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bad stuff thread.


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Sorry to hear about your nan Serebii, hope she makes a full recovery.

Thanks. Unfortunately, it's not looking likely.


She can no longer move any part of her body and she's been starting to stop being able to speak English (she moved from Belgium after the war). She's in a lot of pain and actually thought she had died. She started talking to her mum and dad at one point.


I think this may be it :(

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One of my cats just died...


We found her on our driveway, dad thought she was sleeping.

Her body was still warm. We don't know what happened. ='(




These were our cats. Now only the one on the far right is left with us. She's the sister of the black one, who died today...


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Sorry to hear that Serebii and MadDog. My grandma has also just gone into hospital. She really didn't look good....she had a fall and broke her hip, I was imagining going in there and cracking a little "Young woman by your description has been spotted terrorising ward 6" kind of thing, but wasn't at all appropriate. My family seem to undersell things sometimes (I was informed in a fairly undramatic fashion).


Sorry to hear about your cat Eenuh. Bad thread is sad/ :(.

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aww noooo ine :( thats awful :( I saw your post on facebook and was like..... aw kitteh! yay! but then I came here and saw this (in english lol) and my face dropped D: *lots of hugs*


do you think you'll ever find out what happened? I take it the cat wasn't run over or anything?


No clue. She had no wounds or anything, and where she was laying she couldn't have been hit by any other car but ours (which I doubt is what happened). I'm clueless really, she was still fit, 12 years old.


Dad thinks maybe she got hit by a bicycle or bike on the road (cars can't go through) and still made her way up the driveway, but again no wounds at all... =(

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I hope it all gets better quickly :(


I have a teammate in one of my classes who has done nothing all year. The report is due on Friday and she has nothing done. The thing is I knew she would do this from last year and didn't give her anything important so I can do it myself (in fact I gave her something very easy, to see if she'd bother herself), I am just annoyed that she will pass the course just from the rest of us doing our bit. Now that it is nearly due, after not going to a class all year, she is suddenly in depression mode and I have to help and all the rest of it.

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Well you don't know why she is acting the way she is. You can assume she is lazy because of her behaviour, this is a common western construct. But most of the time it is outside factors that cause such behaviour. So instead of thinking, she has done no work and should fail, I have done work and shouldn't have to bother with her, you might want to talk to her and see why she hasn't done the work, and help her if you can. I don't think that's a reason not to help someone. As long as helping her doesn't get in the way of your work, but as you say she has the "easy" job.

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Well you don't know why she is acting the way she is. You can assume she is lazy because of her behaviour, this is a common western construct. But most of the time it is outside factors that cause such behaviour. So instead of thinking, she has done no work and should fail, I have done work and shouldn't have to bother with her, you might want to talk to her and see why she hasn't done the work, and help her if you can. I don't think that's a reason not to help someone. As long as helping her doesn't get in the way of your work, but as you say she has the "easy" job.


She hasn't turned up to a class all year and will pass having done no work before today. I told her several times in the past few weeks to do something and she now suddenly wants to do it 3 days before the deadline (team project worth 75%, my cynical side makes me think she picked this class for a reason).


If she had extenuating circumstances she would say them to the college. I didn't say I wouldn't help either, I already helped her get started and do some basics today, but she is so far behind in everything and is clueless as to the information required to make statements about an application's performance... I am still hoping to get some graphs out of her but any data she made would be without knowing her environment, and therefore useless. There is helping and there is being used.

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How is that specifically a 'western' construct?

The typical western view is that the behaviour tells us something about what kind of person that person is, and the eastern view looks at it from what brought the person to do this.


I haven't actually looked at the study directly and so I'm trusting what my lecturer said, but can look for it if necessary.

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