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Yeah the car stuff is reallllllly annoying and it was just a really bad experience. I thought the car was going to catch fire, it stank so badly. We were waiting outside in the cold and rain for 2 hours, then it took another 30 minutes to get home. Basically got home at midnight. It has pretty much ruined our weekend and any plans we had.


Also the repair is going to cost a lot, urgh. No luck for us I guess. =(

We ordered Chinese tonight because we couldn't do food shopping and to make us feel a bit better... but I'm not sure it has helped. =P

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I thought you were a Geordie?


Anyway, am crai. :(

I still mean it. The majority of you are wimps. ;) Ohhhhh!


If you want to get technical...grandparents came down from Yorkshire to work in t'pit. We're very much northerners by tradition, but by geography and social status, we've gone native.

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I wish I'd never given the letter from my doctor to the manager at work saying I should move back onto working days. They've had to actually make a position for me and the hours blow so hard that I've sabotaged their attempts to ask for someone to fill my position on nights until I can secure a better position somewhere.

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Is it sad that I saw the words 'two of us' on his profile and the song from Bill Withers played in my head?


Yes, but all sins are forgiven by Pink Pie.


Terrible day at work today - we're short one ESL teacher, we should have two instead of just one. The one we DO have cried off today due to illness, and I have to take up the slack. Parents will bitch if the kids don't get their ESL lesson daily and the class teachers tend to regard it as part of their "down time" and slack off during the classes, so if there's no lesson they bitch at me because the kids "aren't learning". What they actually mean is "I had planned to spend that particular 30 minutes yakking on the phone with my friend and now I can't, you utter bastard".


I taught 120 students this morning and now I'm knackered. The fun part is, the teacher is unlikely to be in tomorrow as well.

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It really annoys me when you get stopped on the street by someone trying to sell you something or switch your electricity supplier, and they spend ages explaining what they're there for in a roundabout way, and then THEY get annoyed with YOU for wasting their time when you say no. Poo.

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Agreed Bob, just tell them to go away.


I'm finding people here are so incredibly rude sometimes! It started pouring it down as I left a museum, luckily right by my house, but just as I went to reach my place a woman with an umbrella (I was soaked, no jacket or umbrella - my own fault there) wouldn't get out of my damn way..I ended up calling her a cow and going up to my apartment.



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I bet she went home and complained about how rude British tourists are.


"One of them called me a cow today, Steve!" :cry:


She should have moved out my way then!


No, normally, I'm very restrained, I won't say a word if someone cuts in line etc. But I was soaked to the bone and I'd only walked a block and wanted to get dry and she wouldn't move out of my way!

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She should have moved out my way then!


No, normally, I'm very restrained, I won't say a word if someone cuts in line etc. But I was soaked to the bone and I'd only walked a block and wanted to get dry and she wouldn't move out of my way!


I'm quite restrained too. I will say things but make them feel bad about it. I feel that if I call someone a cow they'll go home and complain about me.


Last night, I held the door open and let someone go ahead of me. Not a word of thanks, so instead I just say "you're welcome". Make them feel bad about their action, not bad about you.


Another one is when you're getting off a train and people try and get on before you're off.

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I'm quite restrained too. I will say things but make them feel bad about it. I feel that if I call someone a cow they'll go home and complain about me.


Last night, I held the door open and let someone go ahead of me. Not a word of thanks, so instead I just say "you're welcome". Make them feel bad about their action, not bad about you.


Another one is when you're getting off a train and people try and get on before you're off.


I do that in the car. Give way/allow them to go past to someone who doesn't say thanks so I simply put my hand up as if to say thanks to them and mouth clearly "YOU'RE WELCOME" or "DICKHEAD".


Depending on the anger I'm feeling at the time:grin:

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Just a brain fart, really. Cow, pig, dog, donkey, monkey, rat, rabbit. Love how they each have different connotations when you're using them to insult people. I wonder how easy it would be to try and introduce different ones, like rhino, hamster, koala. Hard to see koala as a negative though.

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Just a brain fart' date=' really. Cow, pig, dog, donkey, monkey, rat, rabbit. Love how they each have different connotations when you're using them to insult [i']people[/i]. I wonder how easy it would be to try and introduce different ones, like rhino, hamster, koala. Hard to see koala as a negative though.


"Oi, stop being such a mental koala!"


"What... what was that?"


"I said, you're a mental koala!"


"What does that even mean?"


"You're basically a tree-climbing rat with weird ears and a propensity to hang around in groups carrying your young on your back."


"...I.... I ... oh GOD you're RIGHT! I just.... I just don't know what I'm doing with my LIFE!"

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All I could think of:




Oh yeah BAD STUFF (legit):


- Decided to exercise on bike indoors because I'm a fat loser

- After an hour of baus mode realise my eyes are all flashy and fun

- Remember retinas are shit

- Lol j/k 7/04 never forget

- Get depressed about future of blindness

- Take medical notes to opticians, book expensive non-nhs appointment for tomorrow morning

- buy milk and groceries like a housebaus

- get home to find milk has leaked all over my medical notes and bag and food


I can't remember the last time I was so heavy hearted sad yet rather manically gleeful at the same time. It's like I've suddenly developed a really dark sense of humour and I can't stop laughing at how much my life sucks.

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