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bad stuff thread.


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I don't feel like writing it again, so I will put in the conversation I had with Supergrunch about this.

[00:22] <Diageo> My mam was moaning at me for wasting mymoney on Skyward Sword and now walks in telling me about her 60 pound watch she's buying.

[00:23] <@Supergrunch> well by the sounds of it she does have more disposable income :p

[00:23] <Diageo> Don't you take her side.

[00:23] <@Supergrunch> :p

[00:24] <@Supergrunch> you were the one complaining you only had 40 euros for the month

[00:25] <Diageo> To add insult to injury. The watch she currently has was given to her by me as a present.

[00:25] <@Supergrunch> lol at that

[00:27] <Diageo> Apparently, a man's watch is not good enough for her.

[00:27] <@Supergrunch> lol

[00:29] <Diageo> Her friend's daughter points at the watch and says "Daddy" every time she sees her.

[00:29] <@Supergrunch> lol

[00:29] <@Supergrunch> clearly you know how to please women

[00:29] <Diageo> This is why I don't buy presents.

[00:30] <Diageo> And luckily enough, now I can't.

[00:30] <@Supergrunch> there you go

[00:30] <Diageo> My silver lining.

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The typical western view is that the behaviour tells us something about what kind of person that person is, and the eastern view looks at it from what brought the person to do this.


I haven't actually looked at the study directly and so I'm trusting what my lecturer said, but can look for it if necessary.


Interesting, but doesn't seem to reflect the stigma on suicide/mental health in the East (maybe that's an exception).

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I got an umbrella from a client at work. I told people "I bet I'd make loads of money selling it at a car boot" and they all thought I meant I'd sold it at a car boot, then I replied and stuff and later realised tehy now think I've actually sold the umbrella.


It was raining shitloads this morning and I consciously thought "I can't take the umbrellla, they'll think I lied!!" ... So I got utterly soaked instead.

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I don't even know.


It's bad stuff because I was soaked. I was soaked because I'm ashamed to use a brolly. I'm ashamed because I misheard 'them' after they misheard me. I mishear things because I'm hard of hearing, but after realising what was said I'd basically turn up dry but a liar. It's one of those silly circles of silly.


Yeah I appreciate, this thread isn't for silly passing comments anymore. I apologise! I'll keep my idiosyncratic oddities to the... er... football thread? I had a bad day because I was wet because of my own stupid inability to cope with what others think of me. As well as the job itself, of course.

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I seem to be getting some hearing issues, in busy environments I can hear next to nothing, and it doesn't help when my sister talks away from me and yaps the face aff me when I don't hear... perhaps I've been lip reading for longer than I'd like to admit... :/


I went to the doctor today and got the official diagnosis of raynauds syndrome... and a box of heart pills to take...i'm starting to count the things that AREN'T wrong with me now XD

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Maybe your ears are fine, it's just your brain trying to ignore stuff.


I've found out I can no longer hear the flat of annoying slags next door.


They talk, I think, but I just hear the sound of air swooshing around the place.


The brain is amazing.

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Been battling with a sore throat/cold-like symptoms since Monday :( Seems to be going around though as several people at Uni have something similar and there have been a lot of coughs and sneezes on the bus to uni the last couple of days.


Has made going to sleep at nights a bit of an issue though as the throat seems to play up a bit when I lie down causing me to cough and splutter all over the place.


Hopefully it goes away by Monday because I've got my last class of the semester and immediately afterwards, I have to run a pilot experiment for my dissertation and only 3 people have agreed to take part so far even though it'll only last 10 minutes and they'll get sweets afterwards (got one of those big tins of Celebrations to hand around) :nono: I hate having to do a psycholinguistic dissertation. But then, it's not 'ethical' to look at subliminal imaging or implanting memories.

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Yeah, you're right. It doesn't really bother me! I just wanted to post a 'bad stuff' thing in this thread and that was all I could think of for today. Sorry to everyone for not meeting the bar!


It wasn't designed to be offensive, it just seemed rather odd behaviour for you. :santa:


Anyway, my back is killing me, what with crappy chairs at work and at home, I am really struggling this week.


Need to go see a specialist about it soon, that and my legs. :hmm:

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Got paid last week and just realised now that with rent, bike and phone money gone and the money I lent my mother I've already spent all of it. Maybe I will have to wait to do all my Christmas shopping until the 23rd. That's a bit of a bugger.

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Noise at 3am next door last night, so I had to use my fancy noise-cancelling earphones and listen to music I didn't want to listen to until I fell asleep. Resulting in waking up late, and having hung up on all of my dad's calls because the alarm tone on my phone is the same as the ringtone (that's just idiocy on my part though).


I never want to live near students again. EVER.

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Noise at 3am next door last night, so I had to use my fancy noise-cancelling earphones and listen to music I didn't want to listen to until I fell asleep. Resulting in waking up late, and having hung up on all of my dad's calls because the alarm tone on my phone is the same as the ringtone (that's just idiocy on my part though).


I never want to live near students again. EVER.


You should be next door enjoying the noise!

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Noise at 3am next door last night, so I had to use my fancy noise-cancelling earphones and listen to music I didn't want to listen to until I fell asleep. Resulting in waking up late, and having hung up on all of my dad's calls because the alarm tone on my phone is the same as the ringtone (that's just idiocy on my part though).


I never want to live near students again. EVER.


There is an obvious solution. Burn the house down. BURN THEM ALL.



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