. I'm working in retail, which I just don't like, plain and simple. The only thing that keeps me in the store I'm in is the team I work with - they're fucking great. I get on well with everyone and there's a lot a major team atmosphere in the store, which there wasn't at HMV. I was under the impression that later this year I would at least be making a few steps up the ladder by taking on a Senior Sales role, which is the equivalent of, say, Supervisor. There isn't a pay rise, and there's a shit load more responsibility put on my shoulders, and the only reason I decided to go ahead and do it is because of the strong team we have, and the fact that it'll look good on a CV. Now, unfortunately, it appears that in order to take on the role I'll have to move store, which I reeeeally don't want to do. So now what? Turn down the promotion, stick with my minimum wage pay and find another job or ride it out and take the promotion just to get the experience on my CV, despite it possibly being awful?


TL;DR - Yay pessimism!

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