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Would they not leave large packages with your neighbours for safe keeping rather than leave it on the doorstep if you are away.


Or do ye not have trustworthy neighbours maybe :heh:


I've had it a few times if a package was too big to fit in the letterbox and too big to be easily hidden from street view inside the poarch behind some flowers then the postman would drop it in next door and the neighbour would drop it in when I got home :)

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I'm at boiling point right now.


So, we decided to cancel our entire plans for today in order to stay at home and wait for the damned thing to arrive. We checked the tracking status today at around 10-ish and were told it would be delivered between 7:30 and 17:30. Le sigh. So, we waited.


It didn't come. Our living room is right next to the front door and there are windows overlooking the garden. Nobody came. At 17:30 I decided to ring to see what was going on. I topped up my phone before hand to make sure that I didn't get cut off midway or something. The first phone call took 17 minutes, where I was on hold for the entire time. Finally, the music changed and I heard a ringing noise. I was put through to an automated survey...asking me how I would rate the service team who I spoke to today. At this point, I was ready to ram my hands through the phone, out through the automated service and into the guts of the owner of damned City Link.


I got cut off too when the survey ended!


So, I rang back again. Only, this time, I ended up waiting for 33 minutes until I spoke to somebody. I explained the whole thing to her, how I was incredibly annoyed with their waiting times, not happy with their delivery times, pissed off at the fact that nobody had turned up today and said how there was no card left yesterday. She then decided to put me on hold for a further 5 whilst she tried to figure out what was going on. When she got back to me, she informed me that she had tried to contact the delivery driver, but couldn't get through to him. Blood. Boiling. I began a full tirade only to be notified by my phone that my money was all gone.


I rang back one more time, waited 10 minutes on hold, got pissed off and ate some lamb instead.


In short, I wasted 20 quids worth of phone money to be told nothing. I spent over an hour on the phone, with only about two minutes actually speaking to somebody, no package has come and our entire day is wasted.


I'm going to the gym now to lift some heavy things.

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This is why I like Royal Mail and it annoys me when people badmouth them. They're a good service, and if you wish to, you can get to know your postman. They'll remember you and, if you inform them, will remember where to leave it/which neighbours to drop it off at.


I agree with you completely. Never had an issue with them, plus they always leave the card if you're not in to deliver. Also, they deliver at reasonable hours. Waiting til half 5 for a package is absurd. I also agree with you when you say you can get to know them, they feel much more personal. Actual people. Not some faceless corporation.

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This is why I like Royal Mail and it annoys me when people badmouth them. They're a good service, and if you wish to, you can get to know your postman. They'll remember you and, if you inform them, will remember where to leave it/which neighbours to drop it off at.


Only thing annoying about the Royal Mail is the weird opening hours for the sorting office if you need to go and pick something up!

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Only thing annoying about the Royal Mail is the weird opening hours for the sorting office if you need to go and pick something up!


I find that this differs. The one here in Westbourne has weird-ish opening times. But, the one in Bournemouth is pretty good. The only downside was that due to it being after work, there was a massive queue to get my package (Zelda Special Edition). The car park is pretty small, too. But, aside from that, pretty great.

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Now you understand why it isn't just Sean Connery that calls them Shitty Link.


Rather than a delivery issue, my parcel problem is that the Microsoft Store hasn't even bloody sent it! I was prepared for a slight delay given the bank holiday weekend, but that doesn't seem to have gotten in the way of them taking my money.

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This is why I like Royal Mail and it annoys me when people badmouth them. They're a good service, and if you wish to, you can get to know your postman. They'll remember you and, if you inform them, will remember where to leave it/which neighbours to drop it off at.


I remember the days when we used to have the same postman all the time, came early in the morning (0700-0730) without fail, even helped me with my bike once when it broke and I was doing a paper round.


But now my post comes way later in the day and the postman seems to change every few weeks.


Only thing annoying about the Royal Mail is the weird opening hours for the sorting office if you need to go and pick something up!


Yep, mine are super shit. Last time I had to go there it was something like 0830-1300 monday to friday. They used to open earlier but put the time back so when i'm working 0700-1600 I'm pretty screwed or a 0900-1700 unless living local would be in trouble! Good job I work shifts though!!


Number of cats supposedly poisoned now in the area my sister lives has gone up to 11 :(


Is there potential for a local garage or car or something nearby to have anti-freeze leaking out? I'm sure there is people out there which would purposely put anti-freeze out but from what I understand cats love the taste/smell which is why they have it, they just don't realize it can kill them.


Be hard to work out who or what is causing this.

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Is there potential for a local garage or car or something nearby to have anti-freeze leaking out? I'm sure there is people out there which would purposely put anti-freeze out but from what I understand cats love the taste/smell which is why they have it, they just don't realize it can kill them.


Be hard to work out who or what is causing this.


Its possible yeah. At the moment the police are looking into it, the local newspaper had the story in yesterdays paper and one of my sister neighbours has started posting flyers through doors warning cats owners and mentioning to anyone who owns anti-freeze to make sure its properly put away incase this was just a mistake.

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I received two emails today when I first opened Windows mail. They were both spam but the sender was identical. Nothing there to get too worked up about on the face of it.


Unfortunately, the sender, or at least the account that had been mimiced/hacked was that of someone I haven't heard off in a good while on the grounds that they just don't want to talk to me - their choice not mine.


Seeing the name literally left me short of breath but then seeing the content brought me crashing back down to earth with an almighty bang. It's left me in a strange mood all day... a day on which I didn't need anything else to make it sucky since it was always going to be that way for not too disimiliar reasons.


It's hard enough forgetting things at the best of times that little reminders like that make things so much worse.

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I'm a little pissed off and I don't know whether I should be or not.


Basically, earlier on, me and a few friends were joking about until Friend A started making jokes that started to turn into something a little bit more serious and then he hinted at something that I told him in private. So then we both argue and I said he shouldn't hint things like that and stuff and he were saying about how it was ages ago and I said that it doesn't matter how long ago we had the conversation, he shouldn't be hinting it in anyway because if you say you'll keep something private, you keep it private. He claims he doesn't understand and says it's because he made a joke and I took it seriously because it was him. I told him to stop playing victim and said I know he did it on purpose. I told him that I'd never hint at or tell someone else about a confidential conversation between us or anything like that and I told him not to do it to me and he were saying "I'll say what I like" so I said "Just know that I can say what I like too" and that was it.


I don't know whether I have a right to be annoyed or not but it did piss me off royally because he tends to have these kind of digs and things like that. I'm talking to him a little bit but I'm still too annoyed. I don't know whether he meant to say it or not but it's not the first time he's had a dig so I think he meant to say it. Would you be pissed off if you were me?

Edited by Animal
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You have every right to be upset if you told someone something privately and they've chosen to ignore your wishes and publicly divulge it.


I thought so. I wasn't sure whether I was overreacting but if someone told me something they wanted to keep privately, I wouldn't even hint or anything like that. I know he didn't outright blurt it out but he kept on hinting at the thing and it got me annoyed because it's like he wanted my other friends to ask what he were on about and then he'd say it or something. I said to him that I didn't mind a joke but what he did was spiteful.


The funniest thing about all of this is that he has told me a lot more heavier stuff than I him and I've not hinted once about it or told anybody and I won't do either because I'm not that pathetic.

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Turned car on this morning didn't work and found out I'd accidentally put petrol in a diesel. Was just devastated knowing it could cost me about two grand to sort it out. Luckily AA were able to flush it out for only 250. Thank fuck.


Obviously my fault in first place, was absent mindedly thinking it was my petrol car not the diesel one although due to fords design it should not be possible to fit the wrong pump anymore into the nozzle. AA guy there's an angle though minute and very unlucky to do that the petrol pump can bypass the nozzle design supposed to restrict these kind of calamities!


I don't really want to part with my 250 but its better than £2000z


Kind of bummed me out for rest of day as well so work was just infuriating.

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Basically, to cut a long story short, a while ago, we had a talk about bullies and stuff in the past and I told him what I used to be bullied for and then went on to say that I worried about how people saw me such as my weight and stuff (but this wasn't about my weight). He told me people saw me as something I wasn't and, admittedly, I was a little upset about it and this resulted in an in-depth conversation between me and him and we both said we wouldn't say a word to anybody.


So yesterday, we were having a bit of a laugh and then we were on about what people thought of you. I said I don't care anymore and then he started hinting stuff like "I told you certain people thought this of you and you told me you were worried" and "You didn't say you don't care to me, you said this" and stuff. So I went in a separate conversation and told him he shouldn't do that (details in the post I made)




Update of today: He still can't see what he did wrong. Another friend of mine (there were four of us) put us in a joint conversation and he said to me how I'm the one who had a tantrum and things like that because of the comments and I said that it wasn't about him joking but more of the fact he was hinting about said private conversation so others would be more intrigued about it and then he could tell all. He still argued that it was because he was having a joke and that I didn't like him joking. I pointed out that the others joked but I never said anything to them. I asked him how he still didn't get that it wasn't about the joke but more about him having a dig about the conversation and about how he broke trust and he just repeated himself so I just said that if he doesn't get what he's done then there's no helping him.


I told my other friend who was in the conversation about what happened and he told me that I had every right to be pissed off with him and agreed with what I said about if something is private, it should be kept private. Right now, I just don't want to talk to him at all. I know this will sound really emo but I do feel a bit betrayed kinda-thing. I just think it was a dickhead thing to do.


Turned car on this morning didn't work and found out I'd accidentally put petrol in a diesel. Was just devastated knowing it could cost me about two grand to sort it out. Luckily AA were able to flush it out for only 250. Thank fuck.


Obviously my fault in first place, was absent mindedly thinking it was my petrol car not the diesel one although due to fords design it should not be possible to fit the wrong pump anymore into the nozzle. AA guy there's an angle though minute and very unlucky to do that the petrol pump can bypass the nozzle design supposed to restrict these kind of calamities!


I don't really want to part with my 250 but its better than £2000z


Kind of bummed me out for rest of day as well so work was just infuriating.


Sorry to hear that, dude. But it's good that you got it fixed for that much though!

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Turned car on this morning didn't work and found out I'd accidentally put petrol in a diesel. Was just devastated knowing it could cost me about two grand to sort it out. Luckily AA were able to flush it out for only 250. Thank fuck.


Obviously my fault in first place, was absent mindedly thinking it was my petrol car not the diesel one although due to fords design it should not be possible to fit the wrong pump anymore into the nozzle. AA guy there's an angle though minute and very unlucky to do that the petrol pump can bypass the nozzle design supposed to restrict these kind of calamities!


I don't really want to part with my 250 but its better than £2000z


Kind of bummed me out for rest of day as well so work was just infuriating.


Damn! Sorry to hear about your brum. I always thought this also, but apparently it doesn't seem to matter much. How crap.


Dazz, I think it's one of those things, either you let it go or you don't bother talking about your personal stuff with him again.

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Damn! Sorry to hear about your brum. I always thought this also, but apparently it doesn't seem to matter much. How crap.


Dazz, I think it's one of those things, either you let it go or you don't bother talking about your personal stuff with him again.


I think it is as well. I guess I need some time to think. Thanks all! :)

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