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jay I went to work with a bad chest infection, lost my voice half way through my day :/ Definitely advise staying at home. Not only do you feel like shite, you're probably working in an airconned room and likely to make recovery a lot longer with that and the stresses on your throat!


I went to see an orthodental whatsit today about getting braces for my gappy teeth, they did a full examination, xrays with a fancy machine, measurements, etc. Apparently I've got a big overbite, of 7mm, and the normal is 3-4mm.... and she says my teeth clicking is the worst shes ever seen and worth of a party trick.. lol. My own dentist should have referred me years ago as my teeth have been like this since I had my adult teeth in -_- And now I have to pay 2-3 grand privately because they can't even spot a major issue


Asides from that, they also found a fucking cavity... am rage -_-


She saw my medical history (lol) and mentioned speaking to my doc about something called CREST syndrome... *sighface*



Over-bite is a bitch, but you'll be surprised at how much difference it makes when it's all sorted.


I had an over-bite of 9mm, smacked my mouth when I was like 3, had braces for a couple of years, but it made such a difference, I was able to close my mouth properly, smile was different (much more natural.) etc. Definitely worth it.


Although teeth clicking? That sounds very interesting.

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Yeah, I’m thinking of getting a second set of braces somewhere in the near future (when I can afford it). Nothing wrong visibly (regarding gaps / smile), but my teeth aren’t aligned properly anymore. They used to be, my first braces in highschool corrected that, but years later, and those fucking wisdom teeth are messing things up again. The last one is forcing itself through my gum at this very moment, it’s goddamn annoying. Don’t want to avoid eating, but I have to deal with chewing in the meantime.

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Over-bite is a bitch, but you'll be surprised at how much difference it makes when it's all sorted.


I had an over-bite of 9mm, smacked my mouth when I was like 3, had braces for a couple of years, but it made such a difference, I was able to close my mouth properly, smile was different (much more natural.) etc. Definitely worth it.


Although teeth clicking? That sounds very interesting.


After having braces for 2 years at 11-13, then Braces for 2.5 years from 18, then an operation on my jaw, and now retainers, to correct my overbite of 12mm, I'd say it was definitely worth it.

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Thanking your post for the understanding, R_A, not out of some sadistic impulse :) Work phoned me back at half 12 and said I have work next week, and I later found out that three other people have been told that tomorrow is their last day, so I'll basically be the last temp in the building :S Bit gutted because two of them made work enjoyable and they won't be there monday, and I won't be there friday, so can't say g'bye.


@Wesley I've genuinely spent non-internet time worrying about you recently.

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After having braces for 2 years at 11-13, then Braces for 2.5 years from 18, then an operation on my jaw, and now retainers, to correct my overbite of 12mm, I'd say it was definitely worth it.


I can't say that sounds like fun.


Y'know what peed me off about braces? That I had them before they brought in colours. Colours look a bit odd anyway, but god dammit I wanted a choice! :cry:

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I can't say that sounds like fun.


Y'know what peed me off about braces? That I had them before they brought in colours. Colours look a bit odd anyway, but god dammit I wanted a choice! :cry:


Believe me you're better off with silver. I had silver second time round. And it looks much better.


Although when 12 year old me was asked what colours he wanted, he said blue.

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Haha, poor thing.


Someone I recommended for a job now wants to leave, it's because he's taken a pay-cut, but he's been here, well not so long, so now I'm feeling a bit put out.


I guess I can understand, more money is good, especially with a kid, but I'm feeling a bit meh about it all.

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I know what you meant by the "thanks" Jay :)


I know I would like to get them sorted. My smile is bloody awkward and ghey lookin, despite my teeth being in very good condition. So fingers crossed. None of my teeth are twisted or out of place, just ALL of them pushed forward, so it should be relatively quick to fix. And I'm getting private ceramic ones that are "practically invisible" oooh. stuff the colours! :p


@nightwolf ; yeah I have bad grinding, and probable joint issue which causes the click every time i open my jaw. my jaw structure physically clicks in and out of place. Has done for years. Orthodontist said I could have ridges in the structure of my jaw joints thats making it worse. Doesn't bother me that much, bit of a party trick as she said :p


I'm going to the docs later on and asking about getting these tests for crest syndrome, so in a bit of a flap. :/


so er... yeah, got knocked sidewards with that revelation...she reckons i've got/had childhood asthma, AND NOBODY DIAGNOSED IT. Despite me having really long ongoing chest infections as a child... Good freakin' god!! Its not like i'm a rare visitor to the doc!


Also got to speak to rhematologist about crest syndrome, she thinks its unlikely because its rare, and shes never seen it in her life.. but this was a horrible doc i went to see... gonna give her diagnosis/treatment the benefit of the doubt and crack on with the inhalers.... yay

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Gah, had a shiiiiiiiiiiiiit morning. Kinda filtered into the rest of the day.


I woke up with a splitting head and a tiny bit of a sore throat. I carried on though and hoped it would just go away later. So, popped into the car, drove off to work, as usual.


There's a section of road which is about a minute away from the school which is essentially two long straights split up with a bend. Both sides of the road are covered with trees, fences, ditches, etc. So, no houses along there. There's no lane or road markings either, it is pretty much like somebody just built a road through the forest.


I'm driving along this road, and there's a car in the distance that I can see is in the middle of the road. It's quite narrow, and although there are no markings, people will obviously stick to their side of the road. Right? WRONG. Not this fucker. He just carries on bang in the middle.


I'm driving along thinking "ok, any second now he's going to move to his side, otherwise we're going to crash...any second now..."


He was pretty much hogging the road for himself, so I had to swerve to avoid him. In the process of doing this, I ended up going off the road. I heard a terrible sound and knew that at least one of my tyres had had it.


I limped the car to the school car park at the end of the road and looked at the damage. Driver's side as fine, the bugger hadn't touched me, but only because I had moved out of the way. No idea what he was playing it. Passenger side, though, the front tyre was flat.


So, my morning consisted of having to ring up a company to come and sort this out for me, whilst I was taking my class to a Carol Service/generally teaching in the morning. Cost me 45 quid, which isn't too bad, but still, annoyed.


Was in a complete rage this morning. Calmed down a bit now, but was so, so angry.


It was only when I spoke to a mate about it in school that I realised it could've been a lot worse. The other car could have hit me, or I could have very, very easily gone into a tree...

Edited by Fierce_LiNk
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nightwolf; yeah I have bad grinding, and probable joint issue which causes the click every time i open my jaw. my jaw structure physically clicks in and out of place. Has done for years. Orthodontist said I could have ridges in the structure of my jaw joints thats making it worse. Doesn't bother me that much, bit of a party trick as she said :p
I think my jaws been doing something like that for a [good] while now... it only happens when I eat and not all the time, but sometimes my jaw will click pretty loudly (I'd say it locks, but that's not really what it is because I move through it... which is what makes the clicking sound).
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Oh braces, I had them for like 3 years and they did me the world of good but sadly I think I'll also have to have them again soon as my bottom teeth have just gone all out of line in the last few years!


Anyhoo, today wasn't good. I found out I have to work both Christmas eve and New Years eve! I know I sound like a whiney bastard when some jobs require you to work Christmas day bu it was still bit of a downer. What's worse is that they have decided to cut my hours after Christmas by more than half.


Bah! Spare time, we meet again.

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bugger it to hell, the government is talking about bringing back prescription charges...



*dies a little inside*


Here in England it's a flat-rate charge of £7.40 per month/2 month order, for brand new super expensive drugs or patent-free cheap ones (like I take). It's not a bad system, in my opinion - £7.40 isn't exactly going to break the bank, but it allows the NHS to not have to spend quite so much on expensive medications.

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