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You know how people joke about doing English/Philosophy degrees pretty much guarantees you'll be unable to get a fucking job? I'm beginning to think it's not a joke.


I think I feel about jobs the way Serebii feels about women; my standards are too high and my other commitments (playing videogames, pickle tickling, idle internet browsing) are more important.

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Ran over a cat last night. Poor thing had no chance :(


I have a similar story from a few nights ago. I was out cycling and saw a squirrel run out in front of a motorbike and get hit. It was just a graze, which stunned it. I looked at it as it laid in the road. It was still breathing and blinking and there was no sign of blood or anything. I was going to go and try to move it out of the road, when I heard a car coming. Being on a bit of a blind corner, I didn't chance it. I figured it wasn't particularly where the cars wheels would go and hoped that the car wouldn't hit it.


Well it did, which definitely left some blood this time. I'm not sure if it killed it straight away either, as the squirrel's tail moved for a few seconds after.


It was fucking horrible. I've hit animals in my car before, but knowing that I might have been able to move this one in a bit and possibly save it really bothers me. Especially since I saw it dazed and pretty much looking at me moments before. The car was also further away than I had anticipated, so I probably had time to do it safely too.

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I was at work until 11.30 because £140 went missing from a till and we had to find out what happened. Turned out the guy on the till had been fleeced by some conman on the pretense of changing notes. Also my dad tried to come visit this weekend but couldn't get a hotel room because it turns out the boat regatta is on. Fuck the boat regatta quite frankly.

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Just heard that John Bardon has died, he played Jim Branning on Eastenders for those that don't know. I haven't watched Eastenders in years but he was a terrific actor and his character though developed plenty had so much further to go before his stroke. Him and June were terrific together. Far more deserving of a thread than Joan Rivers. R.I.P. and God bless!

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I wish I had seen this earlier ( don't come I to general much ) as I may have saved you some stress.


As far as I know The Rescuers is the only one like that. For some reason it's always been like that and many are just waiting to see if Disney do a reprint. I know they did one for Cinderella as that was also misaligned.


All of the other blurays should be fine.


Here is my collection. All the numbers match. :D




Mate, where did you get your copy of Beauty and the Beast from? I ask this because this is what the new spines look like




...and I'm collecting for the old spines. I'm trying to get it pre-owned but there's a risk of me getting the DVD case version of it instead of the blu-ray case. The whole thing just annoys me! I adore Disney but I bloody hate them for this! :(

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Mate, where did you get your copy of Beauty and the Beast from? I ask this because this is what the new spines look like




...and I'm collecting for the old spines. I'm trying to get it pre-owned but there's a risk of me getting the DVD case version of it instead of the blu-ray case. The whole thing just annoys me! I adore Disney but I bloody hate them for this! :(


Sadly I picked it up when it first came out. If it's one of the vault/classics I try to snap them up straight away as they had a habit of not releasing them for another several years.

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Sadly I picked it up when it first came out. If it's one of the vault/classics I try to snap them up straight away as they had a habit of not releasing them for another several years.


See, I don't know whether to trade in the ones I have now to get the new covers when they come out or whether to just keep what I have and mix the spines.


Admittedly, I really like the new spines but I'd hate to pay anymore than I already have just for the sake of a numbered spine. Like, it really bothers me because I have a feeling Disney won't charge the same price and that they'll charge more just for the new print.

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See, I don't know whether to trade in the ones I have now to get the new covers when they come out or whether to just keep what I have and mix the spines.


Admittedly, I really like the new spines but I'd hate to pay anymore than I already have just for the sake of a numbered spine. Like, it really bothers me because I have a feeling Disney won't charge the same price and that they'll charge more just for the new print.


I will probably just shelve them side by side rather than mixing. I'm with all the way, stuff like this annoys the hell out me!

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So I got racially abused by a customer today. I mean, it was pretty bad too.


Basically, in my store, you're only allowed to sell the customer two boxes of paracetamol. He wanted three. So he comes up to my till and he places them in the basket. I spotted the three in there and I tell him politely that I can't sell him three boxes, only two.

"Two are for me and one is for my friend" he says.

"I understand that, mate, but it's only two per customer, I'm afraid"

"Well, put it under a different transaction then!" he starts demanding.

"I'm really sorry but I can't. It's only two per customer. It's the store policy. Sorry" I say politely.

He shakes his head and then says "I'm sick of you people!" and shoots me a dirty look.

At this point, everybody's looking.

"How do you mean?" I ask.

"Well, you come over here thinking you can control me, making up all these rules and taking our money. It's people like you who are ruining this country" and he goes on and says a lot of other shit. I took it on the chin, smiled and nodded, shaking in anger.

"You're looking at me like I'm barmy, aren't you?!" he says. At this point, I'm fucked off to the point I wanted to smash his face in.

"I'm looking at you like you're something, mate, but I wouldn't use the word 'barmy'"

He's taken back that I said that and he carries on. I interrupt him.

"I'm sorry but what did that have to do with me not serving you three boxes because it's the company policy. Why are you aiming all of this at me?" I asked.

"You're the one refusing to serve me"

"Yes, because I work for the COMPANY! It's the company's policy, not mine!" I say.

He starts to go on about how my people are to blame for the country going down the pan and this and that and I said "And the irony is is that it's actually your people who are actually ruining it and by your people, I mean racist people with little man syndrome who have nothing better to do but bully!"

He says some other shit but I was so livid, I can't remember what he said properly. I just remember wanting to punch him so badly.

"Mate, I'm just here to do my job. I'm just a normal person, no need to bring my colour into this. I'm just a supervisor in a store in a country where I was born"

"The country's going to the dogs and you're partly to blame for it"

At this point, I'm ready to swing for his racist face. Everybody was watching, I felt the heat rush to my head. He was pretty loud and I was getting loud. My staff was wondering what was going on. I just wanted to get out of there but I didn't want him to think I was running away from him.

"You know what, I will serve you the three. However, you're not coming back. My staff have seen you and so has the cameras. I'm banning you because I'm not having your disgusting, judgmental arse anywhere near my shop again" I say as I scan all three and bag them up and chucked them at him.

"Here! I hope you choke on them, you vile scumbag!"

He just looked at me and said "It needed to be said"

And I said "Yeah, and so did what I said. Go on, piss off! Out of my store now!" I say to him and he leaves. I then shouted an apology to everyone and I quickly try to get to the staff room but a few customers came to me, asking after me to check I was alright. They said they understood and if I wanted a witness for anything, they'd support me and a couple even left their names and mobile numbers and told me I should do something.

I apologised for being unprofessional but they just said that I was human and it was one of the bravest things they've seen. They even said they'd have had less respect for me if I just acted professional and said nothing.


I'm still mad now. At least I have something to use for the gym tomorrow so there's always a bright side to everything, I guess...also, I have eight days off so yeah, he can suck on my chocolate balls!

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Man that's fucked up. Good on you for standing up for yourself breh.


I was disappointed you gave him what he wanted. You should have given him a copy of the company policy or something.


But other than that, good on you for standing up to him. It needed to be done.


I know. I was a bit disappointed in myself for that but (and I'm being genuine when I say this) it was either that or get myself arrested for GBH because I would have beaten the shit out of him. I've faced some shit in retail but I've never had that before. I've had racist names but not a tirade of it. I've never even felt like that before. Like, I've never felt the need to actually be violent before, not like I did yesterday anyway.


The thing is, it's not the first time I've had racist shit said to me. I've been called the colour of shit, a monkey a few times, a 'nigger-cunt' by a customer in the same place...I was mad when that happened but I just called them 'judgmental twats', not spoken to them again and got on with my life. However, with him, I was livid like I've never been before. I was even thinking to myself "I am going to get myself arrested if he don't leave. I'm going to get myself arrested if he don't leave..."


I'd recognise him anytime soon so if he does come back, I'm calling security because I was instructed to do that. I told the security guard after (I didn't have the radio on me and, to be honest, I probably wouldn't have called them anyway) and she was mad at him (she's my mate). I had to tell my dad, my mom and grandparents yesterday because I couldn't stop twitching (like, I twitch when I'm feeling strong emotions, it's too weird). Everyone was saying how good I was and stuff. I'm just still crazy mad that people still think like that.

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"Here! I hope you choke on them, you vile scumbag!"


Change vile scumbag to utter cunt and that's pretty much the perfect response. Bravo sir. Should have thrown in a few extra packs though in the hope that he did off himself.


Like Moogle said, concentrate on the numerous people that were decent human beings in that story instead of the one that wasn't.


This would pretty much have been my reaction had I viewed your heroic stand:


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Just received a letter from Orange demanding payment for an unpaid bill. This has been going on for months, they wrote to me in July saying i owed them £135 for an old contract (which i've attempted to cancel since June 2013, but they seemingly don't have records of them calls being made). Finally had it cancelled in July, which the contract expired in May. They say they've been contacting me via my phone, which so happens to be my old phone which i no longer have.


I've written to them twice, both letters recorded so i know they had them. And as predicted, they've ignored the letters and sent me another notice today demanding a reduced amount of £103. I would have no problem paying, if i owed them. But i believe i do not and have since taken this further. This isn't going to be a pretty phone call i'm going to make.

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Sounds pretty sucky @Animal, I don't know how well I'd deal with racism like that if I was in the same situation(I get a fair share of it sometimes at work, but it's very different). Btw, how many paracetemol was it you sold him in the end? It's probably a bit more than company policy, there's a legal restriction on the supply of it so tell them next time that it's the law and don't put yourself in the position of breaking it!

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