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On what are they basing their claims on? Were you just just tired one day?


I got what I think was really bad food poisoning, and was in bed for two days. As I started vomiting black liquid, I asked them to take me to a doctor. They did, but one of my bosses did all the talking (in Turkish) so I have no idea what they were saying.


I personally have never encountered a hangover that causes someone to vomit for two days, and beyond those two days, I didn't miss a single lesson during my contract.

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And this dude was practising... in England?


I know they say the NHS is going downhill, but that is mighty dodgy. I don't think this will help your case at all.


Dude, The Fish is teaching in Turkey, he's been there for ages and has mentioned it numerous times! :heh:


The property I had lined up for next year has just fallen through, means I have about two and a half weeks to find a new place to live, I am not impressed right now!

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If we believed everything we read on that side of the screen, you are genderless. Or rather, you are a full stop. :heh:

I knew I should've specified the serious answers... Bloody kids, I thought you'd be able to read between the lines.

Dude, that full stop represents his penis. Don't be rude. :blank:

You really do some out with some random shit at times :blank:.

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Couldn't resist :p

[They could've chosen a kettle which actually looked black, instead of dark brown]



I was expecting one of my posts referenced to illustrate the hypocrisy, but not one which makes a valid point of the desecration of a cartoon character. You can do better than that.

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I may have just been royally shafted. Not wanting to go into the long version, I want to head to Uni to study Brewing & Distilling next year at Heriot Watt. To get on the course I need to do Access to Science. I applied for the Access course over a month ago and have spent most of that time chasing the college up. In order to do the course I needed to drop to part-time hours at work. I had to sign a new contract by last Thursday. After much chasing they told me I had a place and should go ahead with signing my new work contract; written confirmation would be in the post by the end of the week.


Today I got a letter. It read;


"Dear Mr McPhee


Thank you for your application for the above programme. Due to high demand we are currently operating a waiting list. A decision regarding further course places and interviews will be made by the end of August. If a place becomes available in the meantime I will contact you to arrange an interview. I apologise for any inconvenience caused as a result for this delay.


Yours Sincerely,


[Name Here]

Course Co-Ordinator"


I am so livid with them right now. Reading between the lines, I won't be getting a place on that course. If they had told me this when I applied then I would have applied elsewhere. If they'd told me this last week then I'd still have a full-time job. Instead they repeatedly lied to me and have left me with a massive problem. Not only do I not want to wait another 12 months, but my savings won't allow me an extra year of part-time work without me running out of money while I'm at Uni (unless I can get some well-paid work over the summer months). I'm now looking to see what alternatives there are. So far, no other local colleges offer the required modules.


So yeah, basically my local college just ruined my future plans for my life. What a good day this is. Back to the drawing board I go...

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I may have just been royally shafted.


So yeah, basically my local college just ruined my future plans for my life. What a good day this is. Back to the drawing board I go...


As I'm feeling particularly litigious at the moment, want to sue them?

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Things are just so hard at the moment, like really really hard, and I just can't handle it. I just feel so close to totally shutting down, and I feel like I have nobody to turn to. I just don't know what to do, and it's getting too much for me to deal with. The last week or so has been the worst period of my life, easily. I don't want to talk about much, i just feel like this'll make help me get it out abit. :'(

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Things are just so hard at the moment, like really really hard, and I just can't handle it. I just feel so close to totally shutting down, and I feel like I have nobody to turn to. I just don't know what to do, and it's getting too much for me to deal with. The last week or so has been the worst period of my life, easily. I don't want to talk about much, i just feel like this'll make help me get it out abit. :'(


Would it help to vent/talk about it here? Or on chat? PM someone you trust? :( (If PMing a stranger about your worries would help, message me?) Everything comes to an end...both good periods and bad. Nothing lasts forever. Hope you can find some comfort in that, and that things get better for you soon :hug:

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Things are just so hard at the moment, like really really hard, and I just can't handle it. I just feel so close to totally shutting down, and I feel like I have nobody to turn to. I just don't know what to do, and it's getting too much for me to deal with. The last week or so has been the worst period of my life, easily. I don't want to talk about much, i just feel like this'll make help me get it out abit. :'(


MadDog, from one fan to another.. You'll Never Walk Alone :smile:

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