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Only problem i have, is that i signed the contract in June and Vodafone are saying i signed it in August.


Have you still got a copy of your contract? (please tell me you have!) Because you have proof of when you signed and the contract will state when the actual contract started and if they want to disagree with you, you can go onto a vodaphone store and show it too them!

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Found it is cheaper to get a new phone than to cancel the plan, they reduced the cost down to £320 to cancel. New phone costs £135 direct, which is good.




It's only too bad the website is BORKED!!!. Can't place an order, it won't let me send it to my local store either and it keeps saying it is unable to verify my address. I don't live in the old address, which it will let me use. Don't think the new residents would like me popping over asking for my package.

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My nan had a stroke at some point early this morning. We didn't know until about 9:30am when she wasn't picking up her phone. She's now in hospital and will be for at least 6 weeks. It's affected her left side and she has slurred speech now :/ This comes just 7 months after she had a heart attack, just as she was returning to normal activities

Edited by Serebii
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This isn't so much, bad, more of an incredibly irratiting dilemma/situation.


I'm looking to buy an Alfa Romeo 147. I've just been to view a 52 plate with 63k miles. The back bumper is cracked but he said he'd get that fixed and repainted. It's coming up for a new cambelt (vital on 147s) and he said he'd do that for £100 (which is less than it would cost to get it done, about £200-300). He would also offer me a 2 month warranty so that gives me more piece of mind (I'm not going to get it home and the head gasket blows or something like that). The only problem is the colour. I don't like it. I don't hate it, but if I'm going to spend pretty muchy all of my money on a car I want to like the colour (especially with an Alfa Romeo where looks are one of the biggest factors). It's kind of a pale green colour:



I wish I was rich and could afford whatever brand new car I wanted.

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Its not that hard to repaint a car.


And I'm actually being serious (obviously my last car didn't look good HOWEVER I liked it) but my point is - I learnt stuff.


Obviously cover up the car, preferably do it in a garage to avoid wind, cover the bits you don't want to paint with tape and newspaper, then undercoat it in white, even coats and make sure you've got enough then your colour, then lacquer. Easily easily easily do-able yourself under £100 I reckon. Easily.


I know the above stuff is all "obvious" but honestly it is not difficult. It is literally not, I promise. My next car is gonna be the tits (I won't be doing the whole thing, just "cool" funky shit. Maybe GL stuff). Doing the whole car is less artistic and I guess you cannot go wrong. (Rather, it would be so difficult to go wrong) just be confident. Its like paint by numbers.


You don't need to sandpaper off the old colour - people online lie. TRUST.

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Honestly, instead of investing so much in something you don't like and then trying to do a paint job, I'd go for something else.


Serebii - I hope everything will be ok dude <3.

Thanks, I feel so bad for her...she hates hospitals. Both when she had the heart attack, and even this morning, she asked my uncles not to call the ambulance for it.


I just hate seeing her so weakened :/

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Its not that hard to repaint a car.


And I'm actually being serious (obviously my last car didn't look good HOWEVER I liked it) but my point is - I learnt stuff.


Obviously cover up the car, preferably do it in a garage to avoid wind, cover the bits you don't want to paint with tape and newspaper, then undercoat it in white, even coats and make sure you've got enough then your colour, then lacquer. Easily easily easily do-able yourself under £100 I reckon. Easily.


I know the above stuff is all "obvious" but honestly it is not difficult. It is literally not, I promise. My next car is gonna be the tits (I won't be doing the whole thing, just "cool" funky shit. Maybe GL stuff). Doing the whole car is less artistic and I guess you cannot go wrong. (Rather, it would be so difficult to go wrong) just be confident. Its like paint by numbers.


You don't need to sandpaper off the old colour - people online lie. TRUST.


It is very hard to paint a car, and do a good job.


If you don't get rid of the old paint then the new paint will come off soon.


I wouldn't re-paint it. I'd either get it and live with it or get a different one.


Also: . . .


And I'm actually being serious (obviously my last car didn't look good HOWEVER I liked it) but my point is - I learnt stuff.



I don't believe in identity theft. Also I don't learn lessons.

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If you want your car to look silly like rez's did then take his advice :p Personally I would just hold off, or sleep on it and see how you feel tomorrow at the very least.







Today I had a crappy day, constant feeling of lightheadedness and painful joints. Yay... I had some food outside of my VLCD and I feel a bit better. Must've been an off day, I've been fine the whole way through this diet. Work was utter shite and we're being expected to fill in a time and motion thing at work, basically justifying our day... the bosses boss handed it down and told the boss not to ever utter a word to the union.... hmmm interesting. I'm filling it in but debating returning it as I know its likely to bite me in the ass. Well refusing to may do the same... :/

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Thanks, I feel so bad for her...she hates hospitals. Both when she had the heart attack, and even this morning, she asked my uncles not to call the ambulance for it.


I just hate seeing her so weakened :/


My gran went through much the same, she had two strokes in her life, but the first time, much like your gran from the sounds of it, made a pretty good recovery and we had her around for many a year after.




Just keep her surrounded with nice things and stuff, I don't think anybody likes hospitals, but I'm sure your company really helps.

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My nan had a stroke at some point early this morning. We didn't know until about 9:30am when she wasn't picking up her phone. She's now in hospital and will be for at least 6 weeks. It's affected her left side and she has slurred speech now :/ This comes just 7 months after she had a heart attack, just as she was returning to normal activities


Sorry to hear it, Serebii. It happened to my nan about 5 years ago now? Seeing her in the hospital was a bit of a shock - half her face was paralyzed, her arm wasn't moving well and her speech was useless - memory gone... But even then, making her laugh, she showed strength. Since then she's regained much control of her arm (still shakey) and her speech is mostly good. Her memory is just an issue with remembering specific words but she's recovered remarkably. She was sad to lose her independance - used to travel several times a year - but if anything (bit sad really) it's made the family appreciate her more and so she's in touch with them all far more frequently.


Thoughts with you, pal.

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Sorry to hear it, Serebii. It happened to my nan about 5 years ago now? Seeing her in the hospital was a bit of a shock - half her face was paralyzed, her arm wasn't moving well and her speech was useless - memory gone... But even then, making her laugh, she showed strength. Since then she's regained much control of her arm (still shakey) and her speech is mostly good. Her memory is just an issue with remembering specific words but she's recovered remarkably. She was sad to lose her independance - used to travel several times a year - but if anything (bit sad really) it's made the family appreciate her more and so she's in touch with them all far more frequently.


Thoughts with you, pal.


That sounds good - the family bit that is. :D


I've got a free ticket and am volunteering at eurogamer this year, but when it might cost me £200+ I'm pretty sure I can only go on Saturday, which means giving up volunteering, kinda sucky, but I don't know what to do.. :(

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I just had a couple of Jehovah's witnesses come to my door and ramble off a few bible passages and hand me some watchtower magazeen thing.


Also my neighbour died of a stroke a few days ago...sad times

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Got my car back from it's MOT.


only £472.


Oh well, it's been good all year and hasn't broken down (unlike last year where it caught fire and cost me over a grand to repair)


So aslong as that £472 is all I've got to pay till next year it'll be okay.


Still annoying the fact that i earned a good bonus this month, and it's all gone on the car bill and paying parents back.


one day i'll be debt free.

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