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bad stuff thread.


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I really don't appreciate being abused verbally on the phones, why can't people just accept they are wrong and accept the consequences for not telling us on time about things. I gave some advice to a lady earlier regarding whom may get help with tax credits for their child. I gave the correct choices and advice, and got told to "f**k off, i want to speak to your manager so i can get you fired" and "you are the biggest a**eh**e i've ever spoke to, stop speaking s**t".


I get this daily from people whom have mucked up somewhere, and it's my fault. Ah well, 50 days before my contract ends. And i can't wait.

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What sort of an idiot am I? The last month I've had to spend 140 Euro because I lost my room key (twice) and I've also ended up somehow missing my flight to London tonight (second time I missed a flight this year). So I can add about 300 Euro there. The deepest pain is how unnecessary this spending has been, could've been easily avoided if my personality wasn't so airy. I can also add that I'm gonna be a wee bit tired for London tomorrow & look like shit. My 2 best friends will be spending a year away in Malaysia and I spilled teriyaki sauce over my new computer.


I must have done horrible, horrible things to have karma shit on me like this.

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What sort of an idiot am I? The last month I've had to spend 140 Euro because I lost my room key (twice) and I've also ended up somehow missing my flight to London tonight (second time I missed a flight this year). So I can add about 300 Euro there. The deepest pain is how unnecessary this spending has been, could've been easily avoided if my personality wasn't so airy. I can also add that I'm gonna be a wee bit tired for London tomorrow & look like shit. My 2 best friends will be spending a year away in Malaysia and I spilled teriyaki sauce over my new computer.


I must have done horrible, horrible things to have karma shit on me like this.

A lot of that sounds more like you need to sort your shit out rather than karma being nicer to you (I mean this more jokingly than it sounds #lolz)


How come you missed your flight?! I would have thought an airy personality would usually help with flight.....

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Got swore at by an angry customer for calling them "mate". It was amazing.


Was doing overtime at the petrol station. One chap was having trouble and hadn't chosen his payment method so as usual had to go on the tannoy and break it down for them:

"Pump number X you just need to select your payment method mate above the keypad..." Nothing patronizing, just casual. Same way I've spoken to every customer in my lustrious retail career with no hitches.

Cue hand gestures along the lines of 'I've done that and it's not working, here's my car and here's the nozzle, see?'

Preparing for the whirlwind when he enters, however he sends what we believe to be his mail-order bride in to pay. Very anti-climax. But when driving off he turns near the hatch to which I am sitting next to, winds down his window and shouts something, I couldn't make it all out, but the general jist was "Don't call me mate, show some respect". I put my hand to my ears to show I couldn't hear him and we can see him call me a prick before he drives off.


Since I'm a Master at making people feel appreciated I got on the tannoy and said "Have a nice day." It put all the other customers in very good humour.

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He ain't your guy, friend.


On a related note got a ton of applications out over the last couple of weeks, but only got one turn-down so far. I have got to get out my current job, I'm only just getting about enough hours to cover my outgoings and my manager keeps telling me to "be optimistic". He might be the friendliest person I've ever hated.

Edited by gaggle64
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He ain't your guy, friend.


On a related note got a ton of applications out over the last couple of weeks, but only got one turn-down so far. I have got to get out my current job, I'm only just getting about enough hours to cover my outgoings and my manager keeps telling me to "be optimistic". He might be the friendliest person I've ever hated.


I've been looking recently too and I've found I've had far more success when I follow up with a call - especially if it's through an agency.

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I'm looking at rental properties and the only thing in my area and budget is in the most god damn awful areas of town, or reaaaaallllly far out of town, thus adding to my transport costs. Can't win :(


Do the ones further out + cost of traveling allow you to live normally?


I find that I live and will be living about 25/30 miles out of town. Given I work in town, this can be quite a lot.


But taking in context the size of the properties + price + cost of traveling, its still overall better than living in town.


However, I do feel your pain. I'm currently looking for either a 3 bedroom house for a friend and I or a decent size one bedroom flat for myself. :hmm:

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It's 23:00 and I'm still sat in the station waiting for my train to leave.


The government wants to plough money into HS2 when just a little bit of bad weather is all it takes for the current system to grind to a halt.


And although its already 2hrs late, I've just been advised it's not going anywhere for another 30mins.

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I hate work. So so much.



Basically we were told yesterday, out of nowhere, that 373 jobs are at risk on our contract. Which means, most people who work on that contract. They claim they will try to find new positions inside the company, but we all know most people will be made redundant, as there is nothing going at all.


They told people today that some parts of the contract will be ending soon... some even ending tomorrow. The previous position I was on will be disappearing as well on February 21. I don't know what they will do with all those agents, if they will retrain them or something else or not (doesn't seem worth it when everything is scheduled to end in 45 days...


At the moment I feel very angry and sad about all this. This is the second time in less than two years that this has happened, and it just feels like a stab in the back. No matter how good a job you do, you will get fucked over. I only just joined my new position 3 weeks ago, so my chances of staying are slim... and I am not sure I want to anymore. But then I don't know what job I could find instead as there is nothing going at all, and there is no redundancy pay or anything either.



This is so shit. ='(

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I've got an interview tomorrow for a 'Senior Client Reporting Analyst' at a large multinational bank and I feel completely unqualified for it. I submitted my CV in hope more than anything but they've invited me to interview which obviously means they think I could do it. I've spent all evening so far going over the role and what it will involve and how I can use my skills within that. I've been getting examples down for competency based questions that I've been told the interview will be about.


I still get the feeling that the job is a little bit above me right now.

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Do the ones further out + cost of traveling allow you to live normally?


I find that I live and will be living about 25/30 miles out of town. Given I work in town, this can be quite a lot.


But taking in context the size of the properties + price + cost of traveling, its still overall better than living in town.


However, I do feel your pain. I'm currently looking for either a 3 bedroom house for a friend and I or a decent size one bedroom flat for myself. :hmm:


Theoretically it would cost about the same... but with added miles onto my car its not gonna last as long, thus will need more repairs/replaced sooner. To be honest I don't want to live much more than 5 miles out of town, but up to 10 for the right place.

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I've got "rattled" by a customer maybe...five times in my life - including today. Some asshole was being a dick and said "Is this the customer service you would expect?" and I said "I'm sorry for--" and he cut me off, again saying "IS THIS THE CUSTOMER SERVICE YOU EXPECT?" and I waited for about 6 seconds until I was sure he had finished, and again "Like I said, I--" (and to clarify, I was going to apologise and then say no we expect more blah blah) but again, more shouting and cutting me off "I ASKED YOU A QUESTION AND I EXPECT IT TO BE ANSWERED" so I said "And I expect to be listened to and not talked over." which he loved hahaha "HOW....DARE...YOU....I want to speak to your supervisor now" "I'll put you through sir"




My colleagues love it when I get like that because I'm cool as a cucumber 99.9% of the time, you really do have to push me to get that kind of treatment, but it's funny that customers think that respect is a one way street when they speak to you.

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I've got "rattled" by a customer maybe...five times in my life - including today. Some asshole was being a dick and said "Is this the customer service you would expect?" and I said "I'm sorry for--" and he cut me off, again saying "IS THIS THE CUSTOMER SERVICE YOU EXPECT?" and I waited for about 6 seconds until I was sure he had finished, and again "Like I said, I--" (and to clarify, I was going to apologise and then say no we expect more blah blah) but again, more shouting and cutting me off "I ASKED YOU A QUESTION AND I EXPECT IT TO BE ANSWERED" so I said "And I expect to be listened to and not talked over." which he loved hahaha "HOW....DARE...YOU....I want to speak to your supervisor now" "I'll put you through sir"




My colleagues love it when I get like that because I'm cool as a cucumber 99.9% of the time, you really do have to push me to get that kind of treatment, but it's funny that customers think that respect is a one way street when they speak to you.


I have the same thing at my store. Everyone just watches me when a customer comes up to me and just don't listen. I stumped a customer today because of it. The woman was blatantly putting shoes that were clearly huge on the lad. I pointed this out to her.

"I've just fitted the shoes for your little boy and they're too big"

"No they're not! They're perfectly fine"

I turned to the lad and asked him to walk. He walked and one of the shoes actually fell off his foot.

She turns to me. "You said they'd fit..."

"No, I said they were too big. We do have other si--"

"The customer is always right and I said they were too big! You told me they were fine"

"Well, you just contradicted yourself..."


"Well...you just said you said they were too big...when you didn't...I did...that means you, the customer, are wrong."

"...how dare you insult me like this? Who do you think you are?"

(at this point, I REALLY wanted to say "Me? I'm the Batman" and run away...but I didn't).

"I'm the sales assistant who works in a shoe store and has measured and fitted children's and adult's feet for over 18 months. I've served hundreds of people with no complaints so far. I'm a Clarks Trained Expert, meaning that I've been monitored in measuring and fitting feet to ensure that there wouldn't be any injuries. I've just told you these shoes are a hazard to your child's feet and now it's up to you if you want to take them but if you do, I will not be held responsible for whatever happens to your little boy's feet. You can either take these ridiculously huge shoes that look like clown shoes or you can listen to me and actually get him shoes that fit. Your choice!"

She stood there for a moment and then decided to listen to me.






Anyway, my bad stuff is that my manager is leaving. It's not bad that she's leaving exactly but because my anxiety and stress is kicking in a little because of what'll happen next. Nobody knows who'll be in charge. I don't know whether he/she will be a bitch or a bastard or whether they'll be nice. It's worrying me.


On a good note: 4th day through Insanity. Also, someone messaged me telling me they love my weight-loss blog. Something to be happy about, I guess!

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Sorry to hear about that Eenuh.


Nearly had a £100 penalty for having an "incorrect" ticket for travel on my journey to work. The chap checking tickets clearly had no clue. He assumed as my ticket (which is below)




says between the two destinations, that i cannot get off and leave at another station and must proceed to that station. Otherwise i've not paid the correct fare and a penalty would be imposed. Refusing to pay the penalty of course, popped over to Arriva Trains and left the penalty notice at the desk along with my number, they called back and voided said penalty.


And to top off a lovely day of travel, i was 30 minutes late home because of a lazy signalman. He assumed (and that is such a nice word) that the train i was on had already passed the points so he switched them to allow the massive train that was behind us to go through (i say he was lazy and forgot to switch points). Ended up sitting in the wrong platform waiting for the big train to reverse back to allow us to reverse out to switch to the correct line to travel home.

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