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bad stuff thread.


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I'm having to be so fucking careful at browsing this site now. I'm using tapatalk, which shows you the first line of the latest post in a thread (and for some reason, it doesn't recognise Spoiler tags), so I have to slowly check if the Star Wars thread has new posts, then scroll past quickly to avoid seeing anything. It's hard guys.


Life's hard.


Maybe we should implement a policy that anyone posting in that thread needs to make their first line "Dr. bob is a knob and is bad at his job, the lazy slob".

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Maybe we should implement a policy that anyone posting in that thread needs to make their first line "Dr. bob is a knob and is bad at his job, the lazy slob".

S'alright, I've seen it now, so I don't care about whether I spoil it for anyone else.

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That fucking sucks. What happened? When it transpired that you didn't have one? What did they say? How many people were in it? Did anyone blush?


This is pretty much why I disassociate myself as far as possible from Secret Santa. Everything goes wrong. It's bullshit.


Well, we've subsequently deduced that it was our colleague who left for America on Friday. We had a disagreement a while back...


... essentially, three days out of five, she comes in hungover, and the remaining two days she's either half cut still or hyper on coffee. She's late every day. I have not said anything to her personally, but the management have worked out that she's unreliable, so they pile all her extra responsibilities on me.


I was having a particularly stressful day a few weeks back when they dumped some more of her work on me, and I happened to remark "It seems like I'm the only teacher in Year 1 at times". She was in the toilet puking her guts up at the time, but someone repeated what I said to her.


I explained that essentially the management here always pile the work on me due to my experience in the job. She said anything I need help with, she will help. But the fact is, several times I've passed on management request to her, and she's not bothered. Which leaves me to do it anyway.


That's awful Iun. :(


I've never bothered going in for any Secret Santa, mainly because I just assume it will either go wrong or the gift will probably be naff etc...


Anyway, I'm sorry to hear that you're feeling down about it; never think that you're nobody though because that's simply not true.


You're still the stuff of legends personified to me. :awesome:


Means a lot - I still remember you taking me through those tough levels in Resi Revelations!

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No trains running to or from Bournemouth on New Years Eve or New Years Day. My plans have been ruined.


That's pretty shit. Reminds me of when I tried getting the train from Newport into Cardiff a few years back (was Christmas also) and saw that everything was closed.


Bournemouth is a mess at the moment. The road is a pain in the arse to drive down to work every day. Yes, I'm talking about that god-awful A338. We've got another six months or so of work provided that they actually hit their deadline, which I doubt they will. The centre is pretty shit and could do with tons of new shops being added in. It always feels like stuff is being done or roads are being torn up with nothing actually to show for it. Frustrating.

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No buses? Too far for a taxi?

Too far for taxi and bus takes too long (already had to alter time due to site stuff), turning it from a 1 hour journey into a 2 hour journey and I get motion sick so coming back on a bus while ridiculously hung over is not a good idea.


That's pretty shit. Reminds me of when I tried getting the train from Newport into Cardiff a few years back (was Christmas also) and saw that everything was closed.


Bournemouth is a mess at the moment. The road is a pain in the arse to drive down to work every day. Yes, I'm talking about that god-awful A338. We've got another six months or so of work provided that they actually hit their deadline, which I doubt they will. The centre is pretty shit and could do with tons of new shops being added in. It always feels like stuff is being done or roads are being torn up with nothing actually to show for it. Frustrating.

There's nowhere to buy games in town anymore. I don't go into town, I just go to Castle Point these days. GAME, clothes shops, Smyths nearby, PC World. Does the job even though it's terrible.

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Too far for taxi and bus takes too long (already had to alter time due to site stuff), turning it from a 1 hour journey into a 2 hour journey and I get motion sick so coming back on a bus while ridiculously hung over is not a good idea.



There's nowhere to buy games in town anymore. I don't go into town, I just go to Castle Point these days. GAME, clothes shops, Smyths nearby, PC World. Does the job even though it's terrible.


Where's Smyths? I go into Castlepoint itself occasionally, but never really into the surrounding area.


The centre could do with another GAME or something. CeX is the only thing that's there now. It was much better before when Gamestation and GAME were there. The clothing shops aren't really worth writing home about either.

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Where's Smyths? I go into Castlepoint itself occasionally, but never really into the surrounding area.


The centre could do with another GAME or something. CeX is the only thing that's there now. It was much better before when Gamestation and GAME were there. The clothing shops aren't really worth writing home about either.

Smyths is just across the road in the retail park on Mallard Road

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So on the eve of my Grandad's cremation, my 'friends' had decided to block and delete me on everything. Bear in mind that his cremation was on Christmas week as well. We've always joked about stuff and we're not very PC, just being honest. Anyway, we were all having a laugh and such and my friend had made a joke. I practically made the same joke and they decided to block and delete me. I called and texted the one who did because I can't stand it when people do that and don't give an explanation. To me, it's kind of like "Grow some fucking bollocks and face me like a grown-ass adult and tell me why this and this has happened".


I then had to deal with my Grandad's funeral, which was the worst due to how his friends were complete let-downs and hardly any of them attended his funeral and only three attended his wake. My Grandad knew over 50 people and as far as I could count, only 10 showed their faces. At his wake, only 3 including my family. It's just disgusting. Christmas just sucked for me but I asked for the games to keep my mind off of things.


So obviously after all of this, I couldn't deal and wanted friends. I wanted to know why they were ignoring me and stuff. One answered that he wasn't and that I did it. Obviously a lie but could not be arsed to go into it and didn't want to know, really. The other one never even bothered to answer.


The worst thing about these motherfuckers is that we all go to the same gym together and today, I saw the one who didn't answer me. I thought "Shit, I could be civil and just nod" so I did. I'm not into the mad ignoring game. I might not be friends with you but shit, we can still be polite and not talk, it isn't like I insulted his family or whatever but apparently, he couldn't even do that. I did the nod and he just turned away and carried on speaking to his mates. Now normally, you bitches know I'm not one to take that lightly but the way I see it, if they can't be arsed with me, I won't be for them. Admittedly, I did say "You're just pathetic, mate" and carried on about my business but it's just ridiculous.


On top of this, whilst typing this, I've just found out that one of my best friend's mother has died so I'm really sad for her right now! :(

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I'm sorry to hear that you seem to be having a rough time lately @Animal it really sucks that anyone who calls themselves your friend would do that without any explanation. :(


Best wishes to you and your best friend as well, I hope things look up for you soon, you always seem to be so decent around others it's only right that you should have some goodness in your life. :)

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Now I'm not someone who normally likes talking about his problems, but I've gone ahead and done it in the Bayonetta 2 thread, so I might as well talk about it here now...


For the last month, I have been sans AV Receiver. First it develops a problem where it stopped outputting audio to my speakers properly. So I get it sent off (during the Xmas period, woo!) and I just got it back now.


Spent the whole day setting it back up and now the audio problem seems to be resolved! Hooray!


BUT LO AND FUCKING BEHOLD! Now two of the HDMI ports have packed up completely! WOOFUCKINGHOO!!!! :mad:


So now I have to send it back AGAIN!! :mad:


FUCK ME!!! I'm going fucking mental! The lack of decent sound is driving me up the wall! (also means that I'm not gonna be able to capture any fresh videos for the site either) :mad: I'm never gonna be playing Bayonetta 2 at this rate!!!

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I'm sorry to hear about your AV receiver @Dcubed really I am. :(


After having a receiver of my own for what feels like an age and a decent set of speakers, I can't imagine what it would be like living without it, the only time anything has gone wrong is my sub-woofer needed a capacitor replacing and very rarely my AV unit turns off and on for a split-second - because of the type of on/off switch it has most likely - but no real problems apart from that.


Is it costing you much each time you send it away? Or is it under guarantee? I know it's not just that but the hassle of sending it and being without it... I'm guessing it's a unit that you can no longer buy? My particular unit is no longer manufactured I think though it has had successors... Would it cost much to replace? I know mine would be a few hundred easily, I used to have it insured for the first five years but not any more.


Anyway, none of this is particularly useful I suppose, just thought I'd try to put across the fact that I possibly have some depth of understanding to your situation, I just hope that they are able to fix it for you properly this time I really do. : peace:

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I'm sorry to hear about your AV receiver @Dcubed really I am. :(


After having a receiver of my own for what feels like an age and a decent set of speakers, I can't imagine what it would be like living without it, the only time anything has gone wrong is my sub-woofer needed a capacitor replacing and very rarely my AV unit turns off and on for a split-second - because of the type of on/off switch it has most likely - but no real problems apart from that.


Is it costing you much each time you send it away? Or is it under guarantee? I know it's not just that but the hassle of sending it and being without it... I'm guessing it's a unit that you can no longer buy? My particular unit is no longer manufactured I think though it has had successors... Would it cost much to replace? I know mine would be a few hundred easily, I used to have it insured for the first five years but not any more.


Anyway, none of this is particularly useful I suppose, just thought I'd try to put across the fact that I possibly have some depth of understanding to your situation, I just hope that they are able to fix it for you properly this time I really do. : peace:


My current one isn't even a year old! My last one gave up the ghost just a few months after the warranty expired (go figure) and while my current one is still within warrenty (2 years), it's just driving me utterly mental! Thankfully the repairs aren't costing anything since it's still under warrenty (the shipping certainly is though! And it's not cheap!) but the time spent without it is just hellish! Especially when I have everything else ready to go!


It also makes things difficult for me in regards to capturing video/screenshots for the site as well (not completely impossible, but very difficult) as my setup really does rely on it heavily to work.


I just got a fancy new Phillips Hue lighting system installed in my living room and all! (I even have the room lights set to dim and change colour automatically whenever you go to watch a movie!) and I can't really take advantage of it until it's back and fully functional! It's just so aggrevating!!

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My current one isn't even a year old! My last one gave up the ghost just a few months after the warranty expired (go figure) and while my current one is still within warrenty (2 years), it's just driving me utterly mental! Thankfully the repairs aren't costing anything since it's still under warrenty (the shipping certainly is though! And it's not cheap!) but the time spent without it is just hellish! Especially when I have everything else ready to go!


It also makes things difficult for me in regards to capturing video/screenshots for the site as well (not completely impossible, but very difficult) as my setup really does rely on it heavily to work.


I just got a fancy new Phillips Hue lighting system installed in my living room and all! (I even have the room lights set to dim and change colour automatically whenever you go to watch a movie!) and I can't really take advantage of it until it's back and fully functional! It's just so aggrevating!!


Which receiver is it? - if you don't mind my asking - I'd imagine it must be costing you around £40 to post it each time even at flat-rate insured postage, possibly more... these receivers tend to be rather weighty, mine is on the bottom shelf of a plastic shelving unit - believe it or not - and it's what keeps the rest of it balanced, just as well as my PS4 and Xbox One are on the shelves above it; my Nintendo consoles and retro machines are kept on another stand naturally.


If you want me to capture screens for stuff in the meantime, let me know as I intend to get more into using my capture device, obviously I'm limited to the games which I own but I'll help if I can.


Also, that's some set-up! I can understand why you're so frustrated at not having the main component which brings is alltogether at your disposal, as I said before I really hope they get it sorted for you this time though, if they can't fix it then surely they owe you a brand new one instead if it's under guarantee?

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