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bad stuff thread.


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I just know that either my holiday will be cancelled or i'll end up in birmingham a&e on my holiday.... would be just typical.... I looked it up online (maybe a bad idea) but if it gets into the nerves of my eye i'll have to be put on intravenous antibiotics... god love anyone who has to try and get a line into my blood because my veins are knackered lol


I should really start playing the lottery.... the amount of misfortune I've had is 1 in a million so maybe the same rule applies :p

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Was woken up early this morning to work in place of my sister, who slept in. I wasn't really roused until my dad told me that the daughter of a lady at work died last night. I don't have any particular feeling towards her, but she was barely 20 and left behind three young kids. My parents are pretty shaken as they've known her before I was born, and I in turn am shaken by their shakenness. I have to leave in a few hours to back to uni too. tl;dr I'm not quite sad, but I feel really bad for everyone who's left behind, and my parents' mood and messed-up work schedule, since I can't stay and help. :/

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My neck hurrtttts. I dunno what the fuck is wrong with it. Every time I wake up, it's always sore, particularly on the back of the neck. I notice it more when I try to look down or look to the left.


I've not eaten chocolate in maybe a month, so I'm tempted to go get a massive bar of Dairy Milk to cheer me up.

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Was woken up early this morning to work in place of my sister, who slept in. I wasn't really roused until my dad told me that the daughter of a lady at work died last night. I don't have any particular feeling towards her, but she was barely 20 and left behind three young kids. My parents are pretty shaken as they've known her before I was born, and I in turn am shaken by their shakenness. I have to leave in a few hours to back to uni too. tl;dr I'm not quite sad, but I feel really bad for everyone who's left behind, and my parents' mood and messed-up work schedule, since I can't stay and help. :/


That's a whole lot of shaking going on...




Feel for you.

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So angry.


I sold my two year old Mac Mini (including mouse, keyboard and remote) to someone on eBay.


They sent me a question the next day saying that it worked fine at first and then they tried to update it and now it's giving them a grey screen on start up (grey screen of death, easy to fix, well documented).


Problem is that the person isn't a "Mac guy" and can't fix it.


They basically said they want me to pay £50 to a "friend" to fix it or they want a refund.


My counter-claim was that they did something to it and they therefore "broke" it.


They have then done a little "eBay case" saying that it broke immediately and that I should "stop playing a game" and admit it was broken.


So fucking annoyed.


I really hope eBay side with me.


Here's my counter-claim, if anyone could read it and give a tip I'd be grateful.


As stated in my listings, the item was fully checked and in working condition; both software and hardware wise. The item was packaged well and sent quickly with a reputable courier and met the buyers expectations.


The buyer has said themselves that the item worked completely fine when they first used it, with no complaints what-so-ever. The buyer, having stated lack of experience and knowledge of Apple computers, proceeded to perform some kind of operating system update (themselves being unspecific as to what it was), restarting the Mac Mini and being presented with some kind of situation that they're unable to resolve.


Having had this described in a message I offered some basic support, as well as directing them to an official knowledge base article on the Apple website. The user was unable to resolve the issue himself and asked me to either pay £50 for a friend of his to fix it or for a full refund.


I explained that the item was working fully when sent and that the unknown operation performed by the user was not something I was involved in and could not be responsible for. I do not feel I should have to pay someone for any kind of repair or accept a return based on neglect.


As stated in my listing, I wrote: " I am not responsible for any damage at the hands of the user..."


I feel that any problem the user is now facing is a direct result of the changes made by himself.


Despite the claim that the Mac Mini "broke" after immediate use, my counter-claim quite simply is that the product was fully functional and only had a problem once the user had been using it and decided to make a significant change; despite having lack of knowledge regarding the product in question.


Since the buyer filed this claim they have contacted me again stating that the Mac Mini software asked for an official update. OSX has to connect to the internet in order to ask for this: meaning the user was able to use the product and connect to the internet, as it worked completely fine.


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Yeah his very first communication was:


"Hi there thanks for sending so quickly. The mini worked at first, asked for a system update turned off then no longer works. It just says you need to restart your computer every time I turn it on. I have tried 4 times now still no luck. Not being a mac person the only way of describing the screen is like the black screen of Microsoft with code. Except it's grey.


Amy ideas?




EDIT: Counter-claim was sent.


Now have to wait for a couple of days.



Edited by Wesley
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As far as eBay goes, sometimes they don't listen to reason, paypal are much the same, do you have communication with the buyer stating that he did mention that it worked fine? If so he's screwed.




eBay seem to almost always side with the buyer unfortunately. Make sure you remove your payment details from eBay ASAP so if they do issue an automatic refund to the buyer no money can be taken from your account. Remove your credit card from PayPal and the link between PayPal/eBay to be on the safe side.


eBay could side with you but it isn't worth the risk of eBay taking money from you automatically and not having the Mac back.

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He obviously didn't realise that most apple products practically shut down without updates, my itunes is a nice example of that.


Really? I haven't updated my iTunes in about a year now (I click no every time it asks as it only ever seems to add features my iPod doesn't use) and it still works fine.

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This is more of a 'not bad but also not good/not good but also not bad' thing, but I'll put it here.


Basically I hate that I have no nice clothes*


*overstatement, but it's like, 10% of my clothes/less are clothes I'd wear 'on a night out' or 'to look nice'. The rest are all just 'I don't care/scruffy', but not even necessarily nice-scruffy, and I'm so sick of it. I have actually lost weight since this time last year (looking at photos of myself then is ugh x12 over cringe) and can wear nice clothes without looking at the 'fat guy in a cardigan' and thinking I look a bit like him. So yeah I need nice clothes. I seemed to have no money last month for some reason (I bought a nice blazer/jacket for £20 and some trousers for £15, some how the rest was taken up with bus fares...), but I'll get more when I'm back in London in a week or so.


I've sorted my t-shirts into 'no-opinion', 'have something to tell me', and 'my official wardrobe'.


I need to shrink the majority of my trousers as 36 is too big for me now...if that fails buy new ones.


But I'm in the mood for customising. I need to tear into my too big jeans and make joke shorts or something. And turn several old shit t-shirts into something great. I'm so in the mood. I need a haircut and dye and then to finally get my piercing/tattoo and just deal with life and image. I feel like Quentin Quire, only with less of an ideal behind all I do.


But yeah I'm kinda over like...'body issues'/I never had 'body issues' - that's really offensive to people who actually suffer from serious illnesses - I spent yesterday morning in just my pants, covered head to toe in gold body paint in front of mostly strangers, then had to go outside like that (don't ask...). And I realised I'd never actually done something like that before.


I'm such a art student-fail. But all that will change. I'm fighting the Anti-Life Equation as we speak.

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eBay seem to almost always side with the buyer unfortunately. Make sure you remove your payment details from eBay ASAP so if they do issue an automatic refund to the buyer no money can be taken from your account. Remove your credit card from PayPal and the link between PayPal/eBay to be on the safe side.


eBay could side with you but it isn't worth the risk of eBay taking money from you automatically and not having the Mac back.


eBay have frozen my PayPal account and all sorts of other stuff.


I don't wanna get into "trouble" with eBay, etc.


I feel that his case of, "it stopped working" and my 2000 word account of what actually happened will go in my favour.




Man I hate that guy right now.

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If eBay force you to refund the money, go to a higher authority (trading standards or whatever). Fuck them as hard as you can. The guy has bought an item from you, broken it and then left you with the problem, if he even returns the item at all. Don't just settle for whatever eBay decides.

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I think I might give up on eBay.


This is twice now I've sold a technical product and the person buying it has been a spoon.


(Although the first time it was a motherboard not working, it genuinely may have broke in the post and I gave a refund for it back).


Well, the buyer won that case.




So I've actually lost a fiver (cost a bit extra to deliver with insurance than I thought it would) and now I have a "broken Mac".


At best I have to fix it myself and re-list.


That guy is such a fucking cunt.

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It's not a laptop.


Which makes me think you probably didn't read it all and therefore don't fully understand what happened.


How about if you put the time and effort into listing a product, formatting and cleaning the product, spending extra money that wasn't covered by the buyer in postage, spending time and effort in packaging and shipping (having to ask a family member to take a day off work to be at home for a collection) and then having someone go, "WHOOPS I'M A 'TARD!" and ask for their money back?


I mean, at WORST what has happened is that I sold someone a device that worked flawlessly and they have ACTUALLY broken it.


They could have ACTUALLY dropped it and are now claiming that it was an update.


At BEST I now have to go through all that effort again and spend the time fixing the problem and then having to reformat and clean AGAIN (because the user obviously went through the starting process and now has a fecking account).

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When you get your Mac back, and it works / you get it working again, can you complain to ebay and get a refund on the extra postage it cost you?


Also, I’m no Mac guy either, but out of curiosity, what is that GSOD? What would the buyer have to do in order to “fix†it? Although I was favouring you in this argument, I must admit that it would be strange if something stopped working “after a simple updateâ€.

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I read it all, even the spoilered bit, just assumed a mac mini was a laptop. Which I now see it isn't.


If all he has done is press ok on the update, then I understand his frustration. But it's true that he could have just dropped it.


If I had bought it from a shop and it broke after an update I would storm back in and ask for my money back.

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As soon as you switch it on it doesn't just say, "Hey update me!".


He said in his very first message that he used it for the first time and it worked fine, and then after using it he updated it and after restarting it it had GSOD.


It was working!


Also here's information about it: http://support.apple.com/kb/TS2570


I'll get it back and it will be filled with porridge.

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