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I'm so bored it's unbelievable. Was out last night, had a good time and managed to get the girl out of my head all day today because I pulled some other girl. Work was fine today but since getting home I've done absolutely nothing other than watch a few episodes of Seinfeld. 5 hours and counting of sitting around doing next to nothing. To make matters worse, the girl who I wasn't thinking about, posted on Facebook saying that she's going out to the place that I almost went to tonight (but friends bailed on me!) and she's now messing with my head again!

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Parents decided to tell me at 10am this morning that they were going away to a cat show this weekend and that I'd need to look after the house and the 10 or so cats the mother has. Thanks for the notice :nono: Weekend screwed up there as I had things I wanted to get done/needed doing that'll have to wait now.


If that wasn't bad enough, it feels like my eyes are on fire thanks to a combination of dust and cat hair. Washed them out but seems I'm having a bit of a reaction as I'm now sneezing a lot.

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Sigh... Still stuck for 161 days in the circus called the army. Seriously what is the point of having the truck drivers serve the whole 362 days when you could easily do it in 9 or 6 months... At some point in time it actually was only 6 months but then some genius got the idea of doubling the time under the pretext of... Well I don't really know the term in english but some kind of licence telling that you're qualified to work as a truck driver. Sure, I get the truck license for free but since I don't even consider working as truck driver it all just seems a bit pointless.

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Thanks for the messages guys, it really means alot to me. I have to go to spain now, been a booked holiday for months. Its with the family as well. Not sure how its going to go, going to feel very weird.


Hopefully it'll be good, give you guys a chance away and stuff, I hope you and your family will be ok.

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This is pretty much copied and pasted from the Coaster thread but it's my bad story so i thought i would put it in here as well, long post alert!


Went Alton Towers today for the second time...


I went on 13 first, then Rita, then Oblivion, felt ok, little dizzy but nothing major. Had lunch then Air (felt quite dizzy after air for some reason, although was fine last time! sat down for a bit but was then ok) and finally Nemesis. Felt really bad after it like last time i went in April/May, had to sit down...


I was breathing deeply trying to calm down, was sweaty, felt dizzy/sick. But it started to get worse... i felt pins and needles setting in the back of my neck, feet and hands, my hands started to cramp up, as in they formed a first style with my thumb in the middle but i couldn't move any and was loosing feeling, one of my friends said he was going to get help as he could tell something was not right, which i was nodded as i could tell that as well! My wrists bent backwords and i couldn't move them with my hands clenced, my speech was effected etc. I felt like my throat tighten but not to the point where my breathing was effected.


It was horrible because i was very aware of what was going on, people looking, something was wrong, my friends being helpful but my body wouldn't respond with what i wanted it to do. The first responder people took me back to there little hospital type bit and did a ECG on my heart, after awhile my body started to return to normal but my heart beat my irregular and my blood pressure was low. They think i had some kind of panic attack. All the other things like blood pressure etc may just have been to do with that but i'm still gonna see my GP to be on the safe side next week.


Unknown what triggered it, could have been adrenaline overload, too much sugar...too little sugar...not drinking enough water, some other medical problem i am unaware of etc etc.


I'm still feeling a bit light headed now but ok.

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It's like the start to an awful movie.


Can I star in it?


Playing the SatNav?


Also, still at work.




(I'm rendering, therefore am allowed to use internet.)


In 500 metres, turn left......into HELL!! *evil robo-laugh*

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My Shizzle...

I know what you're feeling mate. I used to get the same thing before I had a seizure. I could feel my mouth going MMM-MM-MM-MM and nothing I could do could stop it.

My first thought was GLaDOS.

That would be an awesome voice for a Satnav if I ever get a car.

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In 500 metres, turn left......into HELL!! *evil robo-laugh*


She's just trying to tell you, you are exactly where you need to be.


Anyway, my poor doggie this morning has been struggling to breathe, had to take her to the vets for an injection and more tablets, we have to monitor her until monday when we take her back.


But I feel helpless, the poor doggie can't really breathe and is struggling and I feel bloody awful.



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