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Just got word that my nan is taking a turn for the worse. Her temperature has shot up and she's apparently septic and has an infection which has reached the bloodstream. They're treating with some strong antibiotics.


It's one thing after another :(

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Not back at Uni for another week but already problems/grievances occurring. One of the secretaries in our psychology department snuck an electronic submission tab for our cognitive neuroscience essay onto our Blackboard page, days after the deadline, asking us to submit it and failed to email us, informing us of it being there.


Can't get in touch with anyone as the university email is switching servers or something and we were told we didn't need to submit electronically but it looks like we may need to and could incur late submission penalties. Fantastic :mad: Think we'll get away with it as none of the 17 total students on the module were informed of it till now so penalties should be wavered but it just continues to show how poorly organised the module, and our department, is.

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Everybody, with the exception of my wife, one friend and a colleague who has a birthday on a close date, forgot my birthday. @sumo73, a user I've never had much contact with kindly posted on my wall here.


Dad sent me a text at 10:30 last night saying "sorry, tried to call, but your phone is off!"


After All this time, you hope you've made enough of an impact in people's live for them to remember the single day that you ask them to celebrate...you.



/feeling sorry for self.

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OK I think a day of no girning is enough :p


I'm tired, stressed, and feeling bluudy ill again...


Horrendous heartburn and what seems to be some kind of acid reflux.. I'm seeing myself eating less and less every day because its causing me so much pain >_< And my hands are getting really..... immobile? I can't push my fingers further than flat/180 degrees... Which is making a lot of stuff difficult. Its like stuff you don't think about like pushing a door open (fist or elbow now) or like lifting things, and extensive typing seems to exacerbate it. My skin goes as white as a sheet when I straighten my hand and it feels like its under immense pressure. My natural resting hand form seems to be getting...clawed? :/


Work is hugely stressful, where I sit i am SURROUNDED by people and my somewhat autistic/antisocial behaviour makes that really tiring... I'm sitting right beside the photocopier which seems to be setting of my asthma anytime its going for more than a couple of sheets (which is common) and we're going through a lot of changes with new management who seems to want to follow everything to the book..... I have hinted towards moving somewhere else but I dunno how that will go down with mr by the book.


I've spent most of my evenings this week in a daze/sleeping because i'm so utterly tired/stressed. Need to snap out of it because its getting to a point where i'm just existing for work, and sleep..


Oh yeah and not forgetting i'm in love with someone who I think doesn't like me that way a la;



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Everybody, with the exception of my wife, one friend and a colleague who has a birthday on a close date, forgot my birthday. @sumo73, a user I've never had much contact with kindly posted on my wall here.


Dad sent me a text at 10:30 last night saying "sorry, tried to call, but your phone is off!"


After All this time, you hope you've made enough of an impact in people's live for them to remember the single day that you ask them to celebrate...you.



/feeling sorry for self.


That's more than the amount of people who remember mine. That said, I don't exactly make a fuss about it. One year, I even forgot it myself (I was preoccupied with a holiday).





Some cunts have stolen a bunch of copper cable from a nearby roadworks site, meaning my village has no phone lines. It's the second time in a row that copper has been stolen from the same street (about 6 months to a year apart, two separate road works/gas works operations).


Next time there is work being done in that area and my internet goes tits up in the middle of the night (I've been online as it's happened both times), I'm going out to get licence plates. My internet isn't a problem, but I live in an area of elderly people and I doubt many of them can use mobile phones. If any of them have to call an ambulance, they're fucked. And it happens a lot.


Luckily my iPhone is doing a good job of tethering my laptop and it doesn't seem to be charging me (I get free internet, but I didn't realise tethering counted).

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After looking forward to watching the NFL playoffs tonight all week, Sky Go has fucked up and won't register my laptop as a device so i can't watch it :(


My sister also won't answer her phone so i can't even steal her Sky ID for the night. :(


I r sad.

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After looking forward to watching the NFL playoffs tonight all week, Sky Go has fucked up and won't register my laptop as a device so i can't watch it :(


My sister also won't answer her phone so i can't even steal her Sky ID for the night. :(


I r sad.


What a game the Saints vs 49er's was. I'm not a fan of either massively but I was on the edge of my sofa. It's what the playoffs are all about.

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What a game the Saints vs 49er's was. I'm not a fan of either massively but I was on the edge of my sofa. It's what the playoffs are all about.


I got to watch most of that at my friends, and it was really good. I was following the Pats game on the NFL website. I had Brady and Gronkowski in my playoff challenge fantasy team. :)


Didn't know you were into NFL, you see the wildcard games?

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I got to watch most of that at my friends, and it was really good. I was following the Pats game on the NFL website. I had Brady and Gronkowski in my playoff challenge fantasy team. :)


Didn't know you were into NFL, you see the wildcard games?


Yeah, i'm a big NFL fan. The Giants being my team. I saw them destroy the Falcons last weekend and am hoping for similar tonight against the Packers, thought it's a big ask, should be some game. I was surprised the Steelers got beat by the Broncos, Tebow had a good game there.


Brady looked awesome last night but it's really hard to pick a clear favourite. Packers are obviously up there but Manning and the Giants have the experience of winning one and Manning has been absolutely clutch in the 4th quarter this season (best all time). The 49er's defence is by the best but they showed they've got a decent offence too. I've also got a bit of a soft spot after seeing him on the BBC coverage of the Superbowl a couple years back, he spoke really well and seemed like a top guy. I really can't see the Ravens or Texans going far but the good thing about the playoffs is the unpredictability.

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My family (brother & parents) all left afternoon for vacation (The Philippines). I didn’t want to go, had no money even if wanted to, and have plenty better things to do. But this house is going to be quiet and empty for the next month..



Edited by Sméagol
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Yeah, i'm a big NFL fan. The Giants being my team. I saw them destroy the Falcons last weekend and am hoping for similar tonight against the Packers, thought it's a big ask, should be some game. I was surprised the Steelers got beat by the Broncos, Tebow had a good game there.


Brady looked awesome last night but it's really hard to pick a clear favourite. Packers are obviously up there but Manning and the Giants have the experience of winning one and Manning has been absolutely clutch in the 4th quarter this season (best all time). The 49er's defence is by the best but they showed they've got a decent offence too. I've also got a bit of a soft spot after seeing him on the BBC coverage of the Superbowl a couple years back, he spoke really well and seemed like a top guy. I really can't see the Ravens or Texans going far but the good thing about the playoffs is the unpredictability.


I started watching NFL at the start of this season, watched Packers and Saints and have absolutely loved it since. Decided to choose the Pats as my team after watching them against Miami :heh: I think the Giants can win. Giants have players on defence that can make big plays, then again so do the Packers. If the Giants can get their running game going, they definitely have a shot imo.

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My family (parent & brother) all left afternoon for vacation (The Philippines). I didn’t want to go, had no money even if wanted to, and have plenty better things to do. But this house is going to be quiet and empty for the next month..



House party! :hehe:

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