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bad stuff thread.


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I always listen to my own music in the car just because you never get any decent songs on the radio and there are far too many adverts and talking!


During the day at work we listen to Real Radio Scotland which is pretty good because it doesn't just play chart music, they do an 'All Request Work Day' which means there is a decent selection of music and there isn't too much chat.

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This isn't overly bad just a little surreal. Speaking with my bro earlier, he was on holiday in Denver last year and caught a movie that was showing in the same screen that was involved in the shooting last week.


Small world.

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This is quite a long post so I'm sorry but I'm a bit hacked off, really...


I've fell out with my best friends and I'm not talking to them right now because I just feel so exhausted and fed up to be honest. It stems back to two weeks ago when I invited them to go to the dog-racing for my birthday night (which I didn't celebrate at the time so much of because of my stomach complications but did say would celebrate when I were better and I'm more better now so carrying on with the story...) and my dad and grandad were going to be there too. This was fine with A and B but C didn't like this and said he weren't going because my dad and grandad was and then went on to insulting me and saying that I was like a baby that needed adult supervision and other things as well and we argued a little and I got fed up and said "Look, see you later, have a nice life" and cut him off. He has been doing this for a while, insulting people when he doesn't want to do something or insulting them if he doesn't like something. I don't believe in being nasty to people like that and I have no time for them, if he didn't want to go, he could have just said and I'd have been okay with it as he knows.


So anyway, I went to the dogs with A and B and my other family members and it was a great night and we had a laugh (even though we lost almost every race) and now we skip to a few days after the night out and B has agreed with me that C was nasty and horrible but he says that it's awkward for him and A that me and C are not talking because it's splitting them and making them choose between us and they don't want to and that C wanted to talk to me. Now, I don't want to talk to the guy I fell out with at all, I don't like him and I have zero respect for him but it's not fair on my other mates and I didn't want them to feel awkward. Stupidly, I said that I'll unblock him and talk to him on the PC and the Xbox when we're on but I don't want to know him outside of that. Anyway, B agrees and that's that.


So I unblock C and add him on everything again but he doesn't respond to it and he's been online. I found this to be a little odd. I saw that A was on the Xbox so I joined his party and A and C were there (only I had C muted because I didn't know you could unmute them even if they're not friends, I thought they had to accept and they'd be unmuted but anyway...) so I said hello to A and he talks back and I asked him how he was and he said he were fine and then he kicked me out of the party and locked it. I asked him why he did that and he said "I can't be having two separate convos in the same party" which is fair enough but C never accepted my invite and A could have told me this and I would have left it.


So anyway, I tells A that I've unblocked C again because he found it awkward and stuff and A said he didn't at all. I told him what B said and said that B shouldn't have said it because he doesn't feel awkward at all about it. So I said "I thought you might have because you kicked me out of the party when C's around and stuff" and he said that that was the consequence, which made me a bit mad if I'm honest because, fair enough if he equally came on the 360 with both of us but he never and the two times that he said he were going to, he never showed up. He said that I offered C an olive branch and I said "I did it for you and B because I didn't want you to feel that awkwardness, I'm willing to be civil to someone I don't like for you two" and we had words and then he said "You said you didn't want to talk to him again but the difference is is that C has stuck to his word and you haven't". He then went on to say "If you want to talk to C, don't use B as an excuse and just talk to him" and I said "You have no idea how much I don't want to talk to him but as I said, I was willing to be civil to him for you and B because it's not fair on you both". Anyway, A then said that C said he's tired of playing MY silly games and that he's willing to talk. I just said "No thanks".


Anyway, later on that night, I just thought to myself that I can't be doing with any of it and that it's all hassle and unnecessary drama so I blocked all of them and that is that. I did the blocking and everything last night. I know that there's no going back on this really because I know exactly what'll happen. We'll all be mates again, something will happen and then we fall out and then we'll be mates again, something will happen and then fall out and rinse and repeat and I've had enough now. I feel a bit better now that I've blocked them and I'm just focusing on other things, really. Still, it's been over four years since I've known them but I'm just sick of the fighting and the arguing and the nastiness, it shouldn't be like this. Okay, I may be a little sensitive sometimes but I believe that you shouldn't treat people nastily, treat people how you like to be treated but sometimes, the other saying is true: treat people how they treat you and right now, I feel they don't treat me with respect. Of course, I know there are people who'll be nasty to you and things like that but with someone who's supposed to be your friend...it's different. If there was a way to get past it, I'd do it but I can't see a way of how things'll be different anymore. Maybe I'll speak to them again one day in the distant future but right now, I really don't have the energy anymore. I've reached the limit.


Some of you may say I did the right thing because one of them was the one who I told you about in the "I Don't Get People" thread and I've spoken to a couple of my other mates outside of them about it and they said I was right in doing what I did and that they'd do exactly the same so I'm happy that I did that in a way. Now all I can do is just move on from them and HOPEFULLY meet better people who are nicer and treat me with respect.



Sorry for going on but as I said, I feel a bit wound up and I'm happy that I've typed it all out. Feel tonnes better now but yeah, it's sad when something like this happens but it's good because you can be happier and probably meet better people.

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Sounds like you're all being a bit childish to me. Sounds very much like those teenage girl dramas where one day they'd hate each other and the next they were best friends again. If friends are making you feel like that then man up, be mature about it and just move on. If you keep going in these childish little battles (blocking people? really?) then you're just going to have this over and over with nobody to blame but yourself.

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Sounds like you're all being a bit childish to me. Sounds very much like those teenage girl dramas where one day they'd hate each other and the next they were best friends again. If friends are making you feel like that then man up, be mature about it and just move on. If you keep going in these childish little battles (blocking people? really?) then you're just going to have this over and over with nobody to blame but yourself.


Yeah, I agree, which is why I stopped it and blocked them for good and that's it. As I said, I knew what'd happen as soon as I started to talk to him again and that it would repeat. When I say I won't speak to someone, I won't ever do it again. This time, I was willing to make an exception because of them, I didn't want them to feel awkward or anything and it's the only time I've ever gone back on my word like that which I now realise was a huge mistake on my part. I usually get along with everybody fine and there's only ever been two people who have been my mates and turned nasty and he was one of them. As I said, I've blocked and deleted them so I can't hear them talk to me about it anymore and they can't involve me in the dramas and I'm moving on because, as you said, it'd be my fault if I just carried on and then all of this would happen again.

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So you've cut all three off?


Basically, yeah.


I kept hearing one thing from one and another thing from another and I got fed up with it and I knew it wouldn't ever be sorted because their minds kept on changing. This has been going on for a bit now and it feels like it's always going to be like this. If it's not the one, it's the other. People may say I'm too harsh in doing that but I'm just tired of it all, I'd expect this on a kid's playground but I'm 22 now. You are right in what you say, it's literally something you'd expect on Hollyoaks or something so I decided I didn't want any part in it and backed out. This wouldn't continue on, I wouldn't be involved in the rowing and the stupid-ass drama anymore and it's a clean break for me and I feel more better for it, really.


I never said I wouldn't speak to the other two again but right now, I just can't be doing with all of the Hollyoaks storylines right now. I may see them in the distant future and I'd be okay with them but right now, I just don't want to be involved in it. I was perfectly happy not speaking to him until they brought it up and all of it resurfaced and it's just non-stop.

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Glad I wasn't the only one thinking that.


Nah, you wouldn't have been anyway, I thought the same thing too which is why I didn't want to know and thought the best way to not get involved in all that shit again was to just walk away, which I did.


Also, it's not just that but there's more to it than just that but that's just the main thing of what's happened. I know that it's childish and very Hollyoaks but it's just that they were my friends for a long time and it's all changed. I guess that's why I felt like posting it and telling you guys. But yeah, that's my bad thing at the moment and a lesson learned that you can never really say you know somebody.


However Moogle, you're right, time to man up and be the mature one and move on. More serious things are happening in the world right now so no more moping about this crappy bullshit and look into the future! :grin:

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The company I work for is being sued by an SEO company as we owe them money, and also because the contract was different to the verbal agreement (10 months instead of 6). The latter point we can get out of (part of the contract said that if a change is agreed by both parties, it becomes part of the contract - they initially said yes when we tried to cancel before they realised it was 10 months).


I'm sure they can't win, but it's a massive hassle.


- It started by a lack of results, so we asked to stop it. They think the results are performing well. We went to another SEO company and they gave us actual facts and figures about SEO (they operate on a "no contract" basis so it's in their best interest to actually do the work).

- They found that the kind of back-links on our site is unethical, and we have been penalised by the latest Google Algorithm change for this (the current company refuses to accept this, even though we have facts).

- The addition of links was not done on a daily basis, over one period of time there was nothing for a whole month then 3000 in one day. On one site. Which Google sees as spammy.

- Further to this, these keywords are in irrelevant sites.

- When helping us choose keywords, they used "broad" results for monthly searches, and not the true figure ("exact" match), which is over 9000 searches different (something like 900%).

- There's something in the contract saying if their work isn't satisfactory, they'll have 30 days to improve. They haven't even tried to comply to this.

- There are some other things they missed.

- The last email we sent them with a big list of problems (with graphs and stuff) they simply ignores and said "you'll be hearing from our solicitors".


Here's the big thing:

- So far, they have refused to send us any proof of what they have done.


We've actually been advised that we should be able to sue them. I'm pretty sure the last point would stop any attempt for them to sue us....and I'm fairly sure if they did send us proof, said proof would also stop any attempt for them to sue is.


It's just a ton of unwanted hassle. In the last email we even offered to pay a portion of what they owe in order for them to drop it there and then.

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To be honest Animal, i'm amazed you managed to find friends with such strange names. You really need to make up with this 'C' person, otherwise you could end up with being friends with A, B and Greg or something similar.

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Been looking for jobs in-store in a town centre today and didn't have a lot of luck. I counted over 160 stores and businesses I've been in and only a handful had jobs. Ah well, at least I got a JD bag out of it, hahaha.

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I find looking at company websites is more fruitful than going in-store, just because its the HR department and you'll more than likely find out more information.


Today has been a really productive day, but at the same time, it's been awful. I don't expect every day to be fantastic, I'm still working whilst I'm here, it's not a holiday. Sigh, its not a big deal, just one of those off days.


Time to go to bed :)

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Had a petty squabble over minecraft pranks/griefing with my friendcrush, went a step too far (encouraged by me with a prank but taken too far by him with some major griefing) and I kicked him off game in momentary rage. Thought it would end up with bitchfight, cue apologies from both sides, and friendship repaired... I guess telling him to "go to hell" didn't help.. it seems like he's deleted me from his e-existence.


I thought I'd be gutted, but I'm not... weird. I'm actually kinda sad for him because I was one of his very few friends. Most people slag him off in our circle of friends, he doesn't spend time with anyone in person, and he has an abrasive personality. Just pushed away the one person that woulda stuck by him no matter what. And I'm glad that I'm no longer tied to feeling like that...


Oh the drama I don't think I can take it :P

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After a two year gap my body decided to have another fit. Although technically this means I have to wait another year until I can learn to drive again but I can't be bothered to wait any longer.


It was pure laziness on my part though, lack of sleep + plus beer + think I forgot to take my meds.


I'd forgotten how inconvenient it is having a tongue which has swelled to five times its normal size and how painful it is getting bits off food from my teeth.

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Is this the same crush who was a douchebag to you not too long ago?


Yes =(


What's the condition, EEVIL?




I thought it was epilepsy because of the driving thing. But the tongue thing got me confused.


yes, your teeth clamp on your tongue when you have a fit


Theoretically with my eyesight I shouldn't be driving, but I learned to drive and passed my test with my eyesight as it is... I was only told about it when they were querying eye surgery.. oops =P (no depth perception, no 3d vision, double vision)


Hope you're feeling better soon eevils =)

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