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I don't think 7am starts agree with me. I am just not tuned to these waking, activity, and sleeping times, I really believe that.


Have to find a tenant for the room my sister vacated soon, which means posting an ad and arranging house viewings and ughhhhhhhh. Also my parents haven't contacted me in a week, coinciding with the time that my sister moved out. I shouldn't be frustrated but I am, slightly. Also my dad promised me a smartphone (he has an upgrade, but he doesn't want it/has no use for it/can't use smartphones), but I bet that'll never happen. I had a "hilarious" discussion with him, though. He tried to tell me that the 4S is the best smartphone right now, only to be obliterated when I found out that he doesn't know what Android is. Or Nexus.


I would love a week's break from my laptop, and possibly my phone, which is unfortunately impossible.


/whinge whine moan! =_=

Where do you live and how much?


Also, how much are you renting the room for?

Dude, you should totally lose the beard.


Change is good.


No. As Riker in The Next Generation showed everyone, a beard can be a marvelous thing especially when executed correctly. Dan has that executional power.

But we're off next week!


A glorious two weeks...to finish our project! :heh:


Where do you live and how much?


Also, how much are you renting the room for?


I live far from your college! And the barrage of warnings is causing me concern! What kind of crazy partying lifestyle do you lead? You must discuss it on chat when I'm not there :p




Well, if there's room for 2 people myself and one of my Norweigan friends are looking for a place but not until September of this year. Granted its affordable of course :p she's doing her entire course here so she'll be here for the 4 years. And we both go to UCD : D

A glorious two weeks...to finish our project! :heh:




I live far from your college! And the barrage of warnings is causing me concern! What kind of crazy partying lifestyle do you lead? You must discuss it on chat when I'm not there :p


It's not for me so it doesn't matter if it's close to my college. Where is it and how much?

Posted (edited)



Couple months ago, I really did look hard to CHECK The Avengers release date, as I had seen the 27th April mentioned in places. I checked and thought I had found, sufficiently that it is the 4th May, so I booked off 3rd and 4th May off work.


Found out yesterday for sure that it is out 26th/27th April, tried to change my days at work, but wasn't able to, because the exact week of the 26th April is the week (out of two in the year) that we send a valuation and thus no one is allowed any time off.


Not only am I me, but I am one of those people who's heads get done in if I am not TEH FIRST (I know, its pathetic, but thats me), so now I have to work on Avengers release day. I now have to hope and pray that there is a midnight showing. Recently there was for Twilight, so maybe there might be. :(


Anyway, that made me quite sad, especially cos' I then felt bad for my manager as she clearly didn't enjoy breaking the news to me, but I of course said it was fine etc.


So that was mildly annnoying.


A second thing is;


There is this (mess of a woman) at work (literally, she fucking DESPERATELY needs a makeover its sad....really sad) anyway, at work and people say she is a cunt. I have stuck up for her in the past (not anymore) anyway, she isn't that bad, she is just a bit irritating.


Anyway, basically an application form has gone missing, I don't have it, and would have no reason to have it....I am 96% sure she has it, either that I passed it to her, or last week when she was off, my friend gave it to her from my folder (which he says happened, and I trust him) anyway, she says she hasn't (although at one point today, said to my friend "Unless you gave it to me and I don't remember") which is just like "..........."


Anyway, went on a huge search for it, checked loads of folders (even where it wouldn't/shouldn't be in the archives) and anyway, rang her up and told her that I found the call I made to customer, sorted it all out blah blah but the only thing is I cannot locate the application, and she said to me "Well, its important we don't lose the original application".


A) No fucking shit, bitch.


B) I didn't fucking lose it. I don't just throw applications away. As soon as I am done with them I pass them on for checking. I don't WANT to hang onto them.


C) If she wasn't such a needy fucking bitch with them there wouldn't be a problem anyway, she is always sticking her oar in customer' services' business, she is a dick on petit things.


Anyway, It just pissed me off a bit that I work my ass off there (today was so busy, I did so much good stuff and shit) and that coupled with the annoying Avengers day news, this bitch then gets all-up-in-my-shit effectively criticising me and I jsut was like "FUCK OFF" she is the one who has misplaced it.




God she needs a makeover.



Just as one of my friends at work was leaving (he works in a different department, and is actually head of a big department), he said that I was a sick man, (about my blog post yesterday) but that it was absolutely genius, that he was in fits of laughter and that he forwarded it to a friend because it was so funny, so that was a really really nice thing to say, and it gave me a real lift. :)

Edited by ReZourceman



Just when I see there's a games tester job available in the area, it's one of the most ballaching place for someone who can't drive to get to!




Thought I was done reading papers for my dissertation but I'm now struggling through several 50+ page articles on structural priming to try and get a proper understanding of my results and they're oh so interesting :blank:


That and spending 3 hours trying to track papers on syntactic biases and object proximity to find that only 1 paper that covers the former point exists and none for the other meaning that I can't use the latter as an argument as there's no supporting evidence.


Think I'll just go back to banging my head against the desk :indeed: Seriously, psycholinguistics is absolutely dreadful. Why anyone would choose to it research field is beyond me (I was assigned to it for my dissertation :()

Car broke down. Managed to just about get it to the garage but may lose a full weekend of work and I had to walk 3 miles to get home.




Not cool!


Can you not just get like 2 chairs and a kid's driving wheel and pretend for a half price deal?

Either one hinders.


But I've discovered the company is referring to fruit machines. So I'm not that bothered.


to be honest I'm not sure why you'd want to game test anyway. All I've ever heard is that it's soul crushingly dull, underpaid and under appreciated. :shakehead

to be honest I'm not sure why you'd want to game test anyway. All I've ever heard is that it's soul crushingly dull, underpaid and under appreciated. :shakehead


Like journalism?


I kid!

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