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bad stuff thread.


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Seems a bit contradictory...


no birthday thread zomg/don't want forum to take over my life... er.




A lot of us are actually friends in real life, or have met on occasions so it is important to some of us!


t'internet is just another form of communication... dunno why everyone shits themselves as if its like a pretend fantasy or smth..


Thanked for agreement with the quoted.


Besides, I never really put much importance on remembering birthdays. I don't expect of people to remember when my birthday is - why should people go around and struggle to remember a butt-load of practically arbitrary dates in their heads? It's not a measure of true friendship in my head.

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Thanked for agreement with the quoted.


Besides, I never really put much importance on remembering birthdays. I don't expect of people to remember when my birthday is - why should people go around and struggle to remember a butt-load of practically arbitrary dates in their heads? It's not a measure of true friendship in my head.


yeah if you have to rely on one day a year for a "friend" to acknowledge your existence... its not really a great friendship :p

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My PC is being broken or whatever. It did a system dump this morning then when I got home after about 30 minuts it turned itself off, restarted and then said "Auto startup windows problem repair" or whatever it was.


It finally did something a second ago in saying that it didnt know the problem....but gave me options. I chose system restore. how often does system restore work? its just rrestarting now....oh good still doing the shitty "Your computer was unable to start"





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My PC is being broken or whatever. It did a system dump this morning then when I got home after about 30 minuts it turned itself off, restarted and then said "Auto startup windows problem repair" or whatever it was.


It finally did something a second ago in saying that it didnt know the problem....but gave me options. I chose system restore. how often does system restore work? its just rrestarting now....oh good still doing the shitty "Your computer was unable to start"






Hit it!!.


Na, kidding ya. You got the recovery disks??.

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Windows 7.



I just....am so not amused. I specifically....specifically bloody paid shit tonnes for this PC so it lasted for a while and didnt have any problems and had power in excess of what I needed. Buying expensive stuff GUARANTEES that it will break soon. In 8 months my three most expensive things have fudged. So not funny. Pokemafias and porn are potential big casualties.

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I found out yesterday that one of my close friends (a teaching assistant who works with my class) died of breast cancer. She was given three weeks to live, but she managed to hold on for just a bit longer.


It's horrible. She's only 41 and has three kids, two of which I see all the time in school. The youngest is 9 years old. It hasn't really sunk in yet that she's gone. Her funeral is next Wednesday. I'm so grateful that I got a chance to see her one last time before she died.

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I found out yesterday that one of my close friends (a teaching assistant who works with my class) died of breast cancer. She was given three weeks to live, but she managed to hold on for just a bit longer.


It's horrible. She's only 41 and has three kids, two of which I see all the time in school. The youngest is 9 years old. It hasn't really sunk in yet that she's gone. Her funeral is next Wednesday. I'm so grateful that I got a chance to see her one last time before she died.

That really sucks bud. I'm sorry :/


So my usual order place for Japanese games had a cockup with their shipment and wont be getting the game til next week leaving my high and dry for game coverage for this one. Had to order elsewhere but it wont arrive until Monday or Tuesday at the earliest :/

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On Thursday I had my wisdom teeth removed. The various drugs I've been on since, as well as the fact that its difficult to eat right now are really starting to screw me up. At first I was on Tylenol 3, which actually felt not bad, but as it contains caffeine, I ended up having to switch to extra strength Advil to actually get to sleep. The Advil is basically making it so I can't concentrate on anything. If i start trying to play a game for instance, I just end up getting bored and quitting a few minutes latter. It also seems to be messing with my short term memory, and making me drowsy. I can't wait to get off of this stuff, but that could take quite some time. Perhaps on the bright side, I've managed to concentrate on the various coding projects I've been working on to work out a few bugs in them. On a somewhat related note I might actually start releasing that basic game programming tutorial on here that I was talking about a few months back, as now that the summer course I was taking is over, I've got a bit more time on my hands.


TL;DR: Extra strength Advil is terrible.

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My neighbor (who is getting on in life) was taken to hospital about a week ago. Proper ambulance type affair.


Found out today that he had an eye infection (amongst other things). He's had one eye removed and the infection has spread to the other. Horrible stuff. He is a pensioner, but still works as a freelance gardener. Or worked, as the case now stands. I really hope his other eye doesn't have to be removed. I really can't comprehend how bad it must be to be become blind after 80 odd years of sight.


He's always been quite private and independent, but generally really nice. He had his van broken into and all his gardening tools stolen about 6 months ago too. Poor bloke. We're looking after his house and trying to organise things between his family and the hospital.


Also found out that he has a gun licence and several guns in his house. All legal, but it's still surprising! We're currently arranging for the Police to come and collect them, as he's requested it since he won't be able to use them anymore. Although I've no idea what he used them for anyway to be honest.

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Jesus thats horrible. Staggeringly only 5 people killed. Its sad seeing the people at the front who (I assume) don't realise the stage is falling.

That's a Final Destination type of accident. Glad it was only 5 people, seemed like way more from the video.

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Well I've just been massively slandered/libeled. I'm talking of a magnitude where unless I get a very, very nice apology and damages I'm going to seriously fuck someone in court. I'm normally ultra-stoic about things, but this is too fucking far.

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I can't tell too much as I don't want to risk any hiccups in the legal-fucking process, but the claims are that I was drunk at work, that I was too hungover to work, that I refused to work, and I cost them money by missing work (which are all utterly false).


I'm literally speechless. I don't know whether to laugh or get massively angry.

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