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bad stuff thread.


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I like the moped idea above. Since I got my scooter I've been loving it and my transport related out goings are basically nothing.


£300 for a service? What the heck are you driving? Even the Lotus was only £230 a time.


it was £300 last time, but it is a 10 year old car.


The age of it kinda means it really needs a service... the only thing I do is top up the vitals every now and then myself, that's all I can manage :p


I don't want to service it myself, or not bother.. simply because I want a car that's half reliable. They throw in the pre mot too, which makes the chance of it failing an mot pretty minute.. no hassle having to rebook mot and pay moar money! (we have to go to the official MOT centres and its not just like you take it to your garage to get done)

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I'm just trying to finish up a paper for uni on the problems associated with censoring the news media. Its taking forever to find scholarly articles to reference in my counter thesis though. Apparently the academic community is very anti-censorship.

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i have a really bad coldy coughy thing. Woke up insane early monday morn with my eyes burning out of their sockets, then on Tuesday with what felt like a tennis ball stuck in my throat... had to prop myself up to get any more sleep so that I didn't suffocate.....


I'm pretty sure I broke the 4 hour rule thing... dosed to fuck on anything and everything I could get my hands on painkiller wise... Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr go away cold!! >=(

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I like how the implication that he's too cool for us is kind of derailed by the fact that he's only leaving because he's offended that we don't love him enough to give him a birthday thread. :heh: Anyway, seems kind of random, you don't have to put your soul into the foum to post here. You might as well stay, I and probably others thought you were a decent member, birthday thread or no, but it's up to you.

Edited by Supergrunch
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I like how the implication that he's too cool for us is kind of derailed by the fact that he's only leaving because he's offended that we don't love him enough to give him a birthday thread. :heh: Anyway, seems kind of random, you don't have to put your soul into the foum to post here. You might as well stay, I and probably others thought you were a decent member, birthday thread or no, but it's up to you.


Well he could easily just post less, or stop posting. But he chose to make a post about it, and generally when people do that it's because they want to create a big song and dance about to to try and prove that people cared about them. This is possibly supported by his lack of birthday thread.


I think it's a joke/drunken mistake anyway. As dannyboy said (re: birthday thread), it's just that nobody thought to look at the bottom of the page.

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NO birthday thread! AGAIN..!? I think I've been here long enough to warrant an acknowledgement now and then to be fair... haha oh n-europe, you keep me young :) . I think the last night convinced me that I simply can't be arsed with public forums anymore. I find that people take them overly seriously and it kinda bothered me the way Kurtle was acting before and after he was banned. Other members have mentioned similiar shit to me too. Jesus I never want to be in a position where I feel as if the people on the forum mean as much to me as people in my actual life. It couldn't happen to me anyway because I have wonderful friends.


Anyway, I think it's time for me to move on, So I'll bid you all a goodbye and god bless. It's been a fun lot of years not that anyone has noticed haha. See you guys :)


Aww come on, lots of us don't get birthday threads, is it really that important?:indeed:

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Seems a bit contradictory...


no birthday thread zomg/don't want forum to take over my life... er.




A lot of us are actually friends in real life, or have met on occasions so it is important to some of us!


t'internet is just another form of communication... dunno why everyone shits themselves as if its like a pretend fantasy or smth..


oh yeah, i forgot why I came in the thread... to complain of course!!!


I feel like crap still... had to come home from work as the aircon system was actually making me choke and/or feel like vomiting... Yuck. One massive downside to working in doctor on call office with aircon...GERMS GET EVERYWHERE. And the air is warm, horrible and stuffy from people being in there 24/7.. as well as the recycledness... so when you DO get sick, its a fucking nightmare :(


I'm having a vindaloo tonight in the hope I sweat it out :p

Edited by Raining_again
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Seems a bit contradictory...


no birthday thread zomg/don't want forum to take over my life... er.




A lot of us are actually friends in real life, or have met on occasions so it is important to some of us!


t'internet is just another form of communication... dunno why everyone shits themselves as if its like a pretend fantasy or smth..


To be fair though...



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I think it's just more likely that nobody looked at the bottom of the forum yesterday.


Maybe people didn't want to break tradition of not giving him one... running gag style.


The easiest way to avoid being annoyed at not having a birthday thread is to just hide your birthday - that way you only have yourself to blame as how are people supposed to know? And as Raining said, some people know each other away from here so we may wish each other happy birthday in other ways that don't go through the site.


Whilst I guess it is nice when people go to a little effort, it's not the be all and end all. I can count the people I care about whether they say happy birthday to me on one hand with fingers to spare. And if my birthday wasn't on FB, I bet most of my friends wouldn't know it was my birthday anyway. Hmm... I might just test that theory out.

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