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I guess maybe no one outside of China cared, but it was a pretty significant scandal in terms of the entertainment industry. Basically this guy is a singer/actor, and he sent his laptop into a computer shop for repairs. The employees discovered highly NSFW photos featuring many famous singers and actresses. Of course they got leaked, and his career went bust for a while. Think he's been trying to make a comeback recently.


So yeah...get rid of any home sex videos you have :p



Oh, everyone in China went mad over this - the pictures were banned on the internet, he had to apologise, some of the women involved tried to commit suicide. It ruined several mediocre careers.


The hilarious thing was, all the news reports were "Edison Chen, Hollywood Star"....


...he had an uncredited non speaking role as an extra in The Dark Knight. He is not a Hollywood Star.


By that logic, I'm one of Nintendo's top developers due to my uncredited role as a Beta tester for the DS.

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I have a dilemma. My graduation is on the 18th of July, but my mum booked a holiday so she can't make it. The other option is to defer my graduation to next January, which I'm less than enthusiastic about. I'm really annoyed at her right now. I know it's only a silly ceremony, but it's sort of a big deal at the same time. She really wants to be there (probably more than I do) but refuses to cancel or move the holiday. I would have much preferred to graduate in the summer with my friends. I guess I'm pretty annoyed at the University too for being horribly inflexible with the graduation dates.

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I have a dilemma. My graduation is on the 18th of July, but my mum booked a holiday so she can't make it. The other option is to defer my graduation to next January, which I'm less than enthusiastic about. I'm really annoyed at her right now. I know it's only a silly ceremony, but it's sort of a big deal at the same time. She really wants to be there (probably more than I do) but refuses to cancel or move the holiday. I would have much preferred to graduate in the summer with my friends. I guess I'm pretty annoyed at the University too for being horribly inflexible with the graduation dates.


Maybe I'm coming off as a dick here, but if she really wants to see you graduate, shouldn't she be the one to move her holiday?

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Maybe I'm coming off as a dick here, but if she really wants to see you graduate, shouldn't she be the one to move her holiday?


Agreed. Your graduation is MUCH MORE important than her holiday. It marks the culmination of several years of hard drinking and a few nights of frenzied study.

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Maybe I'm coming off as a dick here, but if she really wants to see you graduate, shouldn't she be the one to move her holiday?


When I last spoke to her about it, she said she would lose £500 by cancelling. It's not really fair of me to force her to lose money, but she should have had the foresight to not book a holiday for July.


Graduations only seem important at the time, they're really rather meaningless. Then again, they are primarily for the parents/relatives, so it makes it a bit more pointless if your mum isn't going.


Exactly. It's really more for her. Which is why I'll feel bad if I end up graduating without her.


The thing is, I don't care that much about graduation and I'll definitely care even less come January. In fact, I just find the idea of graduating in January rather soulless. It's like having your high school prom six months after you've already left.


I just want to get my certificate, get my picture taken and be done with it.

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When I last spoke to her about it, she said she would lose £500 by cancelling. It's not really fair of me to force her to lose money, but she should have had the foresight to not book a holiday for July.


And likewise, it's not really fair of her to force you to graduate six months later. I think it's the lack of thoughtfulness on her part that really gets to me. She can go on holiday whenever, and she picks the one time when you're gradutating. It's just so :blank:

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And likewise, it's not really fair of her to force you to graduate six months later. I think it's the lack of thoughtfulness on her part that really gets to me. She can go on holiday whenever, and she picks the one time when you're gradutating. It's just so :blank:


I completely agree with you. But what can I do? I'm stuck with the situation. I just hope I succeed in making her feel really guilty about it.

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I completely agree with you. But what can I do? I'm stuck with the situation. I just hope I succeed in making her feel really guilty about it.


Yeah, I know, I just wanted to voice my opinion. You know best what you should do.


Mother taken into hospital this morning with sudden vomiting. We were ment to go to a play tonight, I got the tickets and everything...oh well.


Hope she's OK.

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I have a dilemma. My graduation is on the 18th of July, but my mum booked a holiday so she can't make it. The other option is to defer my graduation to next January, which I'm less than enthusiastic about. I'm really annoyed at her right now. I know it's only a silly ceremony, but it's sort of a big deal at the same time. She really wants to be there (probably more than I do) but refuses to cancel or move the holiday. I would have much preferred to graduate in the summer with my friends. I guess I'm pretty annoyed at the University too for being horribly inflexible with the graduation dates.


Graduations only seem important at the time, they're really rather meaningless. Then again, they are primarily for the parents/relatives, so it makes it a bit more pointless if your mum isn't going.


Agreed. I told my mum I'm not bothered about mine in the slightest, which I'm not, and only going to go if she pays for it. I'd much rather just go out for a meal with my family, and then to the pub with my close friends from Uni. There are 190 people in my course, I know perhaps 30 of them, and only 10 really well.

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My graduation was boring. Sit in a cinema room, wait for your name to be announced, get a paper, shake someone's hand, go back to your place.

Oh and some boring speech from the school's head.


After that we just stood around not sure what to do, got one drink there and that's it! Graduation over. Nothing fun to it, just boring stuff. =P


And I'll probably have to repeat it again this year. Gonna tell my parents they don't have to come to it (dad will be away anyway).

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My graduation failed. I took my dad + my aunt with me. lol. Didn't really want to go, but my aunt was well pleased that I invited her. (none of her sons went to university so she had never been before!!!). Dad just wanted a picture and he used the "your mum would have been so pleased" card. Guilt Trip.


Im not going to my masters graduation (if i ever graduate). Pointless and I hate the course. My dad doesnt know it :P

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Well if we're talking about graduations...my father ruined mine. Made it all about himself as he has a tendency to do. Won't bore with the details but he was an absolute cunt that day. And also we had long boring speeches from people we didn't care about :p The honorary graduate was the worst though as he took close to 30 minutes. It felt a bit rude as we'd been working hard for three years to get our degree and he just waltzes in and makes it all about him (I know they have a reason for getting one but still, shut the fuck up dude).


This year should be better. The class is smaller (28 people, not all of whom will turn up) and my father doesn't know about it. Plus my mother, her partner and my grandparents are coming down so I'll show them around London (with my grandfather being barely mobile, my mother being afraid of the tube, bridges and lots of other things and her partner just wanting to go to tourist traps...)


So all in all yeah...graduations are all pomp and circumstance and very little trouser. Shame your mother has thrown a spanner in the works Zell.

Edited by Ashley
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My parents really want to be at my graduation in November, I'm the only one who has been to uni in the family, but hopefully, at this rate, I'll be working.


My landlord is annoying the fuck out of me, he's a nice guy, but he creeps me out, like before I switched room because this one is better, but he was all about helping me out and wants to take me out on a bike ride etc.


If it weren't for a crb check, I'd be out of here like no tomorrow.

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I lost my key on friday night. But as I was hungover yesterday I had forgotten about it. Now my housemate has gone home for the weekend and I'm stuck inside unable to leave. I'm supposed to be going home tomorrow as well.


Can you not ring the landlord..?

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Agreed. I told my mum I'm not bothered about mine in the slightest, which I'm not, and only going to go if she pays for it. I'd much rather just go out for a meal with my family, and then to the pub with my close friends from Uni. There are 190 people in my course, I know perhaps 30 of them, and only 10 really well.




I cannot be bothered to go. It means absolutely nothing to me. Why my mother wants to go is beyond me. She had very little to do with my university life but whatever floats her boat.


I really cannot be arsed.

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