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I used to have classes that lasted til 9pm. It was a right nightmare.


Suck it up. :laughing:


Well, somes nights I'm gonna be home for maybe 2 hours, then back out again to train and/or coach trampolining, which is admittedly my own choice but doesn't leave a whole load of time for doing my coursework...think those 1 hour breaks that I have each day are going to be working lunches :laughing:

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Oh well, what was the point of choice. We were finally given dates for when we can go to cust-ops, which is the next stage from the phones. Best thing was, we were allowed to choose when to go up. Starting on the week beginning 12th September right up until the week beginning 3rd October. I initially chose the 19th September as i knew everyone would pick the 12th, as most people hate listening to whining moaning people who just want free money. It was confirmed i'd go on the 19th.............. until yesterday.


It was cancelled and i was put on the 3rd October to go to training, which is crap. What was the point of choice if i wasn't going to get the choice. I asked my boss why i was put on the 3rd, expecting the answer to be "we ran out of spaces". But it wasn't that answer, it was basically "I can't be asked to do my job anymore, so you'll go up when i can be asked to sort things out". I'm not the only one being messed around, 4 others in my team are having the same treatment.

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Not fitting in with the girls in my college class as well as i'd hoped. Think they're arranging doing stuff together outside of college already, and today i went to the supermarket after class and a group of them were in there shopping together. I felt kinda loserish in there by myself with my little basket.




Oh well...

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Failed my second driving test.


Wasn't like..assuming I'd pass, but I was more positive than I was a week ago.


Worse part is..it was the EASIEST test ever. The exact route I'd been practicing on, the ONLY manouever/manouver was TURN IN THE ROAD. Like...I was clapping. And nothing arose like obvious fail situations. I just got 2 serious faults - 1 for being too close to parked cars (when? Usually I'm aware of it when I am) and I went left on a roundabout when someone was coming. TBF I saw him, but he wasnt actually ON the roundabout when I got on it, he was still at his junction, edging foward. But yeeeeeah I get that.


THEN I MESSED UP THE EMERGENCY STOP. The manuva all the others laugh at cause it's shitty. But that was just a minor appaz so you deal.


Ugh. 5 minors. Loving life as a great driver. 2 seriousz - go straight to hell.


At least the driving test is a really pleasant experience, like the examiners are always overly nice to you. Makes it less *grips steering wheel/sweats*. UGH and I'm going back to uni before I can do another test probably so once again I have to wait ages before another test. NOT a year this time.


Blah. I don't even care. I can drive. I just want this annoying weight off my shoulders. I'm so scared of the road and other cars I'm hardly going to endanger anyone. I don't even want to drive, I go to uni in London.

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One time, in my first year, I had days where I was in at 9 for a one hour lecture, then back in at 4 for a 2 hour lab.


It killed the day :(


To top it off we had that the next year, we had last year on mondays class between 6 and 9pm (depending on the classes as there were two) and nothing before that, it was a bit of a mess, uni can be such a pain!

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I was meant to be playing football now with some friends. It's much needed exercise, a loved hobby that I haven't done for well over a year, and some friends that I haven't seen for ages. But I can't because my dad threw my trainers away. Trainers that had barely been worn. He recently decided to clear out the shoe cupboard of some old shoes. I stood next to him and told him which shoes he could and could not throw away. I specifically remember him getting my trainers out and me (obviously) telling him not to throw them out. But him being the thick as pig shit, unwilling to ever listen, idiot that he is, decided to throw them out anyway. But the thing that pisses me off most, is that he's never able to admit that he's wrong. All the time whilst we were searching through the house, he just said angrily "I only threw away the shoes that you told me to." WELL OBVIOUSLY NOT YOU STUBBORN PRICK!!!


God he pisses me off so much. He'll never admit that he's wrong or apologise. I don't think I've ever heard him truly apologise (other than a casual "oh sorry"). And it's certainly not through lack of necessity.


I'm seriously pissed off right now. I was in a great mood and now I feel like crying with rage and putting my fist through the nearest object.

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Regarding what I mentioned in my last post, the professor finally got back to me about my grade. Apparently "The grade spreadsheet was corrupted as it was entered." I'm thinking that translates to the TA who was supposed to be entering the grades did it wrong. But who knows. Ended up with an A.

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Not fitting in with the girls in my college class as well as i'd hoped. Think they're arranging doing stuff together outside of college already, and today i went to the supermarket after class and a group of them were in there shopping together. I felt kinda loserish in there by myself with my little basket.




Oh well...


Which college do you go to, Pancake? If you've only just started then don't worry about it! The people you hang about with at the start of it are very rarely the same ones you hang about with by the end!

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My schedule for the coming semester:




On the days that I don't finish uni at 5, I've got training at 6 or 7. Saturdays are technically free, but I'm away doing something in a different city 80% of weekends, and on the ones that I'm not I'll be training for 6 hours on the Sunday.


Starting to wonder about my decision to do the more difficult degree that necessitates a 5-hour-per-week optional unit...


Just because I feel like I didn't get enough sympathy for this; I just counted, and there are 15 Saturdays between now and Christmas. I have plans for 14 of those Saturdays.


On Sundays I get up at 8.30 and am coaching 9 year olds at 10am.



Except in my life, "Enough Sleep" is replaced by "Trampolining". Sleep isn't even on the graph.

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You realise you'll not really get much sympathy regardless? There's a ton of people who work ridiculous hours, specially whilst doing education at the same time. :P


Besides, doing nothing is BORING, I get so fed up when my days aren't filled with nothing.




But no, I think it's one of those things you should expect with education, as it is I'm sure you'll be alright dude!

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Just because I feel like I didn't get enough sympathy for this; I just counted, and there are 15 Saturdays between now and Christmas. I have plans for 14 of those Saturdays.


On Sundays I get up at 8.30 and am coaching 9 year olds at 10am.

I have plans for every Saturday until Christmas. Up at 5:30... Should probably try to sleep now, but there's some kids nearby making some noise.


But I have a few days off during the week so it levels out nicely.

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Because it's a good film while garbage like Hannah Montanna isn't? :p


Walked into that oldtrap. LULZ. I don't claim Hannah Montana to be good though I just enjoy it. Like my favourite film I've seen this year is The Smurfs.


In reality it is absolute garbage. :) (like The Inbetweeners olololololololol.)


The dancing scene is funneh but lacks bunneh. :D


The cinema was oddly silent through the film with this kind of feel that when a "joke" was said that no one really found it funny but because it was the Inbetweeners they felt like they should be laughing resulting in this confused affect/effect of muffled laughter. I was expecting more gut spewing laughter from the chuffins at the back at least.


8.1 really? Not that I listen to IMDB anyway, just surprised it is that high. That is as high as a genuinely good movie. People get too excited about movies these days like everything is the next greatest film.



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One of my uncles died last night. He'd been ill for the last month or two, but in the last week or so they had found cancer that had spread all over his body. It all happened so fast, such a shock. He was only 63. No way did he deserve to die so young.


Sorry to hear that dude. You're absolutely right its no age. :(

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I've got a bad eye infection.... urgent care doc was nearly about to send me to the specialist eye hospital but I insisted my eyes are normally like that! (they don't work in synch ever thanks to squint/squint surgery) so I've been given anti biotics and eye drops. I feel generally pretty poor, my lungs feel inflammed and sore, i've got a weird plasma scab inside my ear and an ulcer in my nose... Yaaay I feel great lol.


Supposed to be going on holiday on monday but met office has issued an orange warning for monday morning so we might not even get flying.....again (last time was an ash cloud!!)


starting to think i'm cursed!

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