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Urgh, new laptop out for delivery today, but there's no one home and it requires a signature. Tried to get it redelivered to work, but there's no option on the website, and only robots on the phone.


Have to pay extra to get it delivered on a Saturday!


Delivery companies taking the piss. Why did we allow the privatisation of Royal Mail...

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My assistant manager just gets to me all of the time. The manager is perfectly sound with me now and we get along well, we have good banter but we have a serious side too so that's fine. However, with my assistant manager, she kind of joins in the banter and the laughs but when the manager is away, she turns into a right little Hitler. It's not just me either though, she's doing it with most of the team. She just basically moans about the way we do things, when we do things, etc, and most of the time, we're doing it right.


Yesterday, she tried blaming the night team (my team) for finding different stock behind different items. The manager had to sort out the face creams and she said "I'm sick of sorting these out all of the time, how can people not put them back?!"

I said "I know, it does irritate me when they can't put shampoos and things like that back, it's too fiddly" and she nods in agreement.

Assistant manager comes along "Well, it's obvious that the tidying up at night wasn't done properly"

I looked at her. "Excuse me, what's the time now? It's almost 3 o'clock and the whole shop is a mess and we've been very busy. You don't think customers could have done it by now? Besides, the delivery staff aren't so innocent either!"

She didn't say nothing then.

It just pisses me off to no ends now. She acts like everything she does is right but the other day, she put prices out way too early and it resulted in me having to go to the till to make it cheaper so we've lost quite a bit of money. I told her that it's come up on the till that it's more than what it says on the shelf but I don't get listened to so I just leave her now. It's just annoying anyway.



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Urgh, new laptop out for delivery today, but there's no one home and it requires a signature. Tried to get it redelivered to work, but there's no option on the website, and only robots on the phone.


Have to pay extra to get it delivered on a Saturday!


Delivery companies taking the piss. Why did we allow the privatisation of Royal Mail...


I'm with you on this one. Got a charge for customs. It was supposed to be £4 but £8 was added by Royal Mail for the privilege.


Thanks, assholes. I could have understood if the blasted thing had weighed a ton. But nooooo...

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It gets worse, there doesn't seem to be any way to contact them. All phone numbers connect to robots, and any email I send gets a reply asking for my postcode, but when I try and reply my email bounces back with an error citing 'security issues' with their server.


How anything in this country gets delivered I'll never know.


I would pay a couple of pounds to have stuff left at the post office. Why don't Royal Mail offer that service to other delivery companies?

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I've done 3 nightshifts last week on top of my own shifts and extra shifts I agreed to cover. I always try to help at work as much as I can but doing a nightshift then coming back at 4pm on the next afternoon was getting way too much. I'm glad my supervisor was back since she took me off one thursday afternoon so I could rest properly.


I feel like I've hardly done anything this week other than going to comic con.

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After buying a weke bus pass for GameCity, Barton decide to shit on me (and others) by not sending buses. Sent a stern letter of complaint demanding monies for the taxi I had to take instead.




I am writing to complain about the awful signposting Barton seem to enjoy torturing customers with who wait at bus stops and actually try to catch a bus.


On Tuesday 28th I missed the second to last 18 from Nottingham to Beeston Rylands at 10:57. I knew all was not lost as the schedule clearly states the last one on the Monday-Friday schedule comes an hour later. I waited patiently. No bus came. I tweeted about it here:


Since it seems Barton had decided to ignore both their own schedules and customers in one fell swoop. Since I had to compromise I decided to grab the Indigo into Beeston and walk from there. After all, as you can see from the previous image, it was only one minute away. Or so I thought.


Second tweet:


It was one or two minutes away for about 20 minutes. I had been waiting for over an hour for buses which should've arrived by now. On Monday I bought myself a week pass from this route and I didn't really want to shell out for a taxi or pay extra for the late night bus fare, which happened the last time I tried to use a week pass for a bus past midnight, but as I've stated the bus I wanted was supposed to arrive before that.


I gave it ten more minutes before realising that Barton must've been using a numerical system unknown to myself and the several other people waiting for the Indigo, that I am assuming - "1 min" actually means "Whenever we can be bothered" or "Never." I had to pay for a taxi.


Find attached the receipt from my taxi which I would like Barton to reimburse me.


I look forward to hearing from you within "2 working days"


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Absolute misery. We've just had parents' evening - until just before 10pm. Back the next day at 7:45am. Straight into book week where we are promoting a charity: but instead of money, we get snotty emails from EXTREMELY RICH parents who don't even want to donate a pound. "Why should we help poor people?" Literally. That was what was said.


Then, immediately after Book Week, we have The English Festival. Which has involved us teaching NOTHING WHATSOEVER for about four periods a week (cue angry emails from parents "Why has my child not learned calculus yet?") due to needing the time to organise performances and rehearsal and then, FOUR DAYS BEFORE THE EVENT, the Headmistress decides that ALL performances need to have "Audience Participation" in them. So that needs to be worked in.


By the way, we just worked through several consecutive lunch breaks marking mid-term exams with seriously crap rubrics for marking - because the Headmistress wants them done to give back to the pupils on Friday. We also need to write a full term plan and have it translated for parents RIGHT THIS MINUTE due to one parent - SINGULAR - complaining that they wanted this.


THEN: we have two parents' observation days coming up, which means 3 periods of observation, one after the other for me. So those have to be planned. And rehearsed. And re-jigged because my co-teacher, bless her heart, would rather stand at the back of the room than do any actual work. And they are judging the teachers on their level of co-teaching. So I'm on to an automatic loser because she is basically a mouse in human form and I dominate the classes, because otherwise nothing would get done. Seriously, I tried planning her interactions in the lesson and giving her time to practice, and she just kept looking to me for instruction. Which is my fault.


Oh yes, and we've just started a four-week professional development course that requires video-watching, note-taking, podcast-listening and essay writing.


I'm looking forward to my three-day Christmas holiday, although I am a worried that I may have dropped dead or murdered someone by then.

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My brother bought Norovirus into the household again. The worst thing I have ever experienced and I now experience it yet again.


I had chilli last night, to make it even more marvelous


Ah sheeeeeet! :sad:


You have my sympathy, I was ill with that during Christmas 2010 while the rest of the family had flu, was truly awful. :(


I've had a flu jab every year since then even though I know it doesn't stop you from getting Norovirus it's nice to feel protected against flu at least, when it works.

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Ah sheeeeeet! :sad:


You have my sympathy, I was ill with that during Christmas 2010 while the rest of the family had flu, was truly awful. :(


I've had a flu jab every year since then even though I know it doesn't stop you from getting Norovirus it's nice to feel protected against flu at least, when it works.

I have a game to cover in two weeks. I guess it's better I get it now than then, but still, I have lots to do but can't do it now :(


And one of my feelings just fell out too. For fuck's sake

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The person at work I have a joking flirtatious back and forth with is leaving in two weeks as his contract ends. Will be a shame, been good to have someone to have a joke with.


Plus apparently he was told off for calling me gorgeous in front of students. The truth needs to be stated.

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