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  Paj! said:
At DJ Society (hey gurl hey I'm'a learn to spin yo) tonight my ear piercing started bleeding. Kept spotting/bleeding lightly for about an hour after that, and so i just kinda lightly held tissue to it until it stopped. Just been cleaning it as I would normally (with extra effort), and had to pick off the congealed blood, but it's left a black sheen of dried blood on the silver stud. I feel shitty. Apparently new piercings bleed all the time? I'm not worried or anything, it just looks manky. And I HATE how much I've HAD to touch it despite being told not to.



Bleeding is very normal.... you have just punched/pierced a hole in the skin... I pierced my ears myself and bled all over the place... minor knocks can start it off, or poking at it unneccesarily, as well as the piercing process. Don't touch it, just soak it in warm water with a small amount of salt in it. Helps the healing process. Also yellow and or orange gunk is normal. :)


I touched it TONNES as I had to pick off the congealed blood. I couldn't go out like that. It's fine now. Yeah, I read/was told that it's completely normal, just not very nice. :(

Posted (edited)

soak it then remove gunk with kitchen paper :) Oh yeah and DO NOT overclean as this will annoy the skin too lol


Piercings are all very well and good but you really do have to have patience with them at the beginning, they are messy and there's not an awful lot you can do about it :p


I've been thinking about getting another piercing but I tend to have really bad reactions (cauliflower ear) so i'm a bit scared =P




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Edited by Raining_again

Failing miserably at this presentation thing. It's at 1pm in Southampton, in 9 hours. I still need to finish it, finish my folder, sleep, get to Southampton and come up with excuses as to why my folder is incomplete (hint: our Deputy is currently suspended pending a lack of management control investigation and my manager runs the region).


Sort of been set up to fail, wish my mentor had more time to look at my folder and actually helped me out instead of assuring me it'd all be okay.

Posted (edited)
  Dyson said:
Failing miserably at this presentation thing. It's at 1pm in Southampton, in 9 hours. I still need to finish it, finish my folder, sleep, get to Southampton and come up with excuses as to why my folder is incomplete (hint: our Deputy is currently suspended pending a lack of management control investigation and my manager runs the region).


Sort of been set up to fail, wish my mentor had more time to look at my folder and actually helped me out instead of assuring me it'd all be okay.


Who is your presentation with? Your RM(/Manager it seems) and supervisor?


Don't be bitchy about it ("well the reason I haven't done this is because the DM is off") but focus on the positive. "When I have run the store alone I have achieved x,y,z", even if it's just "met targets for myself, the store and staff" it should placate. If they bring up why things are missing in the folder try your best at justifying that you've done it but you don't have the documentary evidence to hand yet. Hell, by the sounds of the situation you've run the store more times than needed right? So big that up.


In my honest opinion, knowing only what you've told me, unless you go in their and cockslap them I think you'll be okay. Yes they gear it up as "you could lose out on this promotion!" but look at it from their POV - the manager is obviously busy doing RM stuff, the DM isn't there at the moment so they kind of need you to run the store. It's abusing you but sometimes you gotta ride. Skirt over the missed things and focus on how great you've been doing in the store (interpersonally and economically) and it should be okay.


Coincidentally I was talking about mine yesterday to a colleague. The day before I was due to do it I got a phone call saying "oh we've moved it to Ricoh" (Coventry, on the outskirts) so I had to get a lift from my supervisor/RM's butt monkey. It was hell. At the start they disappeared and knew I had a lot of stuff with me and asked me to bring them coffees, which I had to pay for (not like you earn £50k or so!) and juggle them up stairs with all my stuff. Dragged it out until about 3pm (from 9am) then said "either you can stay and help us close the store or you can find your own way home". 3 hours and a bus, two trains, a walk and another train later I did.


Aaaaaaanyway good luck! Just try and be calm and think about how awesome and important you are for the store!

Edited by Ashley

It's with our DDM and Training Co-ordinator for the region - both of whom I've met and get on with - unluckily for me my Manager is not gonna be there :heh:


It'll probably be okay. I'm missing loads of stuff from my folder but I have a fairly solid presentation after 8 or 9 hours solid work on it (despite us failing to hit our attach rate during my project - lol whoops) so I'm feeling more confident than I was.


Now to get 3 hours sleep before I have to wake up.


DDM and Training Co-ordinator? Pff. It's not like they do any work themselves!


Don't worry so much about the targets just blag it. The only reason I hit mine (Gamecare) was because it was during the PS3 launch. And I think the fact we had a snappy logo ("If your warranty's extended your console gets mended") helped.

Posted (edited)

The wireless adapter of my laptop died. Time to hassle Dell for a replacement/repairs/SOMETHING. I hate being so dependent on technology. If it doesn't get fixed quickly, I'll have to start using my 4+ year-old laptop again, which ironically is working fine and has never experienced a blue screen. While this one is about 50 days old, and troubleshooting/resetting the wireless adapter results in a blue screen sometimes.

Edited by EddieColeslaw

I don't know how hard it is for some people to answer a simple question related to their job.


I've asked this saxophone teacher how much she charges for lessons in about 5 separate emails. And every reply bluntly evades the question, she even tried arranging a first lesson which I'm unable to attend (I'll be in Turkey on holiday) but even so I'm not looking to start learning now without having been told the price. Plus I also need the money for holiday/buying Christmas presents.


Have you just asked her flat-out? "How much will the lessons be?" in an email by itself is pretty hard to avoid...


I MAY have broken my toe. Stubbed it pretty hard. Painful to touch. Got some subdermal haemotoma going on - TEH INTERNETZ say conflicting things... the US sites say GO TO DOCTOR IMMEDIATELY SO WE CAN CHARGE YOUR INSURANCE COMPANY LOADS and the NHS site says STAY AND HOME AND DO THIS SHIT WITH IT AND LEAVE US ALONE so I guess I'll just wrap it in 'gauze', ice it every now and then and walk like a sissy for 2-4 weeks - if it's broken.




Broken toe there isn't much that can be done except what you're doing anyway is there?


I didn't get the senior advisor role I wanted, it's not a majorly bad thing, I didn't expect it as there's people with more experience etc at work, but sad times! :(

  jayseven said:
Have you just asked her flat-out? "How much will the lessons be?" in an email by itself is pretty hard to avoid...


I MAY have broken my toe. Stubbed it pretty hard. Painful to touch. Got some subdermal haemotoma going on - TEH INTERNETZ say conflicting things... the US sites say GO TO DOCTOR IMMEDIATELY SO WE CAN CHARGE YOUR INSURANCE COMPANY LOADS and the NHS site says STAY AND HOME AND DO THIS SHIT WITH IT AND LEAVE US ALONE so I guess I'll just wrap it in 'gauze', ice it every now and then and walk like a sissy for 2-4 weeks - if it's broken.




Take some painkillers, should help prevent you from walking like a sissy as it were.


Broke my toe a few months back. Boy it were a killer to put up with. And all i did was slip of the top step.


  nightwolf said:
Broken toe there isn't much that can be done except what you're doing anyway is there?


I didn't get the senior advisor role I wanted, it's not a majorly bad thing, I didn't expect it as there's people with more experience etc at work, but sad times! :(


Sorry to hear of that Wolfy

  jayseven said:
Have you just asked her flat-out? "How much will the lessons be?" in an email by itself is pretty hard to avoid...

See for yourself. I've highlighted the bits where I asked incase it's so vague you may not have been able to notice it like she didn't.


  Derek said:
- Hi Alice,


I'm looking forward to start learning the saxophone within the next few months. I see you're in the Nottingham are and able to do house lessons - I live in Beeston - and was wondering what your prices are for your lessons?


Also, what is a good price on a saxophone for a beginner? I hear an Alto is the most popular choice.


Regards, Derek



  Alice said:
Hi Derek,


Thanks for the message - thats great that you want to learn the saxophone - its a great instrument and actually really quite easy to play and learn. I have moved to near Newark but teach at Hollygirt school in Nottingham every Friday and so try and do as many home lessons as I can on that day - but unfortunately I don't go there any other day.


The Alto is the most popular sax - its also the easiest to play and there is the most amount of music for you, the soprano is higher pitched and the tenor is larger and lower pitched. I would say go for an alto to start with.


They retail new at about £750 for a half decent one - however I have quite a few really good second hand ones that were that price new, and are now between £350 to £500, if you don't mind a few superficial scratches...they also keep their second hand value at that where as new ones depreciate like cars! I am a qualified repairer too so I can give them a service for you every year.


If Friday is a problem then the other alternative is to have a monthly lesson here (near Newark) if that is a possibility. I have the majority of my old pupils from Nottingham who now come to me but obviously less regularly due to the drive.


Anything else - feel free to call me on XXXXXXXXXXX


Many thanks




  Derek said:
Hi Alice,


Thanks for the speedy reply. So you would be unable to give a house lesson in Beeston? Fair enough, how much are these lessons at Hollygirt School/the monthly lessons?


Regards, Derek


  Alice said:
Hi Derek..I can do lessons but only on a friday..is that any good?


  Derek said:
Hi Alice,


At present Fridays are fine for me, since I work other days of the week.


Regards, Derek


  Alice said:
Hi Derek,


I'm sorry, I sent you a message from my mobile on Friday but I don't think that it actually sent to you.


How about friday 11th November at 11am, as its half term now for Hollygirt, thats about the first week I can do. If you are happy with the lesson we can continue on a fortnightly basis. I can bring a saxophone for you to borrow for the lesson and leave it with you to hire if you'd like too.


Please feel free to text/call me on XXXXXXXXXXX.


Many thanks




  Derek said:
Hi Alice,


I won't be able to make the 11th as I'll be in Turkey on holiday. Actually I'm hoping to start learning beginning of next year so at the moment I'm just looking at who tutors locally. How much are your lessons?


Regards, Derek


  Alice said:
Ok, no problem. Lessons are £30 per hour. I can't promise that fridays will still be free next year...I seem to be getting very busy at present.


Many thanks




Three times really is the charm.

I don't know how hard it is for some people to answer a simple question related to their job.


I've asked this saxophone teacher how much she charges for lessons in about 5 separate emails. And every reply bluntly evades the question, she even tried arranging a first lesson which I'm unable to attend (I'll be in Turkey on holiday) but even so I'm not looking to start learning now without having been told the price. Plus I also need the money for holiday/buying Christmas presents.


We don't tell people the cost of swimming lessons over email because they just see the price and run. If you can talk to the person on the phone we give them the price because we can give them an effective sales pitch as well.


Giving a price over email is last resort only if we can't get them on the phone.


Had a the feeling of the onset of one of my inertia-moods today. I went to DJ Society but wasn't feeling the idea (despite meeting several of the main members at a party last night and getting on well with them) and the door into the Penrhyn building was closed. Felt like a metaphor or 'Don't bother.'


My new things is taking advantage of opportunities, but then having the decisiveness to say "I won't do this today." when it isn't borne of a feeling of nervousness or laziness is as much of a thing, so it's fine. Like, Chair and I were talking yesterday about if it's better to let go of having something, or to never have had something? The answer could seem obvious, like the famous phrase 'better to have loved and lost, than never have loved at all', but then if your disposition in life allows you to just deal, you might shift between the two how do I end this sentence?


Anyway instead I worked on my ideas in a sunny park, then got home and realised I should've just been watching Jan Svankmajer films the entire time. I was cleft to my centre. A friend is coming round tonight to seal my halves together again though.


[/listening to YS by Joanna Newsom]

Well that was educational. If I wanted a sales pitch forced on me I'd go to Games Workshop or PC World.


One of the geeks at Games Workshop in Oxford (who was actually quite a nice guy) disapproved of me telling him that I was going to paint a Space Marine "horrific pink". It looked like I had broken his heart.


It was like he was having a stoke but instead of the whole normal/droopy divide, it was a divide between giving a bullshit sales speech and breaking in to the biggest nerd rage fit since the latest Star Wars re-release.


I think next time I might go in with a tin of car paint from Halfords and ask if it will work on their "toys".

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