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I am a hypocrite, yes. I advocate peaceful resolution of conflict, but I'll happily batter someone who tries to cheat me out of a good night's sleep.


I don't see how anyone was cheating you out of a good nights sleep in either of those situations...?

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I don't see how anyone was cheating you out of a good nights sleep in either of those situations...?


Time difference... @Iun lives in Shanghai, so if something was posted mid-afternoon here it could have been the small hours of the morning over there, I guess getting into a heated debate at that time would not be good for obvious reasons; at least I think that's what he meant. ::shrug:


In any case, I'm sure it doesn't matter that much who is right or wrong? I can see it from both sides, in those situations I suppose you could consider actions by either side to be 'rude' but personally I don't see anything particularly wrong with what Iun did; would I have responded in exactly the same way in those situations? Probably not... but honestly, in the case of the 'bottle crackling' incident I actually approve of the 'polite shushing' as there is really nothing more annoying than having to be subjected that that kind of noise. :hmm:


But then I've never actually been to China so I can't really say a great deal, I understand that it's an entirely different culture over there though, ultimately I respect both of your opinions, overall though much worse things happen and I see many more examples of rudeness in one single shift of my workplace, not that one thing counter-acts the other or anything... just trying to put things into perspective. : peace:


I'll shut up now. :heh:

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From the sounds of things, @Iun has a bit of a hard time (understatement) in that country. Even more so considering that he's seen as a "foreigner" in "their" land. So, whatever he did, whether it was polite or not, the reaction from the "locals" would have been the same.



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I get the time difference but in each of the situations I don't see how they're cheating him of sleep. He was on the metro-tram for the bottle crackling and for the other he was on the station platform. How on earth are they trying to deprive him of sleep? Why would he be trying to sleep on the platform or the metro?

Edited by Kav
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I get the time difference but in each of the situations I don't see how they're cheating him of sleep. He was on the metro-tram for the bottle crackling and for the other he was on the station platform. How on earth are they trying to deprive him of sleep? Why would he be trying to sleep on the platform or the metro?


I believe he was using it more of an explanation as to the sort of things that will make him snap, rather than specific to those examples.



Also, he once broke a man's jaw for depriving him of sleep.

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I believe he was using it more of an explanation as to the sort of things that will make him snap, rather than specific to those examples.



Also, he once broke a man's jaw for depriving him of sleep.


Someone needs anger management help! Haha

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I get the time difference but in each of the situations I don't see how they're cheating him of sleep. He was on the metro-tram for the bottle crackling and for the other he was on the station platform. How on earth are they trying to deprive him of sleep? Why would he be trying to sleep on the platform or the metro?


I was referring to the time last weekend when I first went and politely asked the hammer-drill wielding decorator above my bedroom to be quiet at 6am. Then when he continued I went up again, kneed him in the nuts and told him if he didn't shut up I'd bring friends and break all his fingers. You have no idea what it's like to be woken by an industrial drill at 6am after a hard week about 7 feet above your head. It's astounding.


I was referring to an entirely different situation. The lack of consideration for basic social contracts or norms here is remarkable.

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I was referring to the time last weekend when I first went and politely asked the hammer-drill wielding decorator above my bedroom to be quiet at 6am. Then when he continued I went up again, kneed him in the nuts and told him if he didn't shut up I'd bring friends and break all his fingers. You have no idea what it's like to be woken by an industrial drill at 6am after a hard week about 7 feet above your head. It's astounding.


I was referring to an entirely different situation. The lack of consideration for basic social contracts or norms here is remarkable.


Yeah, I wouldn't appreciate that. After asking nicely the first time I feel it was justified that you gave him one in the baby-makers.


I figure that its always right to be polite first, if they just ignore you and don't take heed then they've asked for whatever comes next.

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Yeah, I wouldn't appreciate that. After asking nicely the first time I feel it was justified that you gave him one in the baby-makers.


I figure that its always right to be polite first, if they just ignore you and don't take heed then they've asked for whatever comes next.


The jaw-breaking was six-months of polite requests, letters to the university and empty threats. Theguy would come in and play his stereo 3am to 6am.


There's a couple of things you have to realise about China:


1: There are three countries in the world: China, Foreign and Evil Japan. You are a foreigner first. A zoo-animal-like curiosity second. A possible source of income/assistance third. Then finally you might be a human being, but it's pretty shaky.


2: The average person has a need to pigeon-hole you immediately so they know how to place you in their pre-conceptions: They ask you "Where are you from?" If you say England, it's 50/50 they will say "England is nice" or "You (As in "you personally") burned down the Summer Palace 200 years ago". Then they will ask "How much do you earn?" "How much does your house cost every month?" And sometimes "Can you come to my house and teach English to my kid for a pittance?".


3: You will get pointed and stared at everywhere you go "Look a foreigner" becomes a normal part of the background noise. "Look, a foreigner, look at his/her big nose/I wonder what foreigners eat/Look! he's eating steamed bread!" It's like being a zoo animal. And the effect of this is cumulative. So the person you tell to fuck off is probably the fifteenth person that day to point and stare.


4: When the government needs a quick fix to deflect blame away from something they've made a mess of, foreigners ("The Other") in psychology is the go-to method. Japanese cars, businesses and properties were smashed, burned and vandalised last year because the government is claiming islands that do not belong to them but belong to Japan and China is unwilling to start a war, but does not want to look weak so they blamed everything that recently went wrong on the Japanese. Schools and schoolbuses were attacked. When a non-Chinese man allegedly molested a Chinese woman, he was beaten senseless by a gang of men and deported without trial.


Conversely, if Chinese people see a 15 Chinese on 1 Chinese fight, they will stand and watch. If a foreigner seems to be at the centre, they will attack in a pack.


There are lots of good reasons to live here, but none of them are listed above.

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Supervisor still hasn't got back to me with any of my 1st draft stuff for my dissertation and it's due on the 7th. He's away in Australia but seems to be communicating with his current PhD student fine, but just not bothering to reply to any of my emails (of which I've sent quite a lot!).


So pretty much given up hope on him giving me any form of feedback before I submit or getting a first (although I'll see what happens on that last one as I managed to get one for my literature review which he couldn't be bothered to read through and give feedback on). Could ask for an extension as there's good grounds for it but I just want the thing finished and out of the way so I've been plowing on through it on my own trying to be as harsh as possible with re-reading bits to make changes and what not.


Putting in a formal complaint about him once it's all done and will be asking for a second supervisor when I come back in September to start my PhD as I'm not putting up with this for 3 more years. Unlikely to be happy about that but screw him.

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So, as you may know, my parents apparently got me an uber cool present for my birthday. However, it was stuck in customs for ages. My mum got the Customs note saying how much to pay for it once it hits the sorting office, which it never did.


Turns out today that they've sent it back to Japan, seemingly by "mistake" which is the most ridiculous thing ever. To top it off, they sent it by boat so it'll take weeks to get back there in order for it to be sent again and hopefully not have this crap occur.


Parcel Force are a farce

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Contact the seller. I had a problem like that and the seller sent another before the original arrived. Then the package got turned back around in Germany so I ended up with two (the seller told me to keep them both).

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Contact the seller. I had a problem like that and the seller sent another before the original arrived. Then the package got turned back around in Germany so I ended up with two (the seller told me to keep them both).

Already have, they'll just send it back when they get it back. It's apparently a rare thing so a second can't be sent

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I had a shit night's sleep. It was awful. Really, really awful. I felt tired, felt comfortable enough and it was late, so I expected to get off ok. But, no. No. Nooooo. I just couldn't do it. I used to find sleeping hard in Wales, too. I'd go to the gym, so I was using up my energy, but it still wouldn't work. Yesterday was like that. No matter how I altered my body or if I was above or below the covers or if I faced one way or the other, nothing worked.


In the end, I got pissed off and played ZombiU til about 5:30, at which point I STILL didn't feel tired. What the fuck, body? Somehow I managed to do it and woke up at around 11. I hate this.

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I had a shit night's sleep. It was awful. Really, really awful. I felt tired, felt comfortable enough and it was late, so I expected to get off ok. But, no. No. Nooooo. I just couldn't do it. I used to find sleeping hard in Wales, too. I'd go to the gym, so I was using up my energy, but it still wouldn't work. Yesterday was like that. No matter how I altered my body or if I was above or below the covers or if I faced one way or the other, nothing worked.


In the end, I got pissed off and played ZombiU til about 5:30, at which point I STILL didn't feel tired. What the fuck, body? Somehow I managed to do it and woke up at around 11. I hate this.


Exactly the same for me, just couldn't sleep last night, even though I was really tired. I got about 2-3 hours sleep in total, but all broken up. I think the longest I slept in one go was about 40 minutes from when Jim came back to bed at 5:30. I had to get up for work at 6:30.


I want my bed right now. =(

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Exactly the same for me, just couldn't sleep last night, even though I was really tired. I got about 2-3 hours sleep in total, but all broken up. I think the longest I slept in one go was about 40 minutes from when Jim came back to bed at 5:30. I had to get up for work at 6:30.


I want my bed right now. =(


I had a shit night's sleep. It was awful. Really, really awful. I felt tired, felt comfortable enough and it was late, so I expected to get off ok. But, no. No. Nooooo. I just couldn't do it. I used to find sleeping hard in Wales, too. I'd go to the gym, so I was using up my energy, but it still wouldn't work. Yesterday was like that. No matter how I altered my body or if I was above or below the covers or if I faced one way or the other, nothing worked.


In the end, I got pissed off and played ZombiU til about 5:30, at which point I STILL didn't feel tired. What the fuck, body? Somehow I managed to do it and woke up at around 11. I hate this.


I have found that, when I'm struggling to sleep, if I take a single paracetamol, it alters my brain chemistry enough to allow for me to drift off. I won't have the best night's sleep, but I will have a sufficient REM cycle.

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Parents took the family cat to vets today and had him put to sleep, 17 and a half years old. He had a good long life.


Going round to parents house at weekend and he won't be there... :weep:


Sorry to hear that mate!


Saddest thing ever was when the vets at top of Eccy road put my Staffy down. Happened a couple of years ago and I knew him half of my life

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Back in England after 11 months living in Japan. I've come back with a plan, but getting used to life back here again without my girlfriend nearby, stores open for decent times and the generally shitty populace is going hard and I'm absolutely miserable for it.

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