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Shit scared at the moment. Will be taking my first calls this afternoon... We have been doing emails today and I still don't know what I am doing or how any of the systems work. Boooh.


Best way to learn is on the job! You'll be fine.

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Best way to learn is on the job! You'll be fine.


It has been ok so far. Did two calls yesterday and three this morning. Now need to do 10 emails then three calls again. Still reallllly nervous heh.


Bad news is I am not getting Monday off, booh. Get extra pay sure, but would have liked a day to rest, especially since I am feeling a bit ill. Also getting less training time so will actually start work then, eep!

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I pulled my right hamstring playing tennis on Wednesday evening. Following the RICE (rest, ice, compress, elevate) principles I bought a coolant spray specifically for it.



Do not, ever, spray this stuff in an upwards motion while standing with loose fitting boxers.

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Stuck in the house revising, but have gone a bit stir crazy.


The highlight of the day was 2 drunk guys arguing in the stairwell. But my mum was hogging the spyhole, SO selfish.


The insult of "Hitler" was used, and i wanted to see what that was about! Dude had a Hitler tache?? So many questions... so few answers.


I might go make myself a Asda instant mocha, for a bit of excitement.


*uber SIGH* :nono:

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Urgh. Housemate has invited her friend and her boyfriend back and they've brought a random friend with them. Housemate's friend is being SO loud, like "shut the fuck up there's no need to sound like a banshee". I'm not trying to sleep at this moment but it's so annoying.


Starting to remember why I considered living alone.


Actually it got better! The random people left, our housemates came back and we played Kirby until 2:30am!

Edited by Ashley
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So I've just been told my coursework has never been received three days before the absolute deadline. And I know, via the joys of Royal Mail's online tracking, that they received it on the 28th March. Aside from the mind-boggling thoughts as to what took them over a month to lose it, then try deny receiving it, I'm more concerned as to how I'm going to pass my exams without it.


I'm trying to string together a plan involving having a teacher who is a friend's mum authenticate it, but I have no way of replacing one of the forms attached to the original that was signed by someone at the exam board months ago. It might not be a problem (I've spoken to AQA), but for now my problem is I have 3 hours until my friend's mum finishes work. I need a bottle or two of whisky to steady my nerves, I feel. :(

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Stuck in the house revising, but have gone a bit stir crazy.


This was me earlier.


I ended up munching on a ruler completely obliterating it in the process and then an hour before the exam I was on the floor my face lying on the side of the bed just scribbling circles and dashes with a pen that had almost run out.



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I'm pretty content right now but two things:


1) Lost my job.

2) Sick of people being two-faced.


Everyone can relate yeah? Can't be arsed to go into detail right now but there are some strange social dynamics at work with certain 'friends' of mine. Pissing me off but I find I'm actually...glad of the anger? It's refreshing in a way. Don't want it for much longer, mind.


As for the job, it's been coming a while now, so I'm not terribly fussed. In a way I might even save money, I won't be spending money I haven't got anymore. My shifts have been few and far between since around mid February, though you wouldn't know it by my spending. Time to learn how to be frugal again I guess!

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So last night I witnessed my friend cutting off the tip of his finger...it was gruesome.


Folding away the trampolines at the end of our training session, something we do 4 times a week, and he let one of the legs slip, it swung up, caught his finger and that was it...the top of his left ring finger "degloved", ie the flesh came off but the bone was in tact. The tip was still wedged in the leg of the trampoline :/


He dealt with it pretty well really. It was a pretty gruesome sight, but he was just high on adrenaline and didn't feel it too much I think. When we got to the hospital they said they weren't going to be able to reattach it :/ So he's having surgery this morning to file the bone down and then close it up.


Its crazy how quick it all happened, while doing something we've done hundreds of times before...just like that. Can't believe it.

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So last night I witnessed my friend cutting off the tip of his finger...it was gruesome.


Folding away the trampolines at the end of our training session, something we do 4 times a week, and he let one of the legs slip, it swung up, caught his finger and that was it...the top of his left ring finger "degloved", ie the flesh came off but the bone was in tact. The tip was still wedged in the leg of the trampoline :/


He dealt with it pretty well really. It was a pretty gruesome sight, but he was just high on adrenaline and didn't feel it too much I think. When we got to the hospital they said they weren't going to be able to reattach it :/ So he's having surgery this morning to file the bone down and then close it up.


Its crazy how quick it all happened, while doing something we've done hundreds of times before...just like that. Can't believe it.


Fuck me that's rough. You OK?


How much of the finger is he losing?

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