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bad stuff thread.


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I've had a hectic few days. Slightly stressful. Basically, my Dad (he's actually my Granddad, I was raised by my Grandparents) hasn't been well for months, since before Christmas. He's been in hospital a few times with an infection. He's been given medication, but nothing has worked so far. He's also had problems eating, can't take the food and struggles to work up an appetite. To round it off, he's diabetic and it's thought that this has somewhat contributed to his problem.


A few months ago, my Mum (Grandmother) took him to the hospital and they spent 17 hours in the waiting room before he received a bed. He was sent there on GP's orders. I managed to drive down the next day to see him and he was not in amazing shape. He's not really recovered since.


Tuesday, he was taken in there again. I rang my Mum and told her that I'd come down later in the week on Friday to see him. On Thursday, my brother messages me to let me know that things are bad. Later on that evening (around 8), he rang me to tell me that my Dad's heart had stopped but they had managed to restart it. However, due to his age, it might happen again. If it did happen, the doctor's had agreed that they wouldn't restart it due to his age and health. So, that would be it.


I drove the 3 hours or so back to Wales to meet them at the hospital, knowing that it might be the last chance I get to see him. Lots of family were there. My two brothers and I stayed overnight so that everybody else could get some rest, as they'd been there all day. We didn't leave the hospital til 9:30 the next morning. When the next day came, we went back to the house for a few hours sleep before going back to the hospital.


He's a bit better now and was better yesterday. He's more awake and he's been taken for an MRI scan, but the results haven't come back yet. My Mum and I spent all day at the hospital waiting for the results, but nothing came. Earlier today, I had to hold him down on the bed whilst the doctor inserted his feeding tube. They tried inserting it earlier, but he wasn't having any of it and managed to pull it out. This time, I was around, so had to keep him down. It's hard striking the balance between forcefully putting him down so that he doesn't move or pull it out and making sure that you don't hurt him or anger/upset it. Never had to do anything like that before.


We left the hospital at around 10:45ish or something like that. Nobody has really eaten for the last few days. We've all been eating toast and drinking coffee to keep us going. Tiring as fuck.


Hopefully things should be getting better now that the tube is in place. It should mean that he can get some food/energy into his body and that in turn will help him fight off his infection.

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@Animal I would say that you should be careful. I know that work takes over life and all the small decisions become massive ones when it's something that happens during that third of your life when you're selling yourself. I know nothing about fitting shoes at all. But I used to go to the same shoe shop for years and years and no matter how nice and lovely the staff were, occasionally the shoe would not fit perfectly. It's not an insult.


@Fierce_LiNk I'm sorry I can't comprehend your position right now. Just keep trying to help him out. The feeding tube may be a massive scare-point for him. Let him know it's a sign of care and help and not a negative thing... Ultimately I hope you don't feel like you are useless or anything. You are clearly trying to help and that's more than most.


Sorry this is a shit post with no help - but you're a strong dude and a family man, so please don't doubt yourself.

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@Animal I would say that you should be careful. I know that work takes over life and all the small decisions become massive ones when it's something that happens during that third of your life when you're selling yourself. I know nothing about fitting shoes at all. But I used to go to the same shoe shop for years and years and no matter how nice and lovely the staff were, occasionally the shoe would not fit perfectly. It's not an insult.


@Fierce_LiNk I'm sorry I can't comprehend your position right now. Just keep trying to help him out. The feeding tube may be a massive scare-point for him. Let him know it's a sign of care and help and not a negative thing... Ultimately I hope you don't feel like you are useless or anything. You are clearly trying to help and that's more than most.


Sorry this is a shit post with no help - but you're a strong dude and a family man, so please don't doubt yourself.


Cheers, brah.

Yeah, the feeding tube bit is something he doesn't particularly take kindly, too. He's not a great fan of injections either. He was fine in the end, but it was a definite struggle for him to let us do that to him.


It's alright. Everyone is just getting on with it and hopefully we can have some sort of normality soon. Could have been a much worse situation.


It's going to sound terrible, but on the drive up, I had already convinced myself/prepared myself for the worst case scenario, which was that he wouldn't make it through the night. So, everything after that night has been a bonus.

Edited by Fierce_LiNk
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Oh carp, my grandad's in hospital with chest pains and he might have to undergo and incredibly dangerous bypass op. I really hope he pulls through, my dad only just lost his mum last month. :(


Sorry to hear that, sending good vibes you and your grandad's way.

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Oh, I'm so sorry. :( Is it definitely over? There's no possibility of you getting back together once he's better?


He still loves me. He's just not in the place where he can fix himself (he's pretty much had a full blown mental breakdown) and maintain a relationship. He has to be selfish to get better. He admitted he has treated me like absolute shit for the past few weeks or so and it was destroying him.


I think now that its over I really can't see us getting back together. Would be a lovely dream but we won't see each other on a daily basis because we live so far away. We're only ever in contact or spending time together BECAUSE we're in a relationship. I fear he will end up getting better and gradually become attached to someone else, as you do. You forget people that aren't there in front of you I guess.


I happened to see our chat history on facebook when I was talking to someone else, and i read some. Just realised how fucking different he was. A lot of me was brushing it off as me being silly but he really has changed. I miss how loving, sweet, and excitable he used to be. There is just nothing there anymore :(

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I got dumped today....


Excuse me while I make my way through approximately £15 worth of chocolate :)


He still loves me. He's just not in the place where he can fix himself (he's pretty much had a full blown mental breakdown) and maintain a relationship. He has to be selfish to get better. He admitted he has treated me like absolute shit for the past few weeks or so and it was destroying him.


I think now that its over I really can't see us getting back together. Would be a lovely dream but we won't see each other on a daily basis because we live so far away. We're only ever in contact or spending time together BECAUSE we're in a relationship. I fear he will end up getting better and gradually become attached to someone else, as you do. You forget people that aren't there in front of you I guess.


I happened to see our chat history on facebook when I was talking to someone else, and i read some. Just realised how fucking different he was. A lot of me was brushing it off as me being silly but he really has changed. I miss how loving, sweet, and excitable he used to be. There is just nothing there anymore :(


I'm really sorry to hear that, Raining! :( Massive, stupidly-ridiculously-huge love your way! Noms on your chocolates!

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Sorry to hear that Raining, it sounds like he did the right thing by you both. Hopefully you enjoyed the chocolates <3.


Holiday blues. I saw my parents new home (a good 600 miles away - phew!). Its awesome and so pretty and I'm sat all up in Cambridge wondering what the fuck I'm doing.

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Cambridge is lovely!


Cambridge is one road that looks like Harry Potter. The rest is a giant shithole.


Obviously that's a matter of opinion, but I've never quite seen how it is lovely, apart from that bit of town, its mostly over-populated and very expensive.


Its perhaps my own fault for moving here in the first place purely for work rather than choosing somewhere I wanted to live. You gotta do what you gotta do I suppose!



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Had a superbly bad night last night. Went to bed at a reasonable time (just after 10) but woke up at midnight and that was all the sleep I got. Also managed to get a cold off of someone so feeling bleh and generally sore all over, can barely move. And to top it all, had a seizure early morning as well.


So I'm in fantastic form today :blank: Pretty much pitched camp on my sofa and made a blanket fort! All I needed at this moment of time when I've got loads of stuff in work and at home to sort out.

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Shit, Jim, so sorry to hear that. Tried to write you this heartfelt message like twelve times but it seems kinda futile in relation to what you're going through. Still, goes without saying, can message me any time you want man.

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