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I've had an absolute bastard of a cold for the past week or so. started with a tickle in the throat then my throat got really really sore. Then my throat got better, then i started coughing, sneezing, runny nose all that crap. Then that stopped and now I'm coughing really badly pretty much all day and night for the past few days. My throat feels like I've been brutally face fucked by a guy with a barbed wire dick that cums razor blades >_> sick Martins is sick >_>

Edited by martinist
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Well its bad but also good stuff but i'll post here anyway. Good news is my ball sack resembles a ball sack now and no longer looks like its got caught in a blender... bad news is though i'm still not back on my feet which means no gym or tennis times for a while yet.

My sick note runs out for work tomorrow so should be back in on monday but not in a position to drive yet as cant put my legs together properly at the min.

Another week off work not being able to do much is a bit depressing and I also feel like work think I might be taking the piss a bit, but I always worry about that when im off sick anyway!


In other good news, I am kinda enjoying the jock straps the hospital gave me! Not in a kinky way)(yet... :heh: ) but they are like a hammock for your balls! Very comforting!

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Yes yes yes yes I totally agree on the work thing. I have been off since Monday and I jad 1.5 days off at Christmas. I am so terrified they think I am taking the piss. Its so frustrating though as my attendence is very very good (not perfect) but very decent and I am a hard worker etc. If I get ill again this ywar I am going to have a breakdown.

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I hear ya Rez.

I'm the same I am rarely off tbh. Don't really like being off sick at all.


Although my mind was put at ease shortly after my post as my TL gave me a call to see how I was doing and she has been brilliant about the whole situation.

She basically told me not to come back until it was healed ha. Just said she didn't want me to come back in until I felt 100% comfortable to be in work. She also said that I'm not to feel bad if I want to go out and get out the house should I feel I can, which was really nice of her.


I'm lucky really in that work are so understanding. Not a lot of places would be so that's put me at ease.


And I wouldn't worry Rez - as you say, if you're usually a good performer and good at your job (which from what i gather you are) and you're attendance record is generally high - you've nothing to fret about! Know where you're comin from though!

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That's really nice of your company/manager @Aneres11.


The thing is guys that you have to remember that if, for example @Aneres11 went back to work Monday and knew it was potentially not safe for him to do so, if you told work this and they forced you to come in, that's their blame not yours.


I'm not 100% sure on the legal of it, but from what work have told me (they make very clear to ask if there's anything they can do if you're still ill and have come back in). You shouldn't be back until your 100% better whether or not that is losing the company money by you not being there.


Get better soon @Aneres11 sounds like you're nearly on the mend anyway! :)

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Do you have a contract? What sick pay are you entitled to?


Aside from what you can get paid by work (most cases it's just statutory - about £85 a week for 28 weeks, then nothing), nobody can be fired or let go from a full-time contract of employ simply because they are ill. So long as you have the doctor's note, you need not return to work simply because you fear for your job.


@Raining_again they can't terminate you! You work for the NHS so you are entitled to 3 months full pay and 3 months half, which goes up to 6 and 6 once you've been in the job for... 3-5 years? 10? I've forgotten.


It should be your doctor's decision as to whether you're capable of working or not. You legally cannot be sacked because the doctor says you're too ill to work - if that happened you could sue and be RIIICH! Your employer has a right to stay informed of your situation, of course, and without a sick note you can be let go. But if your balls are exploding then don't be silly!

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Mine isn't a huge bad thing but I feel ripped off. You guys remember me telling you that I came first and won a prize in a competition for getting the most customers to come in a redeem their vouchers?


Well, guess who isn't getting the prize! Yup, moi! I ain't going to get a prize. Want to know why? Because the redemption figures were low in store, they decided not to bother!


I'm not being funny but if you hold a competition to go out and hand out vouchers to get people to come in to redeem them with a prize for first place, then they should stick to that. There was no small print or anything like that, it was pure 'if you do this, you could win' and I won fair and square.


My manager told me I wouldn't get a prize so I kicked up a fuss because of the principle. I've been conned before when we had commission added to back to school items and a lot of us sold them but because customers ASKED for some of them, we never got anything. I let my manager know what I thought of their 'competitions' anyway and told her straight up that I felt conned and that I wouldn't be handing out any vouchers or taking part in anything ever again. She said that the higher-ups give her the carrot and stick approach and I said "Yeah but the difference would be that you occasionally get the carrot, that's the whole point!"


This time, it wasn't my manager's fault but the higher-ups. I just said that the whole thing is a huge con and told them not to ask me to participate in anything in future and I even said "No wonder a lot of the staff didn't bother helping". The only reason I did it was because I said I would before the competition started. Now I'm not bothering again.


On a good note, someone on MyFitnessPal sent me a message telling me how much they enjoy reading my blog so that was nice to read.

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I hear ya Rez.

I'm the same I am rarely off tbh. Don't really like being off sick at all.


Although my mind was put at ease shortly after my post as my TL gave me a call to see how I was doing and she has been brilliant about the whole situation.


I hate being off sick - my parents used to give me a really hard time if I needed a day of from schoo, like I was somehow wastng everyone's time- and I carried that mentality into my work life. It doesn't help that the school principal has a mean streak as long as the Yellow River. She herself "never" gets ill and always comes to work even though it's obvious she's near death's door and needs a day off. She encourages this mentality in everyone else.


...anyway, the fact is my insomnia has been acting up these last few days. Tuesday night I can't have gotten to sleep mch before 4am, and woke up at 6am, went straight to work. That night I got a good rest, but it was just a recovery from the previous day's nightmare rather than a night's rest + the feeling of having recovered... a similar thing happened last night where my mind was racing and I just couldn't drop off. I blame the Star Wars books I'm reading. They're too exciting.


Oh, and I can't find Midori anywhere on the internet in China, so I'm back to drinking whisky.

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Do you have a contract? What sick pay are you entitled to?


Aside from what you can get paid by work (most cases it's just statutory - about £85 a week for 28 weeks, then nothing), nobody can be fired or let go from a full-time contract of employ simply because they are ill. So long as you have the doctor's note, you need not return to work simply because you fear for your job.


@Raining_again they can't terminate you! You work for the NHS so you are entitled to 3 months full pay and 3 months half, which goes up to 6 and 6 once you've been in the job for... 3-5 years? 10? I've forgotten.


It should be your doctor's decision as to whether you're capable of working or not. You legally cannot be sacked because the doctor says you're too ill to work - if that happened you could sue and be RIIICH! Your employer has a right to stay informed of your situation, of course, and without a sick note you can be let go. But if your balls are exploding then don't be silly!


Ha no I know! I mean, I get like 5 weeks full pay or something so I have no concerns over being off - its more just a personal thing in that I dont really like being off sick!


But yeah I totally understand the whole legal side to it and the sick note is covering my absence so there's no doubt anywhere!


But yeah I can only imagine how tough it would be to work for a company who didnt give a shit about employees welfare and just wanted them in - ill or not. That would suck.

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@Animal do you have a HR? You could always file a grievance? I mean, its not massively important, but if you were promised something and weren't, that's pretty shit!


On the side note! Apparently, as I was informed today, I could very easily file two grievances with the company I work for, about two separate issues. One re-occurred today and the other was from a few months ago.


But...sigh, do I want too? Sure, but its a lot of effort. I'm pretty tired of where I'm at right now. I love most of the people I work with and for the most part I find my job really interesting.


But there's just a couple of people who really bring things down and after having such a bad day today, I just want to give it all up.

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@Animal do you have a HR? You could always file a grievance? I mean, its not massively important, but if you were promised something and weren't, that's pretty shit!


On the side note! Apparently, as I was informed today, I could very easily file two grievances with the company I work for, about two separate issues. One re-occurred today and the other was from a few months ago.


But...sigh, do I want too? Sure, but its a lot of effort. I'm pretty tired of where I'm at right now. I love most of the people I work with and for the most part I find my job really interesting.


But there's just a couple of people who really bring things down and after having such a bad day today, I just want to give it all up.


I'd say do it. Would you rather be content knowing that you did what you could, or just complain and not do anything about it?


It would certainly stop them happening again (or at least you'd be in a far better position if it did). And you never know, they might offer you some better solutions. Depending on the sort of grievance in could improve your work-life.

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Do you have a contract? What sick pay are you entitled to?


Aside from what you can get paid by work (most cases it's just statutory - about £85 a week for 28 weeks, then nothing), nobody can be fired or let go from a full-time contract of employ simply because they are ill. So long as you have the doctor's note, you need not return to work simply because you fear for your job.


@Raining_again they can't terminate you! You work for the NHS so you are entitled to 3 months full pay and 3 months half, which goes up to 6 and 6 once you've been in the job for... 3-5 years? 10? I've forgotten.


It should be your doctor's decision as to whether you're capable of working or not. You legally cannot be sacked because the doctor says you're too ill to work - if that happened you could sue and be RIIICH! Your employer has a right to stay informed of your situation, of course, and without a sick note you can be let go. But if your balls are exploding then don't be silly!


Yeah I get paid sick but that's not the issue. The NHS has trust doctors within occupational health who assess you. Every time we hit certain levels of sickness we have to go to occ health. 3 single ocassions in one year, or 10+ days within one year, and you hit stage 1 on the policy. Once you're on stage 1, any single sickness within a year puts you on stage 2, then another stage 3 then at stage 4 they consider contract termination. Apparently they can if they see that you are long term unfit to work.


The policy has been in place for years, and it hasn't been changed to date.. despite the unions having kittens about it

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@Raining_again iirc the occupational health levels aren't actually that strict at all, and are really in place for twebs who take hangover days rather than actually ill people.


My understand of the NHS sickness absence s; if you've hit 5 days (or periods) of sickness in a 12 month period you may be asked to attend an interview, in which your 'illness' will be assessed and you'll be given a target for the next 6 or 12 months. If you fuck that up you get another review... then another, and another. It's not necessarily one instance each round unless your meeting states it is. If you have a long-term illness then you simply cannot go through what is essentially a 3-strikes procedure... The best thing to do is to make sure your employer is aware of any and all long-term illnesses, especially if they can sporadically occur. You have the equality act of 2010 to rely on -- so long as your employers know about it!


That's only what I know about it - it's not going to be all THAT correct as I don't use it day-by-day or anything - if you have a link where i can read more please send it to me - I'm basically just leaning legislation left, right and centre these days, with the hope that one day I'll find a well-paying job to use the knowledge (providing I've not mislearned stuff!)

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Do you have a contract? What sick pay are you entitled to?


Aside from what you can get paid by work (most cases it's just statutory - about £85 a week for 28 weeks, then nothing), nobody can be fired or let go from a full-time contract of employ simply because they are ill. So long as you have the doctor's note, you need not return to work simply because you fear for your job.


Not exactly true. You can be dismissed due to "capability" if you are constantly ill and if they do not fall foul of the Equality Act 2010 then the employer is likely to be able to defend a claim for Unfair Dismissal. Granted it is difficult for employers to dismiss people now for reasons of illness but it is legally incorrect that nobody can be fired.


Pratically speaking anyone can be dismissed for anything. It is just whether you have a remedy against your employer.

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Finished work at 5. Car wouldn't start, so I walked home in the rain. Called the AA, walked back to my motor and my battery had some how killed itself in 18 months. I swear this car knows I want rid, it's doing anything to destroy itself before I have funds for a new one.

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I swear when i leave work in March, i'll either have gone insane or be on some form of medication. People just don't understand that changes can affect claims.


Neither do my clients nor do they understand that they need to inform their local council about their change of circumstances in respect of their claim for Housing Benefit resulting in an overpayment and general shite

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Neither do my clients nor do they understand that they need to inform their local council about their change of circumstances in respect of their claim for Housing Benefit resulting in an overpayment and general shite


I get the same thing. Plus people believe we are all the same department and can deal with all changes regardless.

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My ontogeny has eventuated in the phenotypical expression of a lipid layer, several centimeters thick, from around my lower thorax to the top of my pelvis.


Translation: Oh my god, I've gotten fat :(.


Fat and bald? You're turning into your father! (I guess, I've never seen him)


I've got £80 to last me until pay day next Friday. Shit maaaaaaan. And it's all because my previous landlord owes me £700 and says he can't pay that until the 1st. Part of me feels like trying to push it, but the pessimist in me thinks it won't make a difference.


Oh and I've got to pay for train tickets home for a few weeks time, which then brings it down to about £65. That can stretch, obviously, but I hate treading the line.


(well, I could move some money from my ISA or business account, but try and avoid doing that but will have to check again this weekend)

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Fat and bald? You're turning into your father! (I guess, I've never seen him)


I've got £80 to last me until pay day next Friday. Shit maaaaaaan. And it's all because my previous landlord owes me £700 and says he can't pay that until the 1st. Part of me feels like trying to push it, but the pessimist in me thinks it won't make a difference.


Oh and I've got to pay for train tickets home for a few weeks time, which then brings it down to about £65. That can stretch, obviously, but I hate treading the line.


(well, I could move some money from my ISA or business account, but try and avoid doing that but will have to check again this weekend)


85 quid to last a week on Friday. Thats loads!


BTW why does your LL owe you that amout lf money?

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