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bad stuff thread.


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I'm actually tempted to make a separate thread for this, but here we go:




This happens mere days after the "austerity" speech too. It's bloody disgusting, I don't even get how they can justify any of this! So the rich and those in power gain all the wealth, whilst us "commoners" have to suffer, just so that they can have their swimming pools in their back gardens, extra holidays and their yachts. Seriously, fuck this government. Someone needs to petrol bomb these bastards.

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I completely agree.


If I dont get a pay rise, in fact im getting a pay cut in real terms then no bugger else should do too :P


In all honesty though why should MPs get pay rises where the vast majority do not. Continues to maintain the bad image of politicians.

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I do like how Cameron, Clegg and Milliband have all said it's bullshit.




Bad for me today, had some overtime magically disappear. Tesco have been famed for offering overtime and then cancelling it. But today I went in, all looking worky in a Christmas Pac Man t-shirt to find the shift had magically gone. I'm used to it being cancelled but I'm pissed off that I hadn't been notified at all.

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This has been in the works for ages. I'm pretty sure I brought it up months ago when there was a binmen's strike. They were getting their salaries cut by something atrocious like 12% and having their working hours cut back, all the while the MPs were already planning this pay rise.


It's just wrong. Pure and simple.

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It's independant. The idea is that MPs haven't had a pay rise in years, and that this increase is actually the lowest figure that ISPA suggested. The supposed reasoning is that a) they want the salary to attract 'average' people into representing their locality. The problem with this is that most people still have a, perhaps overly idealistic, hope that people go into politics for moral reasons and attracting people by offering more pound signs is the wrong way to go about it. b) the increase in salary is coming with a shake-up to the whole benefits package; a curb on what can be claimed as expenses as well as a change to how their pensions work. Again, the problem is that the public perception is that MPs can claim far too much as expenses as it is. Their lunch money will be reduced to a mere £15... which is more than two hours of pay for most people. Considering MPs are currently being paid about triple the average wage currently, and other public servants are being capped at 1% pay rises, it's easy to see that most people aren't chuffed.


Long paragraph aside, the bottom line is that no matter how their benefits are being restructured it appears it will cost nearly £5m to pay for this rise in salary. The pay cut to bin men in my local authority area allegedly saves £32m a year, so in a way it's not draining the bank upping MP's pay... but it's the principle, really!

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The last week has been pretty rough for a variety of reasons including, but not limited to, asshole neighbours attempting to recreate Stomp in the flats below me and in the stairwell as well as seeing who could make the most convincing murder scream and friends just taking the complete piss and taking advantage of my generosity.


With regards to the last thing mentioned there, I honestly don't understand why I've given some of the people who claim to be friends/best friends so many chances when they just keep doing the same thing over and attempt to explain it off as miscommunication or some thinly veiled attempt at trying to saddle me with some of the blame. Maybe I am, as one of my friends says, "too nice" and maybe I should just tell them where to go. At least if I did I can be the bigger person and say I at least tried more than them to be friends ::shrug:


Was starting to get back on track after feeling a bit down but the last week (well... pretty much the last couple of months with regards to some things), all I've been thinking is trying to get as far away from where I am as possible. Sadly, don't have the money to do that and can't head back to my parents' house as they pretty much stripped my room bare (and stupidly threw my Megadrive and games, Dreamcast and games and Gameboy and games in a bloody skip!!!) when I moved out and haven't bothered to furnish it yet which should prove interesting when I head home for Christmas.


I don't know. Just really need a bit of a break away from where I'm living at the moment and away from certain people. The thought that I've spent far too long in Dundee (technically my 6th year as of the start of my PhD in September) and that I should have gone elsewhere is becoming more and more prominent. Would love to say that I can at least fall back into music and have that lift me but so not feeling it.


Ach well, hopefully somethings will resolve themselves/get resolved soon.

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The last week has been pretty rough for a variety of reasons including, but not limited to, asshole neighbours attempting to recreate Stomp in the flats below me and in the stairwell as well as seeing who could make the most convincing murder scream


They sound like those infuriating people who think obnoxiousness is the same as "personality." Sorry you're feeling besieged generally, hope you find your own head space soon.

Edited by gaggle64
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And January will soon mean a complete end to a social life outside of work, they are trying to return everyone to 1 in 2 or 4 Saturday working patterns. Most people are against it, and i'll be attempting to get a shift change to avoid weekend working. Don't get any extra pay (as it's unsocial) for it either. If this place wants to leave us all miserable by contract end, they have certainly succeeded.

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And January will soon mean a complete end to a social life outside of work, they are trying to return everyone to 1 in 2 or 4 Saturday working patterns. Most people are against it, and i'll be attempting to get a shift change to avoid weekend working. Don't get any extra pay (as it's unsocial) for it either. If this place wants to leave us all miserable by contract end, they have certainly succeeded.


Why haven't you collected your money and left yet?

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Why haven't you collected your money and left yet?


I won't get that until March, and that's if i stay until then. Contract ends due to there being no work, it's technically a redundancy and i'd get a pay-off of that size. If i leave now, i get zilch as it would be that i've handed in my notice and quit.


Also had another 3 job rejections, this is making me depressed now.

Edited by Jimbob
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I won't get that until March, and that's if i stay until then. Contract ends due to there being no work, it's technically a redundancy and i'd get a pay-off of that size. If i leave now, i get zilch as it would be that i've handed in my notice and quit.


Also had another 3 job rejections, this is making me depressed now.


That's fair enough.


Keep up on the job front, I sympathise, it took me an awful lot of rejections (most didn't bother to reply) before I got temp work at Jagex a couple of years ago. Eurgh. :(

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That's fair enough.


Keep up on the job front, I sympathise, it took me an awful lot of rejections (most didn't bother to reply) before I got temp work at Jagex a couple of years ago. Eurgh. :(


I'm in that position to literraly walk out the door and never come back, but the one thing keeping me here is the fact i get a pay-off by surviving. Plus i havn't got another job to walk into yet either.

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I'm in that position to literraly walk out the door and never come back, but the one thing keeping me here is the fact i get a pay-off by surviving. Plus i havn't got another job to walk into yet either.


I get it.


I've been that way since I moved to Cambridge, it's been nearly 3 years now. :blush:


But there's no where for me to go right now. :hmm:

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Gradually having the good bits of my job worn away til all I have left are taking phone calls from people that really shouldn't be allowed to buy our products. Seriously who the fuck buys pieces of networking kit without even knowing how to change their own fucking IP address?


My favourite today was me spending 15mins helping a customer who had me on speakerphone in a metal box and setting up a unit by committee it would seem. We finally get to a point where I ask them to scan for networks to connect the unit to and low and behold they say "Oh no... we're not on site with it yet".



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Gradually having the good bits of my job worn away til all I have left are taking phone calls from people that really shouldn't be allowed to buy our products. Seriously who the fuck buys pieces of networking kit without even knowing how to change their own fucking IP address?


My favourite today was me spending 15mins helping a customer who had me on speakerphone in a metal box and setting up a unit by committee it would seem. We finally get to a point where I ask them to scan for networks to connect the unit to and low and behold they say "Oh no... we're not on site with it yet".




Anyone working in call centre has had many a call like that. I for one have had so many, i lost count.

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Anyone working in call centre has had many a call like that. I for one have had so many, i lost count.


I think that's the problem. My job isn't meant to be like a call centre but it's just becoming a repository for people that don't know how to JFGI

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I was supposed to have my driving test today. I was walking to the car with the examiner when she cracked her head on an open window and had to be taken to hospital. There was a bit of blood but I think she will be ok, needs stitches though. Now my test has been delayed by two months.

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I was supposed to have my driving test today. I was walking to the car with the examiner when she cracked her head on an open window and had to be taken to hospital. There was a bit of blood but I think she will be ok, needs stitches though. Now my test has been delayed by two months.


What a selfish bitch.

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I was supposed to have my driving test today. I was walking to the car with the examiner when she cracked her head on an open window and had to be taken to hospital. There was a bit of blood but I think she will be ok, needs stitches though. Now my test has been delayed by two months.


Can you try and get a cancellation at the test centre?

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