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Just hoping that this drug keeps working, and my body tolerates it for as long as possible.


If it fails, I'm kinda fucked. The next stage of treatment is an IV therapy which I fancy like a fist to the face :(


Awk, fingers crossed everything stays on even keel. Huggles for yoooou.

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After my 2 weeks holiday it's back to reality! Yesterday I got that 'end of the 6 weeks holiday' feeling but told myself it wouldn't be that bad...


But yeah, the first day wasn't great :p

The first hour or so was typical trivial stuff that winds me up but nothing out of the ordinary. Angry, rude customers bitching that everything has moved (two aisles) and the regular 'creepies' wasting my god damn time (we have a bunch of regular pricks. Today's was the Quiet Man. He takes ages to say anything and says it in the lowest poossible voice you have to go right up to him and almost lip read. Today he was once again trying to get free shit, he told me the lady packed his bag wrong and squashed his food. It was a block of cheese... Could have told him to have packed his own fuckin' shopping but that wouldn't have gone down well).


Anyway yes, petty complaint #2 - New uniform! Everyone started wearing it from last week, I rang in saying I was on holiday and whether I'd have to pop in to get one or if they could keep me one back and they said they'd keep me one back. They forgot though. So I have 2 shirts that are two sizes too big. It goes down so low I look like someone from Animal Crossing, bullshit. Also the bright green shirt doesn't go well with my bright orange hair.



So - The other shit. I get told today that three people have been moved off our department. They were given a days notice. Basically they're having to make cuts in our department and 'may have to move more people, but are just trying their best to keep everyone in a job'. Eep.


So the dizzying heights of 2 weeks away were quickly crushed within the first hour but the rest of the shift was fairly average until...


Some very worried call out saying 'service 1, service 1 at the front!'. Service 1 is code-name for 'shop lifters' and I knew it was bad because whoever was on the voice over sounded in quite a panic as oppose to the usual robot-voice they put on. Typically, with this whole cutting hours thing, the bloody security guard had already gone home...


So the few of us that were in had to go to the front to help out the poor customer service lady but thankfully the two guys from the wines and spirits department (who happen to be pretty huge as they're always going to the gym thankfully) had already got there and got one of the thieves (the others had already gone and you're not protected when leaving the store so we just kinda had to let them go). Anyway they put the one guy in the waiting room.


So we think all is sorted and the manager is doing whatever it is they do (inform the police I guess, but being their age I doubt much could be done about it).


About 20 mins later, I wasn't thinking much of it because I didn't have much involvement but this BIG brute of a guy in this stained tank top comes storming up to me.


"Oh mate I need to see the manager now yeah?", I'm kind of confused so ask what he needs to see him for and he flatly says "I just need to see him"


Judging by the death look he was giving me and the lack of personal space he was giving me I was just like "erm, follow me lets try and find him". I decide its best not to ask any more questions :P Alas, I didn't need to say anything for him to start going on at me "Well actually I've come in to find the PRICK that caught my little brother" ...


I thought shit, this can't end well. I'm really not great dealing with people I don't know and especially not good when its some guy swearing and making out as though he's about to kill one of us. I said I don't know who is responsible and whoever got put in the waiting room was put in there for a reason...


Shit man, should have kept my mouth shut. He was like "I need to see the fuckin manager now. Where is this fucking waiting room anyway, I'll go get him out myself"


I pretend I don't know where the room is (though obviously I do) and now he's getting pretty pissed off at me for playing stupid whilst not finding a manager.


This was whilst we were walking, it has been like a minute now and i can't find ANY fucking worker in this place. Bloody typical, some huge angry bastard comes in and I'm the only worker on the shop floor.


Thankfully I suddenly thought to RING the manager as I remembered he had his work phone on him, so we get to the work phone and I'm like "I'm just ringing the manager now and we'll get this sorted out" at which point the big guy just stares at me for a few seconds and then storms off.


Anyway, he FINALLY answers and I tell him this big guy wants to speak to him about the theft but warn him that he's not too happy and that I'm not sure where he's going. When I get off the phone I follow the guy (from a distance) to see where he's going and he's only gone over to customer services to that poor bloody woman who had to deal with the teenagers.


I really didn't want to go down there but couldn't leave her to deal with him by herself. So I walk down and say hi to the guy again and tell him the manager is coming to which I just get stared at from him until FINALLY the manager appears with the two guys from wine (wish they were around to start with D: )


It doesn't sound that bad in writing but I get social anxiety from time to time and it was hard to keep my cool with someone so in my face like that. It takes the piss that we have to deal with that sort of thing anyway if I'm honest, if the shops open we should at least have one security guy in, surely.


Anyway, it just so happens my two days off this week are tomorrow and wednesday. I usually prefer them spaced out a bit but am kinda glad because it means I can just start fresh again on Thursday.

Edited by Josh64
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Eh, you're not always going to have great days @jayseven!


Back from holiday - which was wonderful. But I now also have that 'back to work' feeling. During my time there also put into reality how unhappy I've been and how much I need to change things to go back to how I was a few months ago.


Hopefully I can get back on track, no more carpooling, no more being unhealthy and I'm going to work for another in-house position. God dammit.



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Got my braces off. Ow. No one told me how traumatic that would be. Pulling the ceramic nodules off was bad enough, but then she spent ages drilling away the cement/glue that holds them on. My gums are so angry and inflammed (apparently normal) and its not helping that i'm poking them every time im taking out and putting in my retainer.... (which I have to remove to eat or drink hot stuff)

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Got my braces off. Ow. No one told me how traumatic that would be. Pulling the ceramic nodules off was bad enough, but then she spent ages drilling away the cement/glue that holds them on. My gums are so angry and inflammed (apparently normal) and its not helping that i'm poking them every time im taking out and putting in my retainer.... (which I have to remove to eat or drink hot stuff)


I remember it being just the same. Its funny, I still have two metal bars behind each row or teeth.


They were supposed to fall out a couple of years after I had my braces removed (I was 15.) eh...


Perhaps take some tablets for inflammation? Might give them some rest and some cold items - ice cubes? :)

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(the others had already gone and you're not protected when leaving the store so we just kinda had to let them go).

How does that work? At the stores I've worked at you can't stop the suspected thief until after they've left the store to begin with. Because up until that point they technically haven't done anything wrong.

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I remember it being just the same. Its funny, I still have two metal bars behind each row or teeth.


They were supposed to fall out a couple of years after I had my braces removed (I was 15.) eh...


Perhaps take some tablets for inflammation? Might give them some rest and some cold items - ice cubes? :)


I have the two bar things behind my teeth as well. Apparently they are only used when you've needed a lot of movement (big gaps or very twisted teeth). If I recall you had quite an overbite too?


I don't love the idea of having the bars in forever but they're definitely better than the braces themselves, or the teeth reverting back! One of my colleagues was non compliant with her retainers for a week, then they wouldn't fit. Of course then she wasn't wearing them at all for a good while. Has to go back and have a full braces treatment again. Yaaaaaaaay :/


Sooooo weird getting used to everything. Eating is weird, and half the time I'm just keeping my mouth open cause I'm used to needing moar space... haha XD


I have brufen and i'll give the ice a shot ty :)


Talk about pain? Pulled hamstring coupled with a torn groin muscle. I warmed up adequately but suddenly BAM! agony.




I had hamstring cramp and it was hell. Hope you get better soon @Iun!!


I don't actually remember how painful getting my braces off was. I recall the most painful thing about them was every time they had to be tightened; it was fine to begin with, but when the aching set in later in the day ... my god.


Yeah that was awful for me too, but definitely worse getting them off. All the pullin then the drilling just made my gums angry. Felt like I had every tooth filled, and i'm totally not in love with the dentists drill :blank:

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I did, my teeth were pretty insane (9mm) after smacking my head against a concrete pillar as a child.


They aren't forever per-say, but I've asked my dentist every year since they were put in and I've been told they are nothing to worry about. I'm incredibly used to them now and don't notice, except for things getting stuck a little easier than other people! :)


ps. I didn't wear my retainer after my braces were removed and I was just fine, luck of the draw I reckon!

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ps. I didn't wear my retainer after my braces were removed and I was just fine, luck of the draw I reckon!


I didn't, and mine have gone back out of line. However that was never the problem, so much. It was more about the 10mm overbite, so I'm not bothered about a few slightly crooked teeth (it's just the front, bottom ones).

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My overbite was increasing very quickly prior to getting the braces, so I'm not takin my chances. And I paid a 4 figure sum to get them fixed lol


I was quite young when I had mine done, hadn't even hit high school when I got the first set. So I wasn't overly caring and it was free as I was that young.


If I'd had it done now, I'd be the same as you. :blush:

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So I just told my dad I was bi because well, he was basically begging me to. But oh shit. I should not have. So much crying and drama and drunk driving and screaming and swerving and more screaming and more crying. Fucking hell. I just wanna go home.

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Oh god. Worst experience of my life. His girlfriend is leaving him now too. He's taking loads of sleeping pills. I can't even describe what's happening.


I don't want to be here anymore. I want to go back to Ireland.

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