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Arrived at the airport in Muscat, Oman at 2300 (GMT +4) last night.

Flight took off at 0035.

Arrived in London Heathrow at 0700 (GMT). 10.5 hours total.


Boarded the flight to Glasgow at 0800 for a take off at 0830. Flight was cancelled and we were off the plane at 0900.



Hung about at the checkin desks until 1130 thinking we were going to have to get a coach up to Glasgow because all the flights and trains were off. Thankfully BA have put us up in a hotel which we go to around 1300. WE easily could've been waiting around until this evening before they let us reschedule for the morning.


Absolute pain in the arse as I've got a really quick turnaround. Leaving for France on Friday and need to wash and dry all my clothes before then!

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Speaking as someone sat in his West End flat, and who was in the city centre this afternoon, theres not a breath of wind here. I have no idea why all the trains and planes are cancelled.


Though apparently there've been chimneys getting blown off and such, but clearly its over now...

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Speaking as someone sat in his West End flat, and who was in the city centre this afternoon, theres not a breath of wind here. I have no idea why all the trains and planes are cancelled.


Though apparently there've been chimneys getting blown off and such, but clearly its over now...


From what I heard it was mental this morning, worse than a few weeks ago. Loads of trees down and actually impossible to get back to our village unless you take a 50 mile detour through Stirling.


We could've waited in th airport for a flight this evening but decided it wasn't worth the risk. Much rather just wait and get a flight tomorrow.

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You should probably invest in some rechargeable batteries. I'd recommend the Apple one as you don't have to worry about leaving the charger plugged in (the cheap one I had previously got worryingly hot).


I've just found my rechargeable ones so I've just turned put them on charge. I don't play on my Wii very often and my 360 controller has a battery pack, so I have very little need for batteries.

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My roof is leaking. The drip drip drip is driving me insane.


I've got a similar annoying thing with our house, except it's the wind making something rattle. I think it's the gutter just outside my bedroom wall. Every time the wind picks up, there's this really loud rattle. Makes sleeping a nightmare on windy nights.

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Now it's dripping in about six places, and along a visible crack. Luckily, it's not near anything but I have nobody to contact about it until the morning as the lettings place is closed until them.


Edit: And by roof, I mean my rood and ceiling, so it's dripping into the flat.


Plus I'm rather paranoid about it - a few months ago my Grandparent's ceiling caved in one of their rooms (which was due to how the house was built). Luckily for them, it was in an empty room as it was my room and happened a week after I moved out (it happened right about where all my electronic stuff would have been).

Edited by Cube
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My brother has seemingly embraced pyromania. Smelling smoke in the hallway, my mum opened the door to his room to find the whole room filled with smoke. Proceeding to root through his possessions, she found a stash of gas refills for lighters/lighter fluid? and various burned things. Their fault really, for giving him whatever he wants, i.e. a lighter collection.


Good thing I'm leaving soon. My room is right beside his :blank: And I have a blocked nose at the moment, rendering my ability to smell a possible outbreak of fire useless.

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My Dad's just had a look at it. The ceiling should hold for a few days, and the dripping is actually helpful in this situation (i.e. the water isn't building up above the ceiling). It also looks like there had been a poor repair job where the roof is damaged (which could have been before the lettings company took over).


The lettings company almost certainly will sort it out as soon as possible once I can report it, especially as it's above a shop. It's also running inside the wall (I may mention that it's the same wall the electric box is on, even though it's still a fair distance from it).


Anyway, I've moved my things from that section of the room (which is DVD stands and two Eenuh drawings) and there's absolutely nothing more I can do. The rain has died down a bit, too, which is good.

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