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I know its doable, but I'm usually in a healthier state so its not something I tend to have to fret about.


Although with booking train tickets (£15), at least three more days of tube travel in that time (£15), food shopping and general day-to-day stuff it will soon go.


I accidentally paid two months extra rent. He paid back one lot, but still owes this.

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Nothing, I momentarily forgot that 1. I shaved my head, and 2. You knew about it :heh:


In other news, nothing is more depressing than writing two masterpieces in essay form, totalling 8500 words, and knowing that only one or two people are ever going to read them :(.


Also, I have another 4500 word essay in for Monday which I haven't started the reading for. Exciting times.

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I was informed today about just how much and how long my overtime stint was going to be.


Mostly, it's forced, I will do certain days and will be here on the weekends. Its paid - for once, but at standard rate. It could keep going til June from today.


I'm, well in tears. Overtime is expected in this industry. But so much and so enforced? I'm hoping this job pulls through Tuesday. I want to be able to see my family and see my friends. My family are shocked.


They have asked why I took this job only to be treated like dirt for a year only for them to expect more of my time and try to use tiny amounts of money as incentive.


First world problems eh folks? :(

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My contract states they can force me to work, unpaid to a reasonable amount of time.


Obviously, this is, in most people's eyes, unreasonable. I found out I'm working every other day until June 1st when the game is released. But there is no 'deadline' on each day when I go home.


Which is obviously a lot, its paid standard rate (weekends are time and a half). I'm waiting on this new job potentially coming through (god if they give me the job I'm going to be even more bloody grateful). Until I take action.


I say this because my colleague is currently trying to take action the legal/formal manner, which I fully support.


It's such a shame to say that this is the worst job in terms of employee care I've had, a job in which I've wanted since I was 15. I'm devastated in the way they've treated us the past year and a bit and they continue to make the team feel low and continue to ask for more.


What an awful bloody mess.

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Oh man I don't know what was with me today but my mind was a mess. Some of you probably know by now how I switch from completely normal to bumbling nervous buffoon every few weeks for some reason and today was that day.


Went back to work and as soon as I went in actually started shaking, could barely speak without my voice going all funny like I was going through puberty/about to cry so just avoided people for most of the day. Also just had the constant sick feeling from anxiety so couldn't really eat anything, which never helps.


Then I read about the crazy Nintendo financial situation on my break which helped surprisingly, gave me some non-real life stuff to think about and theorize how they can fix things etc which suddenly made me forget where I was and I regained some normality. I was no longer OMG PEOPLE ARE AROUND ME AND THEY MIGHT STAB ME OR SOMETHING and more "oh wait yeah Im at work, and people are around me, anyway..." *back to daydreaming and imagining Iwata and Reggie wrestling over who to blame.*


When I got home I went for a walk whilst listening to some music, think I regained normality a bit then. Then it got dark and I thought shit, better get in before the wheelers arrive.



I don't know where I'm going with this post :p But yeah i did hit the hay very late again last night which also doesn't help (ended up being around 4am I think) so I'm gonna try get to sleep at a normal hour and start again fresh tomorrow!

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In other news, nothing is more depressing than writing two masterpieces in essay form, totalling 8500 words, and knowing that only one or two people are ever going to read them :(.

Could you not put them on a blog/whatever for the masses to appreciate?


Might as well get your work out there.

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I've been having serious thoughts about just packing everything in, selling all my shit (not much), finding a place to wither away and just be done with human interaction. I swear I just 'get' what people are doing when they do things -I mean psychology, body language, etc. I'm getting sick of being overlooked and disrespected because I'm not percieved to be of any potential gain for them. I am sick of having to continuously prove myself in a multitude of minute ways just so that someone will have a fucking conversation with me that goes beyond talking about the weather. I am sick of conversations abruptly ending because someone more rewarding to my conversee has walked in the room. I am sick of lies and nonsense and selfish behaviour and just generally sick of people.


I am seriously contemplating just answering all questions with what I'm thinking rather than what I'm working out to be the best and most correct way to be morally correct because I feel like I'm the only one playing in the game of respect.


I'm either a psychopath, schitzophrenic, depressed, bipolar, paranoid or several of them. I am angry at just about everyone. I worry about every. single. fucking. social. interaction with other members of my species and I apologise way too much. I can't perceive reality the way anyone else can and none of the properly-fucking-sensed people on this planet can fucking see this.



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@jayseven I worry a lot about what certain people think, and I think I know what's really going on in their minds when they do things, although it doesn't make me angry I just get really, really anxious that I over analyse situations to the extreme.


Afterwards I try to take a bit of a step back and think, well how do I know for certain that's how they feel? I'm not them, maybe they've got all sorts of weird stuff going on in their life, then I think about or write down all the things they could have meant when they said or did something, and usually I realise well actually it could just be me thinking these things. My brain has wired itself into always thinking the worst, and never any other situation, like yeah, sometimes I might be right but in other cases I might be really far off.


At the moment I'm doing a job share with a very strict, experienced and incredibly tidy teacher (Petra). I'm trying very hard to please her, but in her regular emails about planning she always includes 'make sure you keep them under control' . I've always thought I'm quite good with behaviour (not perfect), but I've been worrying she doesn't think I'm good enough, and that bothers me a lot. Getting better at behaviour management isn't something you can switch on, it's a natural talent. Even the teaching assistant said 'oh ***** wouldn't have done that if Petra was here. Then I start thinking, oh god, she's right I'm crap and terrible and everyone thinks I'm rubbish. But I've learnt to take a step back and think about all the different possibilities. Maybe she's just trying to support me, she knows I'm good with behaviour and wants to make sure I focus on it, or my gut feeling is right, and I just need to ignore her because I know I'm fine with what I'm doing. I always do this when I get these worrying thoughts, and it definitely helps, because I feel this less often. So i'd definitely recommend it!


But back to you- It would help if you could be more specific with who is bothering you. It can't be everyone surely? Unless everyone is talking to you about just the weather. That would bother me too! Only a couple of months ago you seemed really happy with life, and now this seems to be getting you really down.


Has anything changed to make you feel like this? Out of the list of things you could be, maybe you could be a little depressed, certainly not any of the others (but I'm not a Doctor :geek:). You're way to compassionate and thoughtful!

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Thanks emma :) I've had a good day today - retail therapy plus good talks with my girlfriend have helped. Reconnected with old friends and spent time chatting and playing games and remembering old times, which made me realise that times aren't too bad right now. You're right - it's a lot of overthinking, but the emotion shouldn't be discarded or invalidated. I'm hoping the logic prevails.


Best of luck dealing with your situation.

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Getting better at behaviour management isn't something you can switch on, it's a natural talent.


I have to disagree with you - how you manage behaviour in the class is usually an individual thing, but managing it is something that can be learned.


I recently read a book by Ramon Lewis -"Understanding Pupil Behaviour"- which made me reflect on how I was dealing with certain pupils, particularly attention seekers. I used to consistently ignore attention seekers full stop, but that was never the best way, as not giving them any attention whatsoever just led them into a kind of low-grade "background" misbehaviour which never really stopped. So I learned that I had to over praise when they did something good -at least initially- and then slowly turn it down to average when their behaviour even itself out.


But I have to agree that the TA is in the wrong there - saying "He/She wouldn't do it when the other teacher is here!" is really an affront to your confidence. Like I said, everyone has their own style, and comparing you to someone else is unhelpful.

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Well well, didn't think it was possible but my employer has stooped to a new low. As i mentioned in an earlier post, they wanted us to re-apply for our jobs. And i may have said out of the number of staff applying, only 10-20% are re-applying with the rest taking the money and going.


Now the new low arises.


With only a small number of staff applying, they want all the roles being filled at any cost (and i mean any cost). So what they have done, is sent a memo around saying all staff on FTA contracts (which i and all of the above are on) have to apply for the jobs otherwise risk not getting any of the compensation or any benefits as in technical terms, you are refusing employment. Or as the Unions and everyone is seeing it, it's blackmail. They are blackmailing us to re-apply for our own jobs, which is disgraceful behavior. I would botch an application, but it's been said they may not look at the application and offer employment.


I'm not in the best of moods today, worse than ever for a Monday.

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Well well, didn't think it was possible but my employer has stooped to a new low. As i mentioned in an earlier post, they wanted us to re-apply for our jobs. And i may have said out of the number of staff applying, only 10-20% are re-applying with the rest taking the money and going.


Now the new low arises.


With only a small number of staff applying, they want all the roles being filled at any cost (and i mean any cost). So what they have done, is sent a memo around saying all staff on FTA contracts (which i and all of the above are on) have to apply for the jobs otherwise risk not getting any of the compensation or any benefits as in technical terms, you are refusing employment. Or as the Unions and everyone is seeing it, it's blackmail. They are blackmailing us to re-apply for our own jobs, which is disgraceful behavior. I would botch an application, but it's been said they may not look at the application and offer employment.


I'm not in the best of moods today, worse than ever for a Monday.


Can't you just apply, and quit once the bonus comes in?

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Can't you just apply, and quit once the bonus comes in?


Nope, if i apply and they offer the extension i can't turn it down as i wouldn't be entitled to claim any benefits as i would have refused employment, and because i refused the job they wouldn't give the bonus as it gives them all the cards.


Basically, i'm screwed.

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Nope, if i apply and they offer the extension i can't turn it down as i wouldn't be entitled to claim any benefits as i would have refused employment, and because i refused the job they wouldn't give the bonus as it gives them all the cards.


Basically, i'm screwed.


So you have a job, which will give you a very large bonus payment if you keep working there for a short while longer, but you're screwed because you want to take the bonus, quite, and claim JSA/benefits?

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So you have a job, which will give you a very large bonus payment if you keep working there for a short while longer, but you're screwed because you want to take the bonus, quite, and claim JSA/benefits?


Basically, my contract ends in March. All those contracts ending in March were being offered compensation or a chance to re-apply for their own jobs. As it's renewals, no-one wants to do it so are taking the chance to leave with upto £5k in the back pocket. Out of 200 or so staff, 30 have re-applied which is not enough. It's the same predicament across the UK, no-one wants to work for a company which has had so many issues and problems over the course of 3 years (which i've put my issues in this thread over the months and years). So everyone was intending to take the money and leave for pastures new.


The company, realising that they won't fill all the slots across the country (and having checked across the country whom may or may not be applying) are now refusing the compensation to anyone who doesn't apply for the vacancies. No-one wants to apply, but are feeling forced to do so in order to get this money. The thing is, if the job is offered you cannot refuse as if you were to not get employment elsewhere you couldn't get benefits. And they've changed their tune in even offering this, trying to find any reason as to not pay it (being cheap is what people are saying).


Don't get me wrong, i want to work and am currently hunting down a new job elsewhere so i never have to come back here. Because i dislike this place (to the point being i contemplate sick leave and i have cried) and because all the jobs i've applied for i'm getting rejected, i feel i'm being forced to re-apply for this job that i simply don't ever want to come back to. And i don't particulary want to go on JSA, but feel that is my only way out sometimes.

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Why not take the £5k and just not go on JSA? That money will tide you over for a few months until you can find something else? They said "or risk not getting the compensation". It sounds like they're trying to scare you into staying on. If compensation is due for being made redundant then it is due. If they are hiring someone else into the same position after making you redundant that is illegal I think?


What is your CV like? Send it over to me and I'll have a look at if if you want?

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He's explained already that he cannot get the 5k without re-applying for the job. They won't 'release' that money until he does. Compared to before when they were giving that money regardless and moving on.


Its a tough situation. I would say that you do re-apply for the job and try to get that money back. I would fight tooth and nail.,


As someone who burst into tears in her car on Friday over her current job, I feel for you @Jimbob. You need to do what's right for you. If that's leaving and having to go on JSA for a little while, then do it. If its staying and getting that money, do it. It sounds like you need to take care of you and stop worrying about money.


Easier said than done, but that's the advice I keep been given.

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But £5k equates to a hell of a lot of JSA.


Also if you quit, then it's not like you can't ever get JSA again, you just have to wait a bit (26 weeks if you quit without reason).


However given you have many grievances, you wouldn't have to wait the full 26 weeks. Have you spoken to a doctor about how the job is making you feel? Have you put any of your grievances in writing? If not then I suggest you do it soon, as they will help you get JSA sooner.


Even as a worst case scenario, 26 weeks of JSA is less than £1900. Way better to take the £5000.

Edited by MoogleViper
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The £5k won't be offered unless my application gets rejected, the unions are challenging to make sure everyone who doesn't remain once contracts end gets the compensation at the end. So even if i got offered the job, i wouldn't get the payoff until September (and in that case, they could still extend contracts again).


I can't quit my job, even with the greviences i've got which i've got in writing in triplicate (i have a copy, managers have a copy and my rep has a copy) the job centre look at it as i've "quit" an available job. My Mum works for them, she keeps me in the know and what they look at. My only real choice is to fill in the application, and botch it so it will get rejected. And to see out my contract whilst hunting for a new job, if my job ends in March i'll take the money and live off that for a while before signing on.


It's a tricky predicament, but cheers for the advice everyone.

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