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bad stuff thread.


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So some vocal minority on campus has somehow made it be put to vote to ban BAE from recruiting students on campus. wtf. It's in a bill to ban some music channels from the union bars and to ban lads mags. Why the union even has the power to ban companies on campus I don't know.


You should push forward a bill that bans the University from recruiting Chinese students from government-connected families: The wife of a mayor in China premeditated and arrived out the poisoning of an English business associate while her son was studying in Oxford. Also: Xinjiang, Tibet and pollution.


In fact you could also ban American students who are pro-Iraq war....


...blah blah blah.


There's a reason to ban everyone and anything, but the fact is it's not pragmatic.

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Work told me today I'll lose "26 hours a week", which isn't great. They rang me just before I went Christmas shopping, which is a good thing I suppose.


It wouldn't be as bad if they gave me some warning, but it was literally "don't come in tomorrow". I'll have to cut back on the Taiko Drums, Sonic tshirts and... WII U.

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Sorry to hear that Josh :( I have a Sonic shirt that I've never worn (still in the wrapper) if you want that :heh:


I can't even remember where it came from, found it at my mother's a while ago.


You found a random Sonic shirt still in its wrapper and you didn't wear it?!


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Made the two and a half hour trip to Oxford, and when I arrived got a phonecall from the estate agent saying that they had to cancel the viewing. And the other viewing I had was at 7pm, so I had to wander aimlessly around Oxford for 5 hours.


Do they still have that Pumpkin Bookshop at the bus station?

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I didn't see it, but I may have missed it due to my frequent bouts of rage. (i.e. I was sat in a corner grumbling.)


Lemme get those grumblecakes



Over the river and through the woods, we gotta get that serum through y'all.


Over the river and through the woods we gotta get that serum through y'all.


Over the river and through the woods we gotta get that serum through!

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Was told my brother was caught shoplifting in Sainsbury's whilst my Mum was working there. Really should be in the funny thread how fucking stupid he is.



On a bad side, got a letter from DVLA saying my application for driver's licence has been refused/revoked. Gonna have to wait until next year now :(

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My third car died. :(


Luckily just spent £350 on an MOT, £476 on insurance (transferrable I guess....if/when I get another car) and £140 on tax (I can get some back too or something?)


Anyway. I'm about £600 overdrawn (with £400 rent yet to come) so....thats quite good. Hmmmm.


Probably cancel that Wii U pre-order.

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My third car died. :(


Luckily just spent £350 on an MOT, £476 on insurance (transferrable I guess....if/when I get another car) and £140 on tax (I can get some back too or something?)


Anyway. I'm about £600 overdrawn (with £400 rent yet to come) so....thats quite good. Hmmmm.


Probably cancel that Wii U pre-order.


My car died last week as well. Blew the head gasket, which seems to be a common theme with me and cars. It's not quite dead, it's still capable of doing short 5 minute journeys to and from the supermarket, but starts overheating if I drive for longer than ten minutes. Sad times.

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My lungs died, anyone got a spare?


Went to my orthodontist appointment, the first out of the house activity pretty much all week, my lungs are painful and burning. Just the little activity of getting in car and driving and sitting in a dentists chair for half an hour....


Sick day again tomorrow, have to go get a sick line if I have to be off on Monday... Urgh... Really can't be doing with this...someone fix me pls

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My lungs died, anyone got a spare?


Went to my orthodontist appointment, the first out of the house activity pretty much all week, my lungs are painful and burning. Just the little activity of getting in car and driving and sitting in a dentists chair for half an hour....


Sick day again tomorrow, have to go get a sick line if I have to be off on Monday... Urgh... Really can't be doing with this...someone fix me pls



Would if I could.

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Sticking with the car theme, my car is ready for it's timing belt change = £300 odd *cries* and today I started my Christmas shopping... Which is bad because I'm low on cash and my next student loan doesn't go in until January.


Also I have literally sh*t-loads of bird poo droppings to go through for my final year project, a lot more than expected. Mind numbingly boring, but strangely relaxing.


My car died last week as well. Blew the head gasket, which seems to be a common theme with me and cars. It's not quite dead, it's still capable of doing short 5 minute journeys to and from the supermarket, but starts overheating if I drive for longer than ten minutes. Sad times.


It's not by any chance a Rover is it? My head gasket blew twice in one of them. I can't say I'd recommend driving it about though, you may get catastrophic engine failure otherwise. Have you tried K-Seal? You pop it in your coolant and it should help. It's not a fix by any means but it buys you some time.


Wanted to play footy today but apparently there's not enough players. And it's my only form of exercise and social interaction.


Who do you play with? Do you require a world class player like myself? :D

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So, went to my mates dads funeral yesterday. I did manage to cheer him up a little, but other than that it were one of them days that really does take it out of you. He was a complete mess, not eating anything and looked like he hadn't slept for a week. Service was good though. Been talking to him most of this morning, he seems ok at the moment. Think i may need to pop up and see him again over the weekend.


But today, i'm still feeling the effects of yesterday still.

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Parents decided to head off to a cat show for the weekend and didn't bother telling me they were doing so. Only found out this morning when I went down for breakfast and saw my mother getting stuff ready :nono: Told her if she's buggering off for the weekend without telling me then she can pay for my hotel on wednesday, to which she agreed.


Suppose that is an upside but still really annoyed that there was no notice for me having to take care of the house/how ever many cats she has. But to make it worse, just had my grandmother round shouting and having a go at me over it as it's my mother's birthday and she'd bought flowers for her and wasn't told about the 'going away this weekend'.


So not in a particularly good mood with the parents, or the grandmother even if she was quite right to be angry at my mother (but not right to chastise me for it). Happy families :indeed:

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